The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 1000: Shura interface!

She is not a weak woman. At least, Liu Baisu never felt that he was a weak woman. On the contrary, she experienced no less life or death than Ye Xuan, but much more than Ye Xuan!

Compared to any woman, she knows what to do in times of danger.

So she never paniced in the face of danger.

She used to be a murderous sorceress. The enemies didn't know how many. It was difficult to count the one who wanted to kill her with one hand.

However, even so, she has been saved by many crises.

She lived the day licking blood on the tip of the knife.

I do n’t know when I will die, I do n’t know when I will be injured.

It was just that Liu Baisu was gone.

After walking with Ye Xuan, she said nothing when facing danger. Instead, she chose to be silent. Even if the enemy is at present, even if the crisis is in peril, she obeys Ye Xuan. As long as Ye Xuan chooses, she will obey.

All she believed was that Ye Xuan would not harm herself, it was enough!

She has not deliberately demonstrated her abilities, even if she clearly outperforms Ye Xuan on this side, she will not show it, and she is always centered on Ye Xuan.

A woman is like water, she wants to make water around Ye Xuan. She felt that she hadn't done it, but was on her way.

Now, the man was lying in front of her, she knew very well that she had to show her ability.

Now Liu Baisu's body is filled with blood mist, Dai Mei frowns, her eyes are full of coldness and deterrent murderous.

She has the name of a blood emperor.

It is not that no one has awakened for so many years, that blood emperor's name disappeared.

"Ten breaths is enough." Liu Baisu's eyes were blood red, and the blood mist had completely wrapped his body, moving quickly.

At this moment, the distant ancestral ancestor stared coldly at the front. With his cultivation, he could naturally perceive Liu Baisu within his own observation range.

When he found Liu Baisu, the ancestral ancestor sneered coldly: "A period of imagination, trying to escape? Huh, useless, just struggling. Where do you think you can escape? However, it is with me As guessed, using that trick, Ye Xuanguo was really unconscious. I believe that the last time he got the scabbard in the hands of Lord Demon Lord, it was the trick he played! "

Thinking of this, the empty demon ancestor looked at a mortal prey and chased quickly.

Time flies.

Three interest.

Five interest.

Qi Qi.

Liu Baisu could feel a strong breath behind her approaching herself. She didn't have any intention to look back, and hurriedly focused to the extreme speed. Soon, there was a purple space passage in her sight. When she saw this space passage, Liu Baisu went straight to the space passage without saying a word.

At this time, the time for the ninth breath has been reached.

"Where to go." At the same time, the voice of the ancestor of the demon sounded like a ice cave, and the voice of the boy in white suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Catch up." Hong Yun hesitated in his heart.

At this moment, when the empty demon ancestor saw Liu Baisu's direction, he frowned: "The space passage of the Shura tribe? What does she want to do?"

Until the tenth breath, Liu Baisu came to the space channel.

When he came to the space channel, Liu Baisu turned around and looked at the empty ancestor not far away.

"Damn." When the empty demon ancestor saw Liu Baisu, he stopped in front of the space passage. He said in his heart that it was not good, and he yelled, "If the body of the spiritual race cultivator, if you break into the space passage of that Shura race, you will definitely die. Do you want to die? Even if you want to die, do you still want to die with Ye Xuan? Leave the place quickly, you still have a life. "

While speaking, diverting Liu Baisu's attention, the magical spirit in the empty demon zu's hand immediately gathered into a spell and went straight to Liu Baisu.

Liu Baisu didn't hesitate at all. When he turned around and saw the empty demon ancestor, he flew into the space channel directly.

After almost a breath of effort, the boom blasted, and the magic of the ancestors blew. And Ye Xuan and Liu Baisu have already found no figure, I do n’t know where they are going!

The empty ancestor saw Ye Xuan and Liu Baisu actually entered the space channel, and their faces changed suddenly.

"Do n’t these two people really want to live? This space channel can only be entered except for the practice of surpassing the conversion period. If it is not the Shura tribe, even if they enter it, they will have to be seriously injured and enter the Shura realm because Suitable for the environment, in the case of serious injuries, it will undoubtedly die! "Empty demon ancestral teeth.

He can only be attributed to the fact that Ye Xuan and Liu Baisu were forced by their own desperation to choose to enter the space channel.

"It's a pity that the scabbard ... If I really chase into the Shura realm, I can still enter the Shura realm. But whether the scabbard can pass through the space channel and flow into the Shura realm is unknown. Even if it fell into, With my strength, when they enter the Shura realm, they will be immediately discovered by those lunatics. At that time, it will be difficult to come back, hateful! "The ancestral ancestor thought, but did not dare to chase into the Shura realm.

He is very clear that the Shura Realm is a militant group. Although it failed that year, it did not set foot in the realm of the Immortal. But it doesn't mean that Shura world didn't have this mind.

At that time, because a land fairy who surpassed the heavenly realm survived, the plan of Shura Realm was blocked. It is still unknown whether there is a land fairy in this era. If the Shura world really attacks, then the ancient dragons and phoenixes, demons, Glaciers, and spiritual people of the entire continent will have to join forces together!

And even if they join forces, whether they can withstand the attack of Shura World is still unknown.

Thinking of this, the empty demon ancestor could only bite his teeth, sighed, and gave up the idea of ​​chasing into the Shura realm.


This is a world completely different from the realm of the spiritual race. Because, weirdly, the sun and the moon coexist in this sky, the scorching sun in the east, and the full moon in the west. Therefore, the entire world is in a state where brightness and darkness are completely equal.

I don't think it's too dazzling, nor do I feel dark.

This feeling is like the twilight of the spiritual race.

Now, in the corner of this world, there is a large open field with blue flowers and grass.

A big mouth was torn in the whole space. In this mouth, a woman's appearance first appeared. She was in a **** red coat, her eyes were cold, and she tightly hugged a man tightly in her arms.

She, isn't it Liu Baisu?

Liu Baisu grabbed Ye Xuan ~ ~ Since entering the space channel, she has been holding Ye Xuan all the time. Only in this way can she feel relieved. She was afraid that if she didn't hold Ye Xuan, Ye Xuan would fly away by accident.

After all, the power of circulation in that space channel is scary!

Now, she was suspended in the air, and then fluttered to the ground, looking around in amazement, still holding an unfamiliar attitude to the world.

"The sun and the moon coexist, the sun and the moon coexist ... ha ha ha ha, it is indeed the Shura world, I have been back, how many years? How many years! I finally came back, finally came back." Purple electricity Shura burst out laughing Road, smile, it is not difficult to hear that bit of bitterness.

Liu Baisu couldn't hear the words of Zidian Shura. She didn't know where it was, and she was still confused about the world.

Now she just sits on the ground with her knees crossed, and then leaves Ye Xuan to rest on her lap, quietly waiting for Ye Xuan to wake up.

Looking at Ye Xuan's coma on his leg, Liu Baisu showed a rare smile and put his hand on Ye Xuan's face.

I don't know how long, Liu Baisu suddenly felt a black head, his consciousness gradually left, and he collapsed suddenly and fell to the place where the blue spirit grass grew.

Seen from the air, a woman in a blood suit was lying in the grass, and the man was resting on the woman's legs and slept soundly.


A thousand chapters, so happy, for the first time in my life.