The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 1005: Fierce Luo and Royal Shura!

Seeing Ye Xuan stepping into the subject directly, the female Shura didn't dare to be vague, and quickly said, "Is the senior to ask if there is a royal Shura around this area?"

Ye Xuan nodded and said, "I want to visit the royal family, and there are some important things. I also ask Sister Yunshui to help this."

"Brother Shixuan joked, and my brother wants to help, how can the younger girl have no reason to help?" This cloud water Shura smiled sweetly, heard Ye Xuan calling her sister, and immediately cast a wink at Ye Xuan.

She was curious about what Ye Xuan was looking for from the royal family Shura, but she was also very clear that this was not her business.

"..." For a while, Ye Xuan was helpless. He just called this sister of Yunshui Shura casually. After all, the Shura people didn't call the habit of friends.

Listening to Zidian Shura said that it is true that Shura's family is dominated by female Shura. She was just a little bit better than the female Shura. She hadn't said a few words to find the female Shura. The Yunshui female Shura winked at her no less than three times.

As for Shixuan, it is of course his pseudonym in this Shura clan.

Ye Xuan only pretended not to see it, and asked again: "Do you know, there is royal blood around this area?"

"This, if Brother Shixuan asked earlier, the little girl may not really know how to answer Brother Shixuan, but it happened to be the same when Brother Shixuan asked. Brother Shixuan came from afar and knew that our area was The remote area of ​​the Shura tribe. This place was used as a gathering place for attacking spiritual immortals in hundreds of thousands of years ago. Such a remote place is difficult to find even high-level Shura. Where is the blood of the royal family? All are in the Zhongdu area of ​​the Shura tribe! "Yunshui Shura smiled.

Ye Xuan was extremely uncomfortable shouted by this Yunshui Shura's brother Shixuan, and said in confusion, "What does Yunshui sister want to say?"

He also went through all sorts of investigations before investigating this Shushui Yunshui, who knew a little about the blood of the royal family.

The blood of the royal family is the supreme symbol and existence of the entire Shura family.

They have inherited the pure blood of jīng, the old ancestor of Shura, Lord of Shura, countless years ago.

This blood is extremely scarce. Every royal Shura is highly respected by ordinary Shura. Even if Shura ’s cultivation is a line higher than that of the royal blood, you must respect it when you see Shura of that royal blood.

The Shura of the royal family, although the king of the entire Shura world, never treats others with arrogance, so he is loved by the Shura world. In addition, the owner of the Shura royal family maintains the order of the Shura realm to avoid that the order of the Shura realm will not be chaotic!

These are just what Ye Xuan learned from the mouth of the purple electric Shura. After all, the purple electric Shura was a close guard of the royal Shura, and it is normal to know some of the blood of the royal Shura.

However, how many hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the purple electricity Shura once again set foot in the Shura realm, and time has changed. It is still unknown whether the current Shura royal family is the same as the previous Shura royal family.

"That's it. Has Brother Shixuan heard of the fact that in recent days, there has been a" killer "in Pingyuan City and Beiyan City?" Shushui Yunshui said with a wink.

"Ferocious? This, I have heard of some." Ye Xuan said calmly.

This fierce Luo refers to some of the Shura who did not follow the bloodline order of the royal family. These Shura often do murders and treasures, and the Shura city powers were blood washed for no reason. In short, some of the things that were done were angry with Shura Tian, ​​so they were called fierce Luo.

If you only kill people once in a while, the blood of the royal family will not be asked, after all, people do not die for their own sake, and it is normal to kill some people for their benefit.

But fierce Luo, that killing the treasure is usually not as simple as once or twice.

Yunshui Shura mentioned the murderer with a dreadful expression on his face, saying: "It is said that the murderer escaped from the Zhongdu area, but it is one of the murderers wanted by the royal family."

"The royal blood is wanted?" Ye Xuan froze.

Zidian Shulu explained: "It seems that this fierce Luo is very strong. The fierce Luo wanted and hunted by the royal blood has the lowest strength and has the most holy body. And this fierce Luo from the middle area, the royal blood eyelids Escaped from the bottom of the son, and fled to such a remote area in one breath, and that had to be repaired by the body of the demon. "

"The body of the demon?" A look of surprise appeared on Ye Xuan's face.

The body of the demon is equivalent to the cultivation of the spiritual race of the immortal.

Yunshui Shura said carefully at this time: "Yeah, this fierce Luo is terrible, otherwise where would the relationship between the north Yancheng and the far city be united? And in recent days, the predecessors who guard the city pool, even the little holy body They have all gone to guard against the murderer. "

Ye Xuan laughed absurdly. If that fierce Luo really has a body of gods and demons, let alone a small holy body, even Shura, the most holy body, cannot resist it.

"This fierce Luo is probably not bad in strength. He is also a fierce master. It seems that it is really not suitable for traveling in recent days, but what does this have to do with the blood of the royal family?" Ye Xuan looked at Yunshui Shura and asked.

Yunshui Xiuluo took a surprised look at Ye Xuan and said, "This, Shixuan's brother doesn't know? This fierce Luo escaped from the middle area, and the blood of the royal family will definitely come to hunt."

Ye Xuan suddenly realized that he patted his head, but he laughed at him unexpectedly.

"I did not know my mind for a while. However, seeing Yunshui's sister knows this Shura royal family very well, can't Sister Yunshui have seen these Shura royal families?" Ye Xuan said with blood.

Yunshui Shura glanced around, seeming to be afraid of being heard, and said truthfully: "Yes, when I went to Yao Wanshan to pick fruit, I happened to see the royal family chase down the murderer. Process. At that time, the courage of the little girl was frightened. Fortunately, the little girl was dead. The fierce Luo only ran away and did not notice the little girl, otherwise it is still unknown whether the little girl can come back. "

"Everything is over, don't worry too much about Yunshui sister." Ye Xuan gently consoled.

When Yunshui Shuluo heard Ye Xuan's consolation, he said, "As for the royal family, I only know that."

Ye Xuan touched his chin and fell into thought.

"Royal Shura came to this area after chasing and killing fierce Luo." Ye Xuan thought to himself.

"Although this opportunity is not good, it is indeed an opportunity to find the royal Shura." Zidian Shura said helplessly.

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "However, the fierce Luo was chased by the royal family Shura and did not know where it was. What's more, it seems that only the luck out of the city has to be discussed, and what the royal family used to say. And My body cultivation is that it is still unknown whether the royal clan Shura can be seen ~ ~ Although listening to the purple electricity Shura, the blood of the royal family is modest, never arrogant, at least the purple blood Shura is the blood of the royal family For so many years, the guards have never been frustrated. But what do you take to let those royal Shura lead themselves to the central area of ​​the Shura tribe?

"How does this fruit taste? Brother Shixuan can taste it if he doesn't mind." This resolved the matter, and Yunshui Shura blinked at Ye Xuan again.


How many times does this cloud water Shura stay, Ye Xuan just wants to leave, where will he stay here? A few words were polite and handed over to Vientiane Shura with a few Vientiane jade, which was considered a reward, and then got up and left.

That Yunshui Shulu saw Ye Xuan didn't feel himself, and he was unwilling to even look at himself, apparently disappointed.

Ye Xuan is really different from other male Shura.

But in the end, I saw Ye Xuan giving herself six Vientiane jade in one breath. This cloud and water Xiuluo was very happy, which was much more than the Vientiane jade she made by picking fruit.

"Although Shura is not strong, is it very interesting to you? You eat fruit and ignore others, which is too cruel." Zidian Shura swaggered.

"Don't mention the fruit." Ye Xuan said angrily.

Originally he thought the fruit tasted good, and planned to bring Liu Baisu some, but now he thinks that he doesn't feel the fruit at all.

After thinking about it for a while, Ye Xuan said, "Let's discuss how to find the royal Shura thing."