The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 250: Even break the illusion tower!

A heart as strong as a rock is the only way to avoid fear of illusion.

As soon as he entered the second floor of the Phantom Tower, Ye Xuan shook his mind. Even if he could see what the second floor was like, he was in another place. Subconsciously, Ye Xuan believes that this is not a fantasy.

This is the cleverness of the illusion tower.

Obviously, before you came in, you knew that this place was full of fantasy. But when you are in a fantasy state, you still think it is a reality.


A flash of consciousness.

Ye Xuan's eyes are already the Qingfeng Mountain and the Qingyi Mountain.


"How is it possible!" Ye Xuan's pupils contracted.

Because the hundred flower ponds in front of it have been completely destroyed, the major mansions disappeared without a trace!

The flames raged across the vast Qingfeng Mountains. The spiritual grass house in Baihuachi was completely burnt. He even saw the screams and shouts of female nuns in Baihuachi, and his master Jiang Qiao was among them!

In the Baihua Pond, a monster with a similar appearance was destroying it with impunity.



"Pool owner!"

Each monk shouted loudly that they needed Ye Xuan, which was subconscious. They need Ye Xuan's help!

"Pool owner, save us!"

A female monk in Baihuachi found Ye Xuan.

"Pool owner, save me!"

"The owner of the pool ..."

"Pool owner, save me ..."

Every sound sounded.

The female monks in the Baihuachi are now in a state of aquatic fiery, and with the change of time, more and more female monks have died. They were living, but they turned into a ball of pink skulls in the blink of an eye. Maybe, even the body Never left.

This made Ye Xuan's heart tingle for a while, who made the Baihuachi look like this!

"It's that monster!" Ye Xuan looked at the monster with an angry look.

The monster is at war with Jiang Qiao.

However, Jiang Qiao fell into the downwind and was already scarred.

This monster is strong!

When Ye Xuan saw this, he said nothing, and stepped out to prepare to enter the Qingyi Mountain. He wanted to save the female monk in Baihuachi. He couldn't save himself from death!

Step by step!

In a few simple steps, he has already approached the Baihuachi.

With just one final step, he can step over Qingyi Mountain and enter the flower pond.

However, at this step, he stopped.

The foot stayed in the air, it never fell, and the cry of the nun of the Baihuachi resounded in his ear. This voice seemed to urge him to fall and step into the Baihuachi completely.

"No!" Ye Xuan frowned.

"Much like it!"

Ye Xuan looked at everything in Baihuachi.

Everything seems real.

There is nothing wrong with the appearance of the female monks in Baihuachi, their personality, and their manners!

"This second level of illusion takes my heart as the weakness and permeates everything!" Ye Xuan shook his head and said, "What am I afraid of? This illusion is what will appear. I am determined, but not cold-blooded and heartless. The pool is in trouble, how can I ignore it? "

"It just fancy it!"

"But I'm clear-minded! I can recognize illusory and reality!"

"I want to use my Baihuachi to break through my weakness, **** it!" Ye Xuan gritted his teeth.


Ye Xuan waved.

And the next moment, the explosion of this illusory world became fragmented.

Even Ye Xuan was almost blinded by this. If he had a little slack, he would be caught in the void by the illusion.

"If I had just taken that step and entered the hundred flower ponds, I would be completely integrated into the illusion, and I no longer think of it as a illusion, then I would have failed completely. Breaking through this illusion tower, my will and heart are really lacking No! "Sweat dripped from Ye Xuan's forehead.

Really, at least not care. With a little bit of care and not being calm, he has failed now.

"Illusions are pervasive!" Ye Xuanan thought to himself, and said, "Whatever I am afraid of, they will illuminate. The illusion is completely based on my heart. Otherwise, this illusion would not be so real. world!"

Thinking of just now, he was a little scared.

If he is a little unwilling, or if he can't recognize the illusion and falsehood, and take that step, this illusion can kill himself in a short time, because he is fully integrated into the illusion at that time.

Ye Xuan leaned against the wall, the second floor of this fantasy tower had been broken by him.

"Isn't the Tower of Illusions more difficult than the Tower of Clouds?" Ye Xuan muttered to himself.

After the second level, although there are some difficulties, he still has no pressure.

When breaking through the second layer of fantasy, Ye Xuan quickly entered the third layer.


Here is the third floor, Ye Xuan secretly thought.

Ye Xuan didn't relax her vigilance, and looked at the surrounding with full attention. This is the third floor, but she didn't know what it was. However, he saw two men, one man and one woman, both of whom were middle-aged. The appearance of the man was similar to him, and the face of the woman was similar to him.

They looked like him, but he didn't know either.

"Child!" Said the man and woman at the same time.

Words, warm, all with care.

"Who are you!" Ye Xuan stood hand in hand, looking at the two men, and asked Shen Shen.

"Xiao Xuan!" The man smiled, "I'm your father!"

"I'm your mother!"

"I have no parents!" Ye Xuan answered coldly.

He doesn't hate his parents, but he has no feelings.

"What did you say?" The man sank, seeming to be angry.

The woman hurried up and said, "What are you doing? We owe the child. After all, we have walked for so many years. How easy would it be for a child to come alone? How can you meet each other?

"I was wrong." The man sighed slightly, "Xiao Xuan, it was our fault then, we owe you!"

Ye Xuan did not speak.

"In fact, we also have difficulties!" The man said helplessly.

"What a distress!" Ye Xuan's complexion changed, and she was no longer as stubborn as before.

If this is true ...


"You heard your mother tell you a story. I already know you. It's our fault that your grandpa died!" There was a sad look on the woman's face.

Soon, she told everything that had happened over the years. I have to say that everything is real, and there are no flaws, as if this is all the reasons why Ye Xuan has never seen his parents since he was young, and he does n’t know what his parents are.

"Good story!" Ye Xuan looked at the sky with a long sigh, and in her eyes there was undetectable sadness.

Yeah, the story they told was great.

I really want to hear more.

What he wants to hear is not the story, but--

"The story is over?" Ye Xuan's eyes flashed sadly, and then he said coldly.

"Yes ..." The middle-aged man and woman were very surprised by Ye Xuan ~ ~ After speaking, let's go! Ye Xuan waved his hands, said, without any slight retention.

"Xiao Xuan, how do you let us go?" The woman was surprised. "We know you will definitely hate us, but-"


"Taking my parents' affairs, is it interesting to be unreal to expose me to flaws?" Ye Xuan said in a deep voice.

"What do you say, we don't understand!" The woman was surprised.

Ye Xuan said hardly, "I never knew what my parents looked like!"

"You don't know what your parents look like, don't you know now?" The woman smiled, her smile very kind.

"Sorry, you look like I imagined it in my heart!" Ye Xuan shook her head.

Illusions are everywhere.

Ye Xuan never knew what his parents looked like, and he had fantasized about it, and that fantasy remained in his mind, and the illusion thought that this was his parents. Therefore, the appearance of these two people is used to outline an imaginary world, so as to deal with themselves and make themselves vulnerable.

Indeed, if we keep talking, Ye Xuan will have flaws.

But Ye Xuan knew better than anyone, he didn't know what his parents looked like.

What a ...

Ridiculous thing!

"And you were wrong!" Ye Xuan said, "I never hate you, and of course I don't love you!"

If you hate--

For him, it is also something to be thankful for.

Because if he hates, he knows what his parents look like, and he should know who he is going to hate.

However, he didn't even know who he should hate, and how he hated it.

"Let's go!" Ye Xuan clenched his fists and said coldly.

The third level of the illusion was opened silently.

He's going to the fourth floor!