The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 313: Master Chi, where are you going?

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Chapter 313: Master and Brother Chi, where are you going? Updated: 2013-07-07

If this mysterious character can accompany himself on a trip, it is naturally the best thing. But, when can you get out of this back room?

"No!" Ye Xuan asked in wonder: "Senior, can't you leave this closet?"

"Did I say that?" The old man in black robe thought for a moment, and said, "Oh, the old man did say that it is impossible for the old man to leave the secret room by himself. Once he sees the light, he has little time to survive. Doesn't mean I can't leave this secret room! "

"What do you mean?" Ye Xuan didn't understand the words of the old man in black robes.

The old man in black robe smiled slowly: "I said, I can't leave alone, but who said, I can't leave with others?"

"Senior means ..." Ye Xuan shuddered.

"I can leave with you."

The old man in a black robe stood with his hand in his hand: "You stand still!"

The old man in black robes pointed at Ye Xuan, leaving Ye Xuan still.

Ye Xuanton was in place, as the old man in the black robe said, he did not move. His eyes flickered with wonder and wonder.

The old man in the black robe roughly looked at Ye Xuan, and snorted twice, whispering: "It's worse, but with your current consciousness, I can enter your body for a while, but only in you When your consciousness is in your body for a period of time, after a period of time, you must come out! "

The next moment, the old man in black robe stepped out, and then—

Instantly blended into Ye Xuan's body.

Actually, Ye Xuan's body was integrated.

Ye Xuan only felt that there was a lot of stuff in his body.

A vast divine thought.

Like the ocean.

"Relax!" The old man in a black robe smiled. "I blend into your body and it will become your consciousness."

The appearance of this sound was in Ye Xuan's mind.

Ye Xuan was even more puzzled. The voice of the old man in the black robe would sound in his mind?

"Don't be surprised, now I am your deity, the old man is a deity, full of divine thoughts, and now is your deity. It is not a strange thing, but as a deity , I can help you see everything clearly, and guard against and attack the enemy's soul! "The old man in black robe smiled slightly.

"Well, I'll come out first!"


The old man in black robes spoke, and for a moment was peeled from Ye Xuan's body.

When the old man in the black robe came out, Ye Xuan suddenly felt his vast power of consciousness and understanding, all disappeared, leaving only a little bit left.

"Senior, can I be my god?" Ye Xuan took a deep breath, unbelievable.

"Indeed!" The old man in black robe stood with his hands in his hands and said, "All my consciousness can be given to you for your digestion. Why not be your consciousness? You know, your consciousness practice is progressing now. Because of me, otherwise, even if you have a high level of talent in spiritual cultivation, it would be very difficult to achieve the current level in a short time without my help! "

Ye Xuan took a deep breath--

He suddenly thought of a horrible possibility.

The old man in black robes can be his god.

So ...

The other party now is the **** of the fourth order of consciousness!

Is it--

"Looks like you guessed it!" The old man in black robe smiled slightly.

Ye Xuan nodded.

"It is true that the most important intention of Yundi to keep me here is not to guard this secret room, but to leave my fourth-order deity to his successor, which is you. I will wait for your cultivation At a certain point, I can be incorporated into your body and become your deity !! "

"As your deity, I can perform the devotional tricks I had before my lifetime, I can protect your soul, and I can help you see all the illusions ..."

"In short, I am the **** that Yundi left to protect his descendants."

"It's okay too? Ye Xuan said with incredible face;" Why didn't the senior tell me these things earlier. "

"What's weird about this? Why didn't I tell you earlier? I told you earlier, what's the use? You know, even now, I can only integrate into your body for a while, this time is short, You want me to be your deity completely. Obviously, the practice of deity is still a little worse! You have to practice more deities. "The old man in black robe smiled helplessly.

Ye Xuan nodded.

It is obviously impossible to eat a big fat in one bite.

"You do n’t have enough spiritual cultivation right now. I can only fit into you for a while, but this time, it ’s okay to walk with you. The ghost is not so easy to deal with. Behead it, or else For you, the troubles are endless. "The old man in black robe grinned.

"Thank you, senior!" Ye Xuan took a deep breath, and rejoiced, said gratefully.

With the help of the Emperor Yundi, he believes that the hope of defeating the ghost is much greater.

"Okay, let's go!" The old man in the black robe stood with his hands in his hands, then stepped out, and blended into Ye Xuan's body. "I haven't been out for a long time."

Ye Xuan intends to leave the back room--

"and many more!"

The old man in black robe seemed to remember something again, suddenly said.

"What's wrong, senior?" Ye Xuan asked.

"Take a long bow of Jiuxiao!" The old man in the black robe reminded.

Ye Xuan looked at Jiuxiao Longbow behind in doubt.

Then, stepping out, Ye Xuan leaped up, moved with anger, and took Jiuxiao's long bow down. When he grasped the Jiuxiao Longbow, a hot feeling came into his palm and he held the Jiuxiao Longbow, and he was more like holding a flame.

"The reason why Jiuxiao Longbow was called Jiuxiao is that it was said that there was a great power at that time. Holding this palace, Zeng Xiao shot at Jiuxiao! I do n’t know when I can truly see it once.

"Well, you put Jiuxiao Longbow! I think this Jiuxiao Longbow should help you."

"So, let's go!"

Between talking, the secret room suddenly opened a whirlpool.

This is the exit from the back room.

Ye Xuan stepped into this vortex, and when it appeared again, it was already the deepest part of the Baihua Lake.

This time--


The old man in black robe was obviously more happy, and said, "I haven't seen the outside scene for a long time. I really miss it. Go out soon. Let the old man see the most dreadful light day for my god!"

If it is the **** alone who sees the light, then naturally it will not last long.

But now the old man in black robes is in Ye Xuan's body, but it is Ye Xuan's consciousness. Natural conditions are different.

Soon, the two walked out of Baihua Lake, rushed out at a stretch, and came to Baihua Pond.

"Is this the Baihua Po you said?" The old man in black robe smiled. "The scenery is good, suitable for recuperation and retirement. I didn't expect that you little guy would be a pool owner here, alas, as you said This turned out to be a female nun. Oh! "

The old man in black robes didn't know how long he hadn't come out of the back room ~ ~ This scene of seeing the outside, if he was lost, and if he was in a dream, he would be excited and muttered.

"A big dream in the world, how cold is your life!" The old man in black robe couldn't help sighing.

This is his mood now. "I've been in the back room for so long. I didn't expect to be separated from the world for so many years, and I will come out again. Everything has changed, but I don't know if I think it has changed, or if it really changed."

Separated from the world for a long time, when it comes out again, everything changes, indeed it is like a dream.

"Your hundred flower ponds are good. Although the place is smaller, it is a good place anyway!" The old man in black robe said from the standpoint of the viewer.

Ye Xuan didn't reply, and flew straight towards Qingyi Mountain.

He wants to leave Baihuachi and go to Li Guishan.

Soon, Ye Xuan came to the periphery of Qingyi Mountain. It won't be long before he can walk out of the Baihuachi. For him, it is easy to leave the Baihuachi silently and unknownly.


At this time, Ye Xuan paused.

Outside Qingyi Mountain, the only way to leave the Baihua Pond.

There was a woman standing there. The woman was dressed in white clothes, and the white clothes were embellished with some ink. This was the symbol of the elders of Baihuachi in white clothes. She stood tall and slender in front, staring at Ye Xuan with big eyes like thin water. It seemed to be here for a long time.

Sure enough, what she was most worried about happened.

The one she was waiting for came.

"Master Chi, where are you going?"

The woman said softly.

Ye Xuan went there this time, not even the dragon girl who was used to taking one out. What was he planning to do?