The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 359: answer!

Chapter 359: The answer! Updated: 2013-07-31

Ye Xuan also thought about it, but all the answers came to the Kingdom of Snow.

It didn't take long for Ye Xuan to leave the Lin family.

"Actually, you don't need to think about things so badly." Tian Baidi Bai Qianshan looked at Lin Zhimeng's expression and shook his head.

"This kind of thing is not bad. The drifting snow kingdom is in peril, and he will be in danger when he goes to the drifting snow kingdom." Lin Zhimeng sighed slightly.

Emperor Tianbai laughed out loud and said, "Why do you always think that it is dangerous for him to go to the Snow Gods Congress, instead of thinking that he will still be alive when he goes to the Snow Gods? From my brief understanding of him, This kid isn't a man of his own. If you don't have any means, do you think he will do this, and even he doesn't think there is a glimmer of hope to die for nothing? "

"I think that kind of thing can only be done by a fool. He can achieve such a result at a young age, but definitely not by luck."

"------" Lin Zhimeng didn't speak.

"Since you regard him as a friend, you should trust him and believe that he has this ability." Bai Qianshan stood with his hands in his hands, smiling, and left the room.

Lin Zhimeng stood in place.

"Yeah, I treat him as a friend and I should trust him." Lin Zhimeng murmured standing at the window.


In just a few days, Ye Xuan returned to the Baihua Pond from the Lin family. If there is no such thing as the drifting snow kingdom, he will definitely help Dragon Girl to escape from the demon realm as soon as he returns, but With such things as the Snow God Kingdom, he thought, it would be better not to involve Long Mei.

Back to Baihuachi again.

He felt that his mood was a bit wrong.

It seems that Baihuachi has attracted him more than ever.

He wanted to take a closer look. It might be a long time after going to the Kingdom of the Snow God, or it might be a long, or even eternal, day, and he would never see such a beautiful scenery again. Baihuachi is his home, so he stood in the sky like this, intoxicated by the scenery of Baihuachi.

Many disciples in the past, when they saw Ye Xuan's return, quickly bowed down and met.

Ye Xuan also responded with a smile.

I don't know how long, Ye Xuan remembered the appearance of Baihuachi deeply in his mind. He wants to imprint the appearance of Baihuachi in his mind, he will never forget it, forever!

His trip--

After all, it is a dangerous road.

"Anyway, she is my master. Baihuachi originally belonged to her." Ye Xuan muttered to himself.

After thinking about it, he felt that he had to speak to Jiang Qiao before leaving.


Crossing the bamboo forest, I saw an attic behind the bamboo forest creek. This is the place where Jiang Qiao meditated after practicing sword. Ye Xuan asked some disciples and knew that Jiang Qiao was in the attic.

As soon as I entered the attic, I felt that the air was much colder than outside.

In the attic, the woman in white clothes was standing.

"What are you doing," Jiang Qiao said coldly.

"-----" Ye Xuan felt helpless for a while.

As time went by, the woman seemed more and more indifferent to him. It was like deliberately resisting him and repelling him.

He observed carefully that Jiang Qiao was so cold to other female disciples except to him, but not cold and ruthless.

Is it something he did wrong?

He felt that it was necessary to get this answer when he left.

"Go out!" Jiang Qiao pointed out the door, chirping.

"I came to you, something important." Ye Xuan stood on the ground, said.

"What an important thing!" Jiang Qiaoning frowned, and could not hear the slightest warmth in his tone.

Ye Xuan said, "I'm going to a dangerous place. It may take a long time."

"Where is the danger?" Jiang Qiao stood alertly, standing in the attic.

The two went up and down, one in the attic and one in the attic.

Jiang Qiao, this woman, seems to like the position of ‘above’ quite a bit.

"Floating Snow Kingdom." Ye Xuan said slowly.

Jiang Qiao didn't know where the floating snow kingdom was, but looking at Ye Xuan's expression and the word kingdom, he guessed most of it. She was guessing what the dangerous place was, but no matter how dangerous it was, it was no better than a kingdom of gods. Ye Xuan said that Piaoxue God had danger--

It means that the Kingdom of Piaoxue and Ye Xuan have hatred, or the country of Piaoxue and the great Tianbai Emperor have hatred.

"You alone?" Jiang Qiaodai frowned slightly.


Ye Xuan nodded and said: "My task is to sneak into the drifting snow kingdom."


"Can I go up?" Ye Xuan asked.

Jiang Qiao didn't answer, just turned around.

Ye Xuan couldn't help feeling guilty. He was not alone, he also had the huge Baihua Pond behind him. He was the owner of the Baihua Pond. He went to the Kingdom of the Floating Snow, and Jiang Qiao was left alone to manage it.

Seeing Jiang Qiao didn't answer, Ye Xuan understood Jiang Qiao's meaning, but he jumped into the attic and followed Jiang Qiao into the room.

Jiang Qiao's room was as monotonous as ever.

Ye Xuan entered the room and found Jiang Qiao sitting in a chair.

Jiang Qiao didn't know what he was thinking, saying, "It's dangerous!"

"What?" Ye Xuan didn't understand.

"It's dangerous for you to dive into a kingdom of God." Jiang Qiao said.

After all, it is a kingdom of God, a great kingdom of God, countless experts, sneak into a kingdom of God, if found, Ye Xuan will face ...

Everyone in a kingdom of God!

"I know." Ye Xuan nodded.

Jiang Qiao's lips moved slightly, trying to say something, but stopped.

Jiang Qiao didn't speak, Ye Xuan didn't know what to say.

With this woman, this kind of embarrassing cold field often occurs.

"You decided to go?" Jiang Qiao asked suddenly.

He didn't know why Ye Xuan was going. In her eyes, she only cared about the results, but just changed to Ye Xuan. She would care about the way before some results and whether she would go so well.

"Huh!" Ye Xuan nodded. "Before I left, I still wanted to know, what happened to you? At least, I didn't know you before. Even if it was cold, it wouldn't be so cold."

What he said was simple. Jiang Qiao's attitude toward him became more and more indifferent.

The question lingered in him for a long time.

However, he never had the opportunity to ask.


Jiang Qiao did not answer.

She was very confused.

Confused head, disturbed-

Ru Ma!

Even though his face has not changed his face like an iceberg, his heart is chaotic.

Ye Xuan is leaving--

Traveling alone to a kingdom of God, such a dangerous thing ...

Some things, UU reading will never know the answer unless you say.

"Where am I doing something wrong?" Ye Xuan smiled bitterly.

After thinking about it, he didn't feel where he was, making Jiang Qiao so indifferent to him.


Jiang Qiao still didn't speak.

Because she didn't know how to answer.

Seeing Jiang Qiao not speaking, Ye Xuan took a deep breath and said, "I know. You don't want to say it, and I won't ask."

"You're right!" Jiang Qiao finally said.

"Then why are you?" Ye Xuanning said.

He felt that there must be some misunderstanding between him and Jiang Qiao.

Jiang Qiao did not answer.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath and saw Jiang Qiao didn't speak, he didn't know what to say.

He took another look at the tea on the table, slowly got up, helped him to pour a cup of tea, and brought it to Jiang Qiao, and said, "I will leave after a while, and go to the kingdom of drifting snow. This gives you no chance to pour tea! I know you don't like tea, but I only approach you in this way. You are my master after all. And I also use Baihuachi as a home, and ... "

"Think of you as a loved one!"

The tea was in front of Jiang Qiao.

When this tea was placed in front of Jiang Qiao, Jiang Qiao's body was shocked, his eyes stared straight at the tea, and he was completely lost.

"I am leaving!"

Ye Xuan bowed and left.

As he said, opportunities like this in the future may not be much.

Jiang Qiaosu clenched his hands tightly, biting his teeth gently, and seemed determined to say, "Wait!"

Ye Xuan stopped and didn't know what Jiang Qiao was going to say.