The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 571: Zhiyang Lingbao!

Liu Baisu grabbed the small stone statue and came back from the other side of the hall to see if Ye Xuan had found the exit to leave Dongfu, but when she returned, she saw Ye Xuan crossing her knees on the futon.

In addition, Ye Xuan has a majestic lingering anger, and then looking at Ye Xuan's eyes closed, Qi Peng in his body is afraid of whistling, apparently practicing!

"He is in the late stages of the attack on the holy palace?" Liu Baisu looked at Ye Xuan, muttered to himself, and then smiled coldly: "He has some chance!"

But would she wait for him for a while?

"It's really troublesome!" Liu Baisu coldly hummed.

Just look around and see if there are exits you can leave.

It stands to reason that the exit should be in this hall.


Ye Xuan is fully absorbed, his mind is all in the advanced stage. The true energy gathered in this futon is his advanced opportunity. Ye Xuan will not waste it. With the help of the powerful spirits that were cultivated here before, come Wash with Qihai to gather the third holy palace!

It is very difficult for Qihai to cast the holy palace. In the advanced stage, it is necessary to be in a place full of vitality. Otherwise, even if the Qihai that is cultivated is huge, it will not be able to avoid the complete consumption in a blink of an eye when shaping the holy palace.

A continuous stream of aura or the assistance of the Lordless Qi, or the accumulation of spiritual practice after not knowing how many years, can only increase the chance of shaping the holy palace!

Without this futon, even if Ye Xuan finds time to retreat, it will take a long time for him to break through the later stages of the holy palace with those nine black diamond needles, and now with this futon, it has shortened a lot of time.

Ye Xuan's body was beating against the sea, and gradually gathered the third holy palace.

With the experience of congregating the holy palace twice, Ye Xuan has been handy for the third time, but still dare not care.

Time is fast.

In the blink of an eye, it was a dozen hours.

Ye Xuan Shengqi has shaped most of it, and the consumption of Qi and Sea is getting better and better. Fortunately, with the help of that qi in the futon, Ye Xuan Zhenqi can keep up with the rhythm of shaping the temple.

The old man in the black robe observed the situation in Ye Xuan's body and murmured: "Going on like this, Ye Xuan's success in shaping the third holy palace should not be a problem."

Indeed, Ye Xuan's current situation is more than half successful, and it is not difficult to successfully advance to the third holy palace.

It's just a matter of time.


A puppet--

More than a dozen hours have passed.

"to make!"

Ye Xuan drank in his heart.

at this time--


With a loud noise, the third holy palace was suddenly born in Ye Xuan's body, and at the same time, the sea of ​​air in Ye Xuan's body seemed to be withered. The ocean was disappeared after the third holy palace was successfully shaped. Already.

"Qi Hai disappeared?" Ye Xuan murmured to see his Qi Hai disappeared.

"Congratulations on your entry into the later period of the Holy Palace." The old man in black robe smiled and said, "The three holy palaces that have been successfully shaped will disappear, and there are three holy palaces in the body as support. There is no place for Qi Hai to survive. Therefore, if the three holy palaces are 10%, the sea of ​​air will dry up. "

"So it is!" Ye Xuan nodded.

When a holy palace was gathered in the past, the sea of ​​Qi was also dry, but in the back, it would continue to emerge, but the three holy palaces were 10%, and the sea of ​​Qi was completely dry. At that time, the word Qihai was absent. For the monks of the Holy Palace, the Qi of the Holy Palace was refined and exquisite, and although the Qihai was magnificent, the Qi was mostly an impurity and washed away with the Holy Palace. True Qi is a world of difference.

"There are three holy palaces in my body, and now I have reached the late stage of the holy palace." Ye Xuan took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Now the energy in this futon has not been used up." The old man in black robe smiled.

"Not used up yet?" Ye Xuanzhang froze.

He knows how much Qi is used to assist. He is clear that these Qis are nothing, and they are extremely pure. The immortal **** Reiki and then gives birth to Qi. Different degrees. And even if he gathers three holy palaces now, the purity of qi is not as good as this futon.

From this we can see that this futon is a treasure.

However, just now he gathered the third holy palace, and it took a huge amount of true energy to fill it with the true energy. But even so, the true energy in this futon has not consumed up?

He felt subconsciously that such precious anger would be very rare. But the fact is that in this futon, a lot of these rare qi are stored.

The old man in black robe smiled and said, "Where can there be so fast, the powerful man was a strong man who surpassed Emperor Road at that time, and seems to be retreating here all year round. The truth stored in the futon Qi is naturally a huge amount, and it is difficult for you to spend all your energy. I think it will be almost enough to help you to gather the true crystals in the future and achieve the state of innocence. "

"Gathering true crystals to achieve the realm of innocence?" Ye Xuan shook his head. He has just shaped the third holy palace and has not thought so far for the time being.

While Ye Xuan was thinking, at this time, Ye Xuan's ears heard another voice.

"Later generations--"

"The fumes in the futon are exhausted. It seems that you have got the chance I left for you." The old voice sounded.

Ye Xuan didn't speak. He knew that the voice was just a small formation sealed in a futon. It was not the thing of the Lord. Even if he spoke, the voice would not give him any answer.

But after all, Ye Xuan got the chance left by this person, and listened attentively to what he said.

"At that time, this place was a place for me to retreat, but I knew that I was about to reach the limit, so I left the soul-eating beast to guard the cave. This soul-eating beast is a fierce beast with a long life and a cruel character. I leave it Guarding my cave house here can also be considered to save the outside world from certain disasters. Of course, letting the soul-eater be guarded outside, the old man's original intention is not to let those incompetent people enter my cave house, after all, my cave house is not anyone You can break in. If you can cut and kill the Soul Eater and break into my cave, it means that you have good strength. Most of the time, you have stepped on the Emperor's Road. "The old voice sounded.

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly.

Where did he step into Emperor Road, and where was the opponent of the black beast.

Had it not been for Liu Baisu's shot, he would be afraid that he had already died under the mouth of the soul-eater.

However, listening to this old man, it seems that the soul-eater can only be dealt with by the powerful Emperor Road?

He knew that the Soul Eater was the black beast guarding the hall door.

"You just got my chance, and repairing will definitely improve. This is what the old man intentionally left, but it is only a meager force. In fact, the real treasure is this 'futon' under your seat, this futon It's a piece of 'Zhiyang Lingbao', which is called Lingbao for short. The name of this Lingbao is 'Black Lotus Pond'. The body of the futon is a black lotus leaf. Speaking of it, it is also a strange thing, because this Lingbao also caused a lot of blood and rain that year, and I was fortunate to get it later. For me, it was a great opportunity. "


Ye Xuan heard this strange word and asked in confusion: "What is Lingbao? Is it different from the magic weapon?"

This Lingbao is a great opportunity even for the master of the sound. What a treasure is that, listening to the old man in the black robe, the master of the sound is afraid to be a strong man who surpassed the road of Emperor.

The old man in black robe took a deep breath and was shocked: "Ye Xuan, you have encountered treasures. This is the real treasure. Lingbao, Lingbao, and the magical magic, the magical magic are completely different!"

Ye Xuan looked surprised.

The magic weapon to enter the spirit is the treasure he has contacted at the highest level ~ ~ So, what is this spiritual treasure?

"Well, compared to Lingbao, it ’s definitely a big difference. Lingling magic, said to be a magic weapon, can only be called a magic weapon, that is also a weapon, just the name of a magic weapon. Immerged by the immortal, so the name of the magic weapon, the immortal shouted smoothly, and it can't be changed. However, the inflow magic to the spiritual magic are all tools, and cannot be called treasure! "The old man in black robe explained .

"What is the real treasure?"

The old man in the black robe said, "It is the Lingbao. Only the Lingbao can be called a treasure. This magic weapon is never comparable. The magic weapon can only be called a device, not a magic weapon. Treasure, the birth of Lingbao is extremely rare, and it is not known how many years have been bred by heaven and earth. Moreover, a Lingbao must be made of its own body, such as this lotus flower futon, whose body is a lotus flower.

"So wonderful?" Ye Xuan stunned.

Maybe this is the biggest difference between Lingbao and the magical magic weapon.

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