The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 576: sorry Sorry sorry!

Updated: 2013-11-20

"Go to the Baihua Pond!" Ye Xuan murmured.


The most worrying thing is Baihuachi.

Feijiang County fell and was attacked by the army of Biqing Emperor's Kingdom. So, what happened to Baihuachi now?

Thinking of this, Ye Xuanfei rushed to Baihuachi, he was silently praying, there must be nothing in Baihuachi, where ... where is his home.

Jiang Qiao is absent. If he fails to guard the Baihuachi, how can he be worthy of Jiang Qiao--

Perhaps, it is also a blessing that Jiang Qiao is not in the Heavenly Emperor.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan never stopped and rushed all the way to Baihuachi.


Soon, Ye Xuan came to the Qingfeng Mountains.

Qingfeng Mountain is still the former Qingfeng Mountain, but there are some traces of fighting in the mountain, and some peaks seem to be forcibly leveled. Ye Xuan didn't know what kind of fighting was happening here, but just swept the traces of the fighting around, he went straight to Qingyi Mountain.

Soon, Ye Xuan came out of the Qingyi Mountain, stepped out again, entered the Qingyi Mountain, and looked down at the Baihua Pond below.

At this time, Ye Xuan's body stopped in place.

The second step was that he did not step out.


a mess.

At this time, the beauty of the past is no longer there. Several mansions have been destroyed. The huge flower ponds have become a ruin at this time. Even the Baihua Lake, which was purely bathed in nuns, was full of dust. If Ye Xuan didn't recognize the blue kite mountain, she couldn't believe everything in front of her.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan closed her eyes and couldn't bear to look any further.

Or ... is it late?

A drop of tears slipped from the corner of the eye and fell down his face.

How ... how much he wanted to protect the home, but today has become like this.



Ye Xuan muttered to himself.

"sorry Sorry sorry!"


Ye Xuan couldn't hold it anymore, and the painful growl uttered.

At that moment, his heart seemed to be torn. He was the owner of Baihuachi Pond, but today, he can only watch Baihuachi become like this, but he does not even know who the murderer is.

If it weren't for him--

If it weren't for him, how would it look like this?

If it weren't for his inviting the Kingdom of Piaoxue and Biqing Emperor, how would the two parties join hands. If it weren't for him, wouldn't the Heavenly Kingdom of God become what it is today? If it wasn't for his late return, how would Baihuachi become like this?

Blame yourself.

At this time, Ye Xuanxin had only blame in himself, but he forgot, even if he did n’t intervene, the Kingdom of Snow

In the end, I will still find a way to destroy the kingdom of God.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's eyes were blood red, and he stepped into the flower pond one step at a time--

He poked away the ruins, hoping to find someone who survived in the ruins.

However, when he cut open the ruins, he found nothing inside.

No one is there.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath and didn't give up like this. The god's thoughts came out and he looked for them a little bit. See if you can find a surviving person in the Baihuachi.

Xiao Li, Indus, Yingwu, Caixia Elders, and the female disciples in each flower pond——

In the blink of an eye, it was half an hour.

Ye Xuan stood weakly.


Ye Xuan muttered to herself.

"There is no one in the Baihua Pond. There are no corpses," said the old man in a black robe.

The people of Biqing Emperor's Kingdom were so cruel, and the female Xiu who killed Baihuachi didn't say, but did not even leave the body?

"Why is this!"

"Yes, Baihua Lake!" Ye Xuan took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and flew to Baihua Lake.

The spirit vein in Baihua Lake is a good place to hide people. The disciples in Baihuachi may have hid in Baihua Lake.

Thinking of this, Ye Xuan seemed to be the last straw to save his life, and he didn't dare to delay. He just wanted to see the safety of those disciples in Baihua Lake. At this time, Ye Xuan plunged into Baihua Lake at a stretch, then went into the spirit vein and looked for it.

But, into the vein--


Looking deeper, there is no one in the same way.

Ye Xuan didn't believe it and went all the way to the deepest place, but he still didn't find a living disciple in Baihuachi.

"What about people?"

Ye Xuan gritted his teeth.

"What about people !!!"

Immediately, Ye Xuan rushed out of Baihua Lake and came to Baihua Pond, looking around, and wanted to see if he could find a living person with luck.

"Ye Xuan, look at the reality." The old man in the black robe advised.

"This is not reality at all!" Ye Xuan growled.

It was just that the words fell, but Ye Xuan ’s hand holding the sword became more weak. Is n’t this realistic? It is not a reality that the Baihua Pond is destroyed? He knew that he was just deceiving himself. At this time, he could not find a body of a female disciple in Baihuachi.

When the war broke out, they were just a group of women with low strength.

Under the iron hoof of the kingdom army, they have no ability to resist at all.

The old man in black robes heard Ye Xuan's rebuttal, and remained silent. He knew who this kind of thing happened to, and his emotions would be completely uncontrollable.


Ye Xuan seemed to remember something.

"Longmei!" Ye Xuan knew that Longmei was in the Baihuachi before she left. The Baihuachi has become like this, then is there something wrong with Longmei? Thinking of this, Ye Xuan sat down on her knees and tried to communicate with her sister.


"Communicating !!"

"Be sure to communicate successfully!"

Ye Xuan shouted in his heart.

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly stunned, and then she showed joy, and he successfully communicated with Long Mei, which proved that Long Mei was alive. Ye Xuan's heart had uncontrollable excitement, just a wave of his sleeves, a drop of blood flew from his fingers, and then the spirit demon blood oath array appeared.


I just want to see Long Mei'an look safe.


Ten breaths.


In the spirit demon blood oath formation, a young girl was added. This girl was wearing a blue skirt, blinked with big eyes, and stared at Ye Xuan in front of her.

This girl is Long Mei, the old-fashioned and strangely lively Naughty Long Mei.

When Long Mei saw Ye Xuan, she also showed joy, and Ye Xuan also lived safely.

The spirit demon blood oath has an inexplicable induction. At least the blood oath cultivator or the blood oath monster can sense each other if they die. However, the long-term contact with Ye Xuan makes the dragon girl very worried.

Now seeing Ye Xuan, Long Mei is going to speak.


However, just saying a small word, Longmei trembled her body. I don't know when, Ye Xuan has held her body tightly.

"Great, you're still alive!" Ye Xuan took a deep breath and murmured.

He was holding on to Longmei's body tightly ~ ~ as if he was afraid of losing Longmei. He was really scared. For the next moment, Longmei would become a ruin like a hundred flower pond.

Who can understand his mood?

After coming out of that ghost place, he didn't understand anything at all, and saw everything he didn't know what the situation was and couldn't believe it. He thought everything was still good, but Feijiang County was captured, blood Flowing into a river, piled up into mountains, a mess.

The starry river valley, formerly known as the Feijiang County myth, also fell, and Zhong Qing and Zhong Wangxue were missing.

Even Baihuachi has become like this.

No one told him, he didn't know.

Like a nightmare, it suddenly came.

He just fell into that ghost place for no reason, and when he came out, everything became like this.

He always thought he was determined and able to calm down, at least until he saw the appearance of Baihuachi. However, when he saw the appearance of Baihuachi, he could no longer control his emotions. He thought he was in a nightmare when he couldn't wake up

In China, everything disappeared.

Fortunately, at this time, he saw that Longmei was still alive. He saw Longmei intact standing in front of him. He was afraid that this nightmare would suddenly take away Longmei, and he held on to Longmei tightly. I'm afraid that Long Mei will disappear.

Longmei is still alive.

Longmei is still alive, which is great.

At least, he could feel the temperature of Longmei.

"Little ... Xuanzi." Long Mei felt Ye Xuan was so nervous that she hugged herself as if she was afraid that she would lose it. She trembled and hugged Ye Xuan immediately.

Ye Xuan is also alive.

that's nice.