The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 718: Zhong Wangxue, Xu Qingliu!

Although this woman looks exactly like Zhong Wangxue, she is not Zhong Wangxue after all. No matter how you talk or how you speak.

Ye Xuan still had some doubts at first. After all, she and Zhong Wangxue were too similar. In terms of appearance, there was no difference between the two.

But when he heard this, why did you treat me so well, he was sure that this woman was not Zhong Wangxue.

Zhong Wangxue would not say such a thing.

"You are very similar to one of my old knowledge." Ye Xuan slowly smiled. When he said this, Ye Xuan also remembered Zhong Wangxue.

In retrospect, he and the woman watched the scenes of snow together.

"I'm not her." Xu Qingliu Bei bit her teeth gently and said, "You don't need to be so good to me, I don't need it. If you really miss your old knowledge, it is good for her. But this thing You shoved it to me, and I just accepted it! "

Speaking of which, Xu Qingliu also had some embarrassed expressions on his face.

Although she hated Ye Xuan as another person, she couldn't bear to reject such a good thing.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "You want it, just take it!"

Xu Qingliu gave a strange glance at Ye Xuan. This person not only saved her, but also helped her so much, and she and the other party were really just the first time they met.

"If I have a chance, I will repay you." Xu Qingliu said this, and then turned around and disappeared.

Ye Xuan looked at Xu Qingliu's disappearing back and sighed softly.

He looked up and looked at the sky, but he didn't know where the old shadow of the past went.

"How can there be such a similar person in this world." Ye Xuan said to himself.

When the words fell, he was like the air evaporating. He could see the figure at the last moment, but at this moment, it disappeared without a trace.


Ye Xuan returned to the Baidao Chamber of Commerce. At this time, the chairman of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce anxiously waited for Ye Xuan at the door for a long time. At this moment, when he saw Ye Xuan's return, he quickly said, "Senior!"

"Well, the elders of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce just now have told you something." Ye Xuan looked at the other side and said slowly.

"I have already said that the senior is too polite. Since the girl is the old knowledge of the senior, the stolen ... No, what the girl took was not precious, and it was for the girl." Baidao Chamber of Commerce As soon as the chairman knew that the female thief had something to do with Ye Xuan, how could he dare to calculate the accounts on Ye Xuan's head and said with a smirk.

"You don't have to be constrained, and I don't want to make your advantage. In addition, there is one more thing to tell you! It may be your help." Ye Xuan said calmly.

The president of Baidao Chamber of Commerce heard this and was flattered: "The seniors commanded the younger, it is the honor of the younger!"

"The female thief is my old acquaintance. Although I have advised her, Jiang Shan is easy to change her nature. If she comes to your chamber of commerce to steal things over time, you will let her steal it. Just close one eye, I think, you know what I mean. "Ye Xuan said calmly.

"Senior means that if that girl comes to our Baidao Chamber of Commerce to steal treasures, we pretend to catch it, but just pretend to look like it, and don't endanger his life?" The chairman of Baidao Chamber of Commerce was right at first. Ye Xuan's meaning is very puzzled, but he is also a human-like figure, and he can understand Ye Xuan's meaning in a blink of an eye.

Ye Xuan nodded with satisfaction, saying: "That's right. As for the future loss of your 100 Dao Chamber of Commerce, there are 3 million Modan here, which should be enough to make up for the future loss of your 100 Dao Chamber of Commerce."

"Senior, this is absolutely impossible." The chairman of Baidao Chamber of Commerce was startled. "This is just a trivial matter. How dare the younger dared to receive the older medan. Moreover, these three million medan are too much, the younger can't afford it!"

three million?

Their entire inventory of Modan Chamber of Commerce, they may not have such a terrible figure.

Now Ye Xuan took out so much Modan in one breath, this ... as long as the female thief either stole all their stocks from the Baidao Chamber of Commerce, or let the female thief take it casually.

The female thief also stole some treasures occasionally, these three million, let alone let the female thief steal ten times, a hundred times a thousand times is fine.

This also makes Ye Xuan give too much modan, he dare not take it.

Ye Xuan waved his hand and said, "These motans are not for you alone. You, the hundreds of chambers of commerce, also have some profile in this city!"

The chairman of the Baidao Chamber of Commerce heard that Ye Xuan was not alone, and he was relieved. Although he was greedy for money, he knew better that what was easily available was really hot. If Ye Xuan was very hot, The following is asking for something he can't do, how can he refuse?

"It's true, the younger Bai Dao Chamber of Commerce also has some leaders in this city. In addition to the main power of the city, we can't afford it. Other forces, we Bai Dao Chamber of Commerce speak out, they still want to give three points to thin noodles." Chang said.

Ye Xuan nodded and said: "Then you say hello to other chambers of commerce. If it takes time, she will go to other chambers of commerce to steal things and let them open one eye and close one eye. As for compensation, these three million Modan is completely assigned to you, and I believe that these Modan should be sufficient. "

"Enough is enough. Absolutely enough." The chairman of Baidao Chamber of Commerce said quickly.

Maybe these motans are not considered in the eyes of some large chambers of commerce, but these small commerce chambers in their cities, these motans are an inestimable price, even if a family splits 300,000 to 400,000 motans, I am afraid those commercial chambers will be excited Amazing!

"That's all right, things are done, there will be no more Motan from your hands, but if you let me know that you didn't do it as I told you, I might get these Motans. Take it back. "Ye Xuan glanced at the other side, the threat in his words was very obvious.

"Seniors rest assured, the juniors will definitely do the right thing in accordance with their predecessors' orders!" The president of Baidao Chamber of Commerce chuckled.

Ye Xuan nodded, believing that the other party would not be red-eyed because of these modan.

Doing this, Ye Xuan also felt that he had done his best to ask why he was so good to Xu Qingliu?


Or because of the owe to Zhong Wangxue, although this woman is not Zhong Wangxue, but where is Zhong Wangxue?

He can only put this compensation on a woman who looks exactly like Zhong Wangxue, isn't it ridiculous?

"How can there be such a person in this world?" Ye Xuanmur murmured to himself: "Also, they are about the same age."

He was still a little confused.

But after thinking about it for a while, Ye Xuan felt that he was thinking too much and shook his head with a bitter smile.

He explored his senses, found the position of Xu Tiannan and Wang Shan, and then preached: "Two, come on."

When this remark ended, Ye Xuan ordered some things from the Baidao Chamber of Commerce and left the place.

In a forest in Xuhuang City, after Xu Tiannan and Wang Shan got a voice from Ye Xuan, they hurried over and said respectfully, "See the older generation!"

"En ~ ~ You are here." Ye Xuan felt the arrival of the two, turned around, and said, "I have something to tell you."

Hearing Ye Xuan's order again, Xu Tiannan and Wang Shan face each other, not sure what Ye Xuan ordered.

"I have an old man who lives in Xuhuang City." Ye Xuan said, "This is what she looks like!"

With these words falling down, Ye Xuan Shenzhi painted the appearance of Xu Qingliu and passed it to Xu Tiannan and Wang Shan.

"Senior, this is ..." Xu Tiannan was obviously surprised when he saw Xu Qingliu's appearance, apparently he had heard of this person's notoriety.

This Xu Qingliu is a well-known female thief in the vicinity. He has heard about it one or two. However, how Xu Qingliu does it is that of the Chamber of Commerce. Although he is the city owner, it is not a trivial matter. To manage.

"I believe you should have heard about her!" Ye Xuan stood up, said.

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