The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 795: Ye Xuan and the Demon King!

Updated: 2014-03-09

"The most mysterious person in the third step of the devil?" Ye Xuan paused.

Doesn't that mean that the person is the most mysterious Xilan demon during the period of Emperor Xilan's Emperor Road.

Nie Feiling has a pretty face: "It is only six years since the predecessor has just arrived in the city of Riyan. It may be unknown. The devil of Xilan Demon is also divided into strong and weak. In the third step of the demon, the strength of the black wind demon is only in the middle , Of course, there are also powerful people. As far as I know, the third-order top-level demon of Xilan Demon Devil has a minimum of six. "

"Six?" Ye Xuan's face changed slightly, which was completely beyond his expectation.

"Of course, these are nothing, there are several imperial city behind the city of Sunfire, and there are other imperial roads in the completion period, and I am not afraid of the third-order peak demon of the devil in the seventh realm of Xilan Demon. However, just like The junior said just now that there are also many mysterious demons in the third-order peak of Xilan Demon Demon King. "Nie Feiling said slowly.

Ye Xuan nodded and waited for Nie Feiling to talk.

Nie Feiling said in a soft voice: "Like the stone demon king, he has reached the peak of the third order of the demon king. It is comparable to the strongman in the emperor road's perfection period. His mystery has even killed a spiritual master who has been famous for a long time. The strongest in Emperor Road's perfection! "

"What!" Ye Xuan froze. "The same is the peak of Emperor Road, how could it be killed? Moreover, the spiritual cultivator of Taoism is still a master who has been famous for a long time!"

He was a little surprised, and secretly it seems that whether it is the Xilan Demon or the Spirit Cultivation Master, those masters who have reached the Emperor's Road for a long time have more or less strong card tricks.

Otherwise, wouldn't Shou Yuan live for hundreds of years and thousands of years?

Nie Feiling breathed out a sigh of relief: "This is also the reason why Lingxian Xixian and Xilan Demon have been fighting for so many years, and they have not taken any advantage. Maybe there are some geniuses in my Lingxian Xianxie, but Xilan Demon, There are also top evil spirits! "

"Listening to you, it seems that the mysterious demon is the Shiquan demon you just said." Ye Xuan could not help asking: "If you killed Nie Huangdaoyou at that time, would there be a shadow of Shiquan the devil?"

"No." Unexpectedly, Ye Xuan shook his head.

"No?" Ye Xuan frowned.

Nie Feiling said softly: "It is not the Shiquan Demon. Although Shiquan the Demon is mysterious, it is not the most mysterious, the most mysterious one, according to investigation, it seems to be called the Meteor Demon King!"

"Meteor Demon, more mysterious than Shiquan Demon?" Ye Xuanning frowned.

Nie Feiling replied: "The reason why the Meteor Demon is called the most mysterious person in the third stage of the Demon King is because he only shot it once. On that occasion, he and the Emperor Road peak behind a city of Sunfire. The strong meet, and the strong who is at the top of the emperor's road enters the devil of the Meteor Demon. In less than a hundred minutes, he has already won.

!! "

"What happened?" Ye Xuan asked in surprise.

"The predecessor of Dilu Peak is dead, and the Meteor Demon is intact." Nie Feiling sighed, a little fear appeared on his face.

Ye Xuan was silent, thinking carefully.

If it is really impossible to kill a powerful man on the peak of Emperor Road, the Meteor Demon is indeed terrible enough.

"Since that time, Senior Wan has also been staring at the Meteor Demon, beheaded to kill him, in order to get rid of future troubles. But the Meteor Demon was very clever, and hardly appeared in the subsequent wars, making Wan The predecessors couldn't start at all, which also made the Meteor Demon become a heart disease in the city of Sunfire. However, the Meteor Devil was extremely low-key. Since the fall of Nie Huang's ancestor, there has been no more audio.

"Do you mean that the death of Nie Huang Daoyou has something to do with this Meteor Demon King?" Ye Xuan touched his chin and asked.

"It is true that the Nie family has investigated for so many years, and it can be confirmed that the death of the old ancestor of Nie Huang is related to the Meteor Demon King." Nie Feiling Ling Daimei said slightly.

Ye Xuan did not speak, thinking in his heart, if the Meteor Demon is really as terrible as Nie Fei Ling said, it is not a strange thing for Nie Huang's death.

"Then, you can also tell me, tell me so much, what is the purpose?" Ye Xuan asked.

Nie Fei Ling paused for a moment and said, "It may be said that the predecessor will be angry, but the younger still pleads with the predecessor to take the shot. If there is an opportunity, help the Nie family and kill the Meteor Demon!"

"Girl Nie said and laughed. The Meteor Demon can kill even the strongest on the top of Emperor Road. Ye is only in the middle of Emperor Road. Let me go. Wouldn't it let me push the fire pit?" Ye Xuanning said.

"The predecessors are polite. The reason why the juniors came to the predecessors and did not find the other powerful men on the top of Dilu is also thinking about it for a long time. The predecessors once met the three demon kings of the demon moon forest for a period of time. The time of tea will make the suffering of the three demon kings unbearable, not even persuaded by the predecessors. Most of the three demon kings will end in the fall. And each of the three demon kings is stronger than the late emperor road. In terms of the strength that was once revealed, the juniors could not have imagined that the Emperor Lingxiu of the Seventh Battlefield, and which Emperor of the Emperor Road can meet the Meteor Demon. "Nie Feiling said in a pleading tone.

"No!" Ye Xuan refused decisively; "I won't agree to this."

As far as Nie Fei-ling is concerned, the Meteorite King killed a strong man on the top of Emperor Road within 100 breaths. He fought with him, and the victory was only five or five points.

If the true list is just that, as a member of the Sunfire City, he has a five-five-point chance of winning and losing, and he has nothing to do with the meteorite adventure.

However, after all, he was only in the middle of Dilu ~ ~, and the meteorite did not know how many years ago he could kill the strongest in Dilu peak. After all these years,

It will not become a virtual union period, but it is definitely only one step away from the virtual union period. The means do not know how many times stronger than before, and he is really adventurous in fighting with him.

You know, the same period of Dilu, the middle of Dilu and the peak of Dilu are still quite different.

"Seniors should not rush to refuse this matter. I think if the seniors agreed to this matter, the younger would be willing to represent the Nie family and donate all the treasures of the ancestor's shock to the virtual period." At this time, Nie Feiling spoke.

"Impact of many treasures in the virtual period?" Ye Xuan paused.

When Nie Feiling saw Ye Xuan's heartfelt thoughts, he quickly said, "At that time, Nie Huang Laozu was only one step away from the virtual union period. He prepared hundreds of years of treasures, and even every treasure was Nie Huang Laozu. It was only obtained after a lifetime of nine deaths. Each of these treasures is of great value. This junior can guarantee that even these can give Nie Huang's ancestors an advanced hope of up to 30%. If the war was not too sudden, Nie Huang The ancestors did not have time to retreat to impact the virtual convergence period. I am afraid that Nie Huang's ancestors may not fall now. "

"Nie Huang Laozu accidentally fell behind, and all the treasures in the impact period were left. Our Nie family has kept it to this day. There were also many seniors who planned to exchange these treasures, but they were rejected by our Nie family."

Nie Feiling didn't finish talking, and they also proposed the conditions for killing the Meteor Demon to those who were planning to exchange for the treasures that Nie Huang had hit the virtual period, but no one dared to agree.

Also, who dares to respond?

Their Nie family also searched for a long time before they found the only Ye Xuan who had a hope for the Meteor Demon!