The Thrilling Sword

Chapter 805: Singles!

Chapter 805: Solo Fight!

Hearing here, Wan Tianmu said with a serious expression: "This is also no way out. Today's battle must be fought, and you must not hurt your morale before the war. But you have now developed a new one, unexpectedly. , May be able to wreck an old demon. "

The old man shook his head and said, "I have developed a new old man, but the arrogant old demon is not a good stubble. After so many years, its magic will inevitably increase. I'm afraid it will only be five or five. Points. But if it can really hit him badly, the war situation can be tilted towards our side. I am afraid to care about the victory and defeat of the city of the sun. "

"According to the old rules, the robbers still have to deal with me." Wan Tianmu said with a negative hand. "Legendary devil will give it to you!"

The old man heard this and narrowed his eyes: "No problem, the delirious old man will have me to hold on. But then again, many years have passed since the last war, and there has been no new imagination in the city of the sun. When the period is born, I don't know if there is a new old demon on the side of Xi Lan's demon. If there is a new old demon, it will not be very good. "

Hearing here, Wan Tianmu smiled mysteriously and said, "These things don't have to worry about my grandma."

When the old man heard this, he had a meal first, and then took a look at Wan Tianmu in surprise, it is not difficult to guess that Wan Tianmu seemed to have some cards in his hand.

He didn't ask too much, lest the Xilan demon had other tricks, and it was not good to hear them talking.

"Well, another Taoist friend from Emperor Road is here." At this time, the old man said quietly.

I saw the ice in the air, and immediately a young man appeared in the air. The man was in a purple suit, standing against his hands.

"Ye Daoyou!"

"Ye Daoyou!"

Seeing this person appearing, many of the powerful Emperor Road greeted one another, showing joy on their faces.

Although most of the Emperor Road Powers do not know Ye Xuan well, and Ye Xuan's record is not much, but it is precisely those few records that make many Emperor Road Powers dare not give birth.

You know, the first record of this man was that he walked in the area of ​​Xilan Demon, and then he returned alive.

If this is the case, maybe some of the Emperor Road will not take it to heart, after all, the truth of the rumor is not true.

But later, Ye Xuan went to the Demon Moon Forest and fought against the three demon kings with one person's strength, but the pain of suppressing the three demon kings was unbearable. Although this battle was not known to many people, it was really spread among high-level monks. This also made many senior monks remember Ye Xuan's life.

Now, seeing Ye Xuan's great combat power coming, many Emperor Lu's great powers have a joy.

"This should be the enthusiastic Ye Xiaoyou recently passed on. Haha, I heard that Ye Xiaoyou is talented and has reached the Emperor Road at a young age. Today, it really is true." The old man saw Ye Xuan and was satisfied. Nodded.

Ye Xuan said hello to several powerful Dilu powerful men, and he said, "The seniors have passed the prize."

Wan Tianmu said in amazement: "Ye Xiaoyou, you come here, that magic poison ..."

When Ye Xuan heard this, his lips moved and the voice was transmitted to Wan Tianmu.

Wan Tianmu heard here. He first nodded, then nodded his head, stood with his hands up, his eyebrows were stretched, and he didn't speak again. I don't know what Ye Xuan said to him just now, let alone whether he is happy or worried at this moment.

"Ye Xiaoyou is the first time to participate in such a big scene of war." Said the old man with a smile.

"So." Ye Xuan answered truthfully.

Wan Tianmu smiled, "Hey man, don't underestimate Ye Xiaoyou. Although he has not participated in such a big scene of war, but Ye Xiaoyou's ups and downs in the seventh realm of Xilan Demon, that's true. The average person can't do it. "

Ye Xuan glanced at Wan Tianmu and the old man, knowing that although these high-ranking monks were light on the surface, their hearts were tense. After all, no one knew when they would fight.

At the same time, the land of Xi Lan's demon army.

The old demon stood in his hand and said, "Meteorite, sure that the eight Emperor Road powerful people have been poisoned by the magic?"

"My lord, this matter is absolutely true." The Meteor Devil smiled strangely. "I monitored Ling Mo with that magic kind in real time, and I could see it clearly. Moreover, Ling Mo was dead. It is true that the city of Sunfire could not be fake in this matter!"

"I am assured that you are doing business. Ling Mo is dead. It seems that there is indeed a big problem in the city of Riyan, otherwise Wan Tianmu could not have killed his confidants for so many years in anger." Rob The old demon said faintly: "The eight Emperor Lu powerful men are not in the queue of the city of sun inflammation, it seems that the magic poison has spread, and we choose the timing of the attack at this time is also very good."

"Today's battle, the city of Riyan will be undoubtedly defeated. Brother Meteor has obtained the structure map of the city of Riyan, and this structure has been seen by adults and adults. There is nothing false." Said the devil.

Jie Lao Mo calmly said, "What do you think you should do?"

The delirious old demon is a huge old demon. Hearing here, he glanced at the sky: "According to the original plan, start a one-on-one battle with the spiritual people. I believe that the spiritual people , And I am very happy to do so. After all, the demon kings on our side are far better than them. "

"What I am worried about right now is that they still have any back hands." Jie Lao Mo Han said.

"Hahaha!" The old devil smirked and said, "Jack old devil, when will your courage become so small, even if we have a second hand, we are in a hurry, can we still be afraid of them?"

"That's true, too." The old monster also found himself worried, and nodded.

At this time, the arrogant demon stepped out and reached the center of the battlefield.

"Wan Tian Mu!" The old man screamed loudly.

Wan Tianmu, the spiritual cultivator, heard the sound, raised a brow, walked out of the battlefield, and said with a negative hand: "The old man!"

The old devil smiled, "How about following the previous rules, the young people hit them. As for us, the ten demon kings will treat you ten emperors, one-on-one, regardless of life or death. And I wait for the old guy , Just watch, do n’t get involved, how about it? "

Hearing this, Wan Tianmu narrowed his eyes and frowned.

"Man, man, is there any fraud?" The old man could not help but asked, "They are obviously more capable than us, but they are fighting against us as usual, which is not common sense."

Wan Tianmu was lost in thought ~ ~ In the past, the city of Sunfire often had large-scale battles with the Xilan demons. If it was a melee, the scene was chaotic and no one knew how long it would take. This normal rule is that the Emperor Road strong one-to-one to separate a victory and defeat. If one of the Emperor Road falls and the number of failures is large, morale will inevitably diminish, and it is easy to divide a victory or defeat!

And in the history of several wars, either the spiritual cultivator of immortals has gained some advantages, or the Xilan demon has gained some advantages, and it is difficult for anyone to shake its foundation.

However, now that the Xilan Demon's combat power is obviously higher than that of the City of Sun Flame, this arrogant old devil also uses the normal moment of play, which makes everyone puzzled and speculate that there is fraud.

Soon, Wan Tianmu smiled and said: "Xi Lan demons are cunning like foxes. Most of them think that we also have cards in our side and don't dare to be too aggressive. Therefore, we use this method of stability and victory. This is very In line with their personality, otherwise, do you really think they will use this approach? "

"Then what shall we do?" The old man asked.

"What to do?" Wan Tianmu thought for a moment, and said, "The melee is not good for us, just follow what they say. What do you think?"

The old man thought about its pros and cons, and after a while: "I agree with your idea, just fight like this. However, there is no need to talk to them about the rules. As before, once there is a road priest who is in danger of life, We are proud to come to our rescue. "

"That's natural, I believe those old demon thoughts are similar to us." Wan Tianmu said slowly.