The Top Fish Attractant That Even Novices Can Protect

Chapter 2

Tang Xiaomi has never felt that there is anything special about the seabed. When he was in Danshui District, he also visited the underwater world with his classmates. But after he really reached the deep and dark sea, he realized that this place was really completely different from the world he was familiar with.

Old Jeff, as Roy said, his actions are very safe, but now Tang Xiaomi has realized that Roy's choice to take the sunfish to the jurisdiction may not only be for Tang Xiaomi to enjoy the scenery-in fact, dive By about two hundred meters, Tang Xiaomi was already shrouded in darkness.

He felt some uncontrollable panic, and the survival system worn on his body made a slight "buzzing" sound, and then lit up with a dim light, indicating that it was starting to operate. This device looks like a necklace. It can help the freshwater mermaid adapt to the pressure in the deep sea to filter salt... Sure enough, after it started operating, Tang Xiaomi found that the slight dizziness that had occurred before disappeared. And the slow swimming of old Jeff allowed him to slowly adapt to the surrounding environment in a stable state.

Roy has been carefully observing Tang Xiaomi's condition, and after seeing him gradually adapting to the environment, he also began to relax.

"At the very beginning, there were always some unaccustomed things. At the very beginning, Eve also felt that this place was not as good as the Danshui area, but now he has completely adapted to it."

"Um...Thank you for your comfort, Roy, there is actually no problem, but I never knew that the bottom of the sea was so dark."

Tang Xiaomi said embarrassedly.

On TV, the sea bottom blue he saw was like transparent glass, with reefs and corals and brightly colored clown fish dotted with it. So when he went to the real sea floor and looked at such a dark environment, Tang Xiaomi felt a bit wrong.


Unexpectedly, Roy laughed because of Tang Xiaomi's words, as if thinking of something interesting.

"You and Eve are really mother and son," he said, "you know, she complained to me about the darkness here when she came here..."

In the darkness, Tang Xiaomi did not see the happiness and sweetness that appeared on his face.

Immediately afterwards, Roy took out a small bag from his pocket, then took out some fine powder from the middle and splashed it in the sea water.

At first, Tang Xiaomi didn’t figure out why he did this, but soon, a little bit of light gradually emerged from the dark sea...


As the dim light gradually gathered towards them, Tang Xiaomi couldn't help exclaiming.

It's a jellyfish!

He didn't know the kinds of jellyfish, but they were exuding very beautiful luminous fluorescence. As they moved, the rays of light emitted a regular rhythm, like a galaxy suddenly appeared in the sea, and more and more jellyfish gathered. Together with Tang Xiaomi... No, it should be said that Roy's behind makes this small area of ​​sea appear bright.

"so amazing!"

Tang Xiaomi suddenly forgot the panic and unsuitability, clapped her hands and shouted happily.

"how did you do it?!"

He couldn't help asking.

Roy scratched his head not embarrassedly: "My grandma is a mermaid of the jellyfish family... This is the secret recipe of our family, the feed for grazing jellyfish, there are several kinds of luminous jellyfish that especially like its taste, so they will automatically gather for food. …Eve likes this scene very much, she always says that this scene is simply the stars of the deep sea..."

After repeating "Eve" many times, Tang Xiaomi finally dullly noticed Roy's uncontrollable intimacy with his mother while speaking.

Considering that this time he transferred to Deep Sea to pick him up, it was not Evelyn herself but Roy, a thought appeared in Tang Xiaomi's heart.

"Roy, are you familiar with my mother? You know a lot about her!"

Tang Xiaomi couldn't help asking.

Sure enough, Roy's face flushed immediately in the gleam of the jellyfish.

"Uh, yes... it's very familiar."

He became extra shy.

So is this the reason?

Tang Xiaomi couldn't help sighing from the bottom of his heart.

He hadn't seen Evelyn for a long time before he came to the deep sea (which is why he was particularly worried), and after he proposed the transfer, Evelyn's attitude was also very strange.

She cried with joy again, and was... dodging?

Tang Xiaomi couldn't tell the feeling, but he always felt that his mother seemed to be hiding something from him and didn't really want him to know the truth.

And now that I see Roy, everything is clear-his mother seems to have a second spring!

For a moment, when Tang Xiaomi saw Roy again, everything was a little wrong.

For example, Roy’s muscles seem to be too developed... the color is too sloppy...

"That's why she asked you to pick me up, right?"

One accidentally, Tang Xiaomi's belly defamation was even said by him.

His silence succeeded in making Roy nervous.

"Xiaomi... I can call you Xiaomi... Actually, Eve didn't come to pick you up for a reason..." he stammered and explained. "Actually, there are some things she never told you..."


Two hours later—

Atlantis Jurisdiction

Diplomatic residential area


Tang Xiaomi sat on the sofa with her tail crossed blankly, looking at the very familiar and very strange mermaid in front of him, and muttered.


The mermaid patted his tail nervously, then bit his handkerchief and looked at him with tears.

"I didn't mean to hide it from you, but, you know, this kind of thing is really hard to tell..."

Evelyn —

Or it should be said, Yves said to his son awkwardly.

His current body length is 2.43 meters...a little longer than Roy, muscular, exquisite features, but the outline of his face has become rough, his arms are as thick as Tang Xiaomi’s waist, and they look almost as good as Tang Xiaomi’s waist. Fist a cow to death (although there is no cow in the sea).

All in all, every strand of his hair from top to bottom now looks like a male mermaid.

Roy guarded Evelyn tremblingly, no, next to Evelyn. Tang Xiaomi used to think he was a little too tall, but in front of Yves he looked like a little daughter-in-law... and Tang Xiaomi saw their tails intimately entangled together... This is familiar in the world of mermaid It is called "cross one tail".

Only the closest partner would do this...

Freshwater mermaids are also influenced by the human world and rarely do it in public. However, this is just a very normal act of love in the salt water area... Of course Tang Xiaomi doesn't know this.

He just felt that he was going to be blind.

"...Sorry, Xiaomi, I have always wanted to tell you but I really don’t know how to speak. I don’t know that I have a part of the cold-water migratory fish genes...I’ve been under a lot of pressure during this time here...wait for me to notice. At the time, I had already begun to transform like my ancestors..."

Tang Xiaomi felt buzzing in his head, and even his mother's explanation became intermittent.

Cold-water migratory fish is a type that lives in the sea but returns to freshwater areas to give birth, and some of them can change their gender according to the environment.

Take Evelyn’s example. She was a female when she lived in a carefree and rich freshwater area, but when she was transferred to the saltwater area, she was migrating because of the huge pressure and the strong folk customs here. The mermaid gene was stimulated-her body voluntarily gave up the possibility of fertility and turned into a male mermaid with stronger strength and survivability.

"I think I need to calm down."

Tang Xiaomi looked at the muscles on his mother's body and said dryly