The Top Fish Attractant That Even Novices Can Protect

Chapter 84

Tang Xiaomi clearly knew at this moment that he was finished.


He repeated the name in a low voice, without adding the suffix "His Royal Highness". Unprecedented heat ran under his skin. He was sure that he was as hot as a patient with a high fever. He couldn't help but stare at Alfred’s shiny purple gem-like eyes. , The brain is chaotic and calm.

During the day, he had vowed that he would not pay attention to this nasty and clumsy Titan mermaid, but now he had determined that he could never leave him again.

The sweetness of first love burned his brain nerves.

He feels like he should say something... Oh my God, what did Alfred say to make him a princess... This feeling will only appear in novels and romantic dramas. The title hits him on the head, but he doesn't even have one. A little bit of realism.


Tang Xiaomi's silence gradually made Alfred panic. He held his breath, his heart beating wildly, and he couldn't help reaching out and grabbing Tang Xiaomi's hand.

"Do you want to?"

He asked dryly, a scared expression appeared on his stiff face.

Tang Xiaomi blurted out: "Of course I would."

—Oh, I'm so unreserved.

He felt a moment of embarrassment afterwards.

"Ahhhhh, it feels so stupid."

He lowered his head, then murmured in confusion.

"Xiao Mi is the cutest."

Alfred shook his tail in ecstasy. He threw down Xiao Mi like a big enthusiastic dog, and entangled Tang Xiaomi's body with his new-born tail.

That kind of enthusiasm was passed on to Tang Xiaomi without any cover up. Tang Xiaomi looked at Alfred, the eyes of both sides seemed to be entangled in a knot, and they were firmly together.

(It's really nauseating)

Deep in Tang Xiaomi's heart, there was only a little bit of reason left, covering his face and squatting shyly to the corner.

That's right, it's very numb... But when he hugs Alfred quietly like this, Tang Xiaomi feels that he is better than ever.

"You... will your family accept me?"

After a long time, Tang Xiaomi finally remembered that there was a "Queen Empress" between him and Alfred. He stammered and asked, his heart suddenly raised again.


Alfred still remembered how excited his mother was when she learned that Tang Xiaomi was a cute freshwater mermaid.

But the so-called concubine election ball is still a big rock in Tang Xiaomi's heart. He frowned slightly and continued to speak anxiously: "But that ball... alas, forget it... if you really want to be with me, your family Will not have any problems?"

From Oreo’s previous words and deeds, Tang Xiaomi probably speculated that the Daxi royal family where Alfred was born should be a terrifying, cruel, and inhumane place, otherwise they would not be willing to imprison their own son. In such a cold cell. Probably because he finally became lovers with Alfred. Thinking of what he might encounter, Tang Xiaomi, who could barely keep calm before, felt that his whole mermaid was tense.

"There will be no problem."

Alfred continued to speak in that extremely calm tone.

Then he thought about it, and reluctantly pulled out the lines from Oreo's previous special training.

"...I'll follow you if there is a problem."

"Cough cough cough..."

Tang Xiaomi coughed violently, and it took Alfred a long time to remember how that term should be said: "...I eloped with you."

Then Tang Xiaomi coughed more severely.

"...Ahem...are you...are you a fool?"

After the cough subsided, Tang Xiaomi couldn't help but mutter, but after he raised his eyes to see Alfred's strong gaze, he didn't know how to continue.

Alfred nodded desperately; "Yes, I am your fool."

Personal education from King Daxi: 1. The wife is right at all times. 2. If the wife is wrong, please refer to Article 1.

Small tip: The attitude of showing loyalty must be sincere and positive.

I have to say that the experience given by the most wise King Daxi in history is precious and effective. Sure enough, Tang Xiaomi showed a helpless and sweet smile after hearing Alfred's answer.


He repeated one sentence.

I don’t know why he heard Tang Xiaomi’s "fool", Alfred only felt that his tail was uncontrollably tying the opponent tighter...

His body was completely controlled by instinct, and before he knew it, his face approached Tang Xiaomi.

Tang Xiaomi can clearly see Alfred’s sharp white teeth as long as he raises his eyes, and there are goose bumps on his back—that's what a freshwater mermaid instinctively appears when facing the predator’s strong appetite. warn. However, completely different from the physiological reaction, at this moment his heart seemed to be floating in honey, sweet, soft, and crisp.

Uncontrollably, Tang Xiaomi raised his face so that Alfred could get closer...

And, you can make Alfred just touch his lips directly.

Now, Tang Xiaomi’s face can almost feel the sensation of Alfred’s exhaled water gently falling on his skin...

"I'm pretty good with this kid!"

At the same time, the Queen of the Great West Kingdom, Kolena, who came here surreptitiously, was trying hard to see the contents more clearly through the crack of the door. When she found that the bodies of the two mermaid gradually overlapped, she was excited. Flicked his tail abruptly.

"Ah ah ah ah, it's going to kiss, it's going to kiss!"

She said excitedly.

Then she took a dig on herself, and her shoulders suddenly drooped.

"Damn it, forgot to bring the camera. Such a rare moment..."

Her Royal Highness was extremely upset, and then turned her attention to Oreo.

"Hurry up, Oreo, do you bring a camera?"

Oreo showed the kind of "I can do everything" that is unique to the universal housekeeper in the film and television drama to His Royal Highness Corlena, and then took out the high-definition camera and tablet computer that he had prepared for a long time.

"This is?"

Looking at the tablet computer, Ke Lenna was slightly taken aback.

The curvature of Oreo's mouth is deepening.

"In order to leave good memories for His Royal Highness's first love, I deliberately prepared an atmosphere-building mechanism in this room."

He quickly glanced at the same room—both mermaids were still wrestling because of their shyness and being virgins, but the distance between their lips was probably less than 0.5 centimeters.

Now is the time!

Oreo's finger tapped an icon on the computer.

The agency was launched...

"Wow, la la la la la la la la la—"

Right above Alfred and Tang Xiaomi, a black partition was instantly opened, and a huge number of sardines squeezed into the room, driven by the sharks arranged in advance, with countless silver-white fish bodies. A whirlpool swirled in the room.

Alfred: "..."

Tang Xiaomi: "..."


In shock, Her Royal Highness Kollina moved her finger and pressed the camera's button.