The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 146: Shota

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Facing his mother's tragic death in front of her, the genes that Eric hadn't been able to control were instantly violent. ︽small,

Bells on the desk, file cabinets in the corner, and many metal-related torture tools and equipment in the audit room, etc. were all twisted, deformed and even crushed under the attack of little Eric.

Although he didn't think that this level of power would hurt himself, Liu Ruian put up a shield of mindfulness to wrap himself up in the first place.

I don't know if I didn't kill the two soldiers in the original plot, or because someone's presence had a certain impact.

When Liu Ruian had just propped up the mind-mind shield, he watched some metal objects shoot at him one after another.

"Very good! Very good! Look, isn't this displayed?" Liu Ruian, who applauded gently, walked to the little Eric who had vented, and said with a smile.

Those metal objects that were regarded as dark weapons by little Eric were suspended in the air under the restraint of invisible thought.

"Okay, don't be sad, your mother is not dead again." Knowing that she had just shot, Liu Ruian, who was pulling hatred and ruthlessness, patted the other person's shoulder and said.

Ai Rui, who was immersed in grief, turned his head instantly and stared at someone. Because of the speed, there was a sound of bone rubbing in the neck.

Feeling that the other party was as fierce as a beast, but revealed a complex look of disbelief and hope, Liu Ruian pulled out his personal terminal and said with a smile:

"Give me a few minutes."

As the voice fell. Soon, the body lying on the ground disappeared in the light package.

Before and after, it was less than five minutes. When the light appeared again, the little Eric mother who had been "shot" before. It appeared in front of his son alive.

"Mom!" Looking at the other party who changed clothes, apparently also taking a shower, the fierce color in the eyes of little Eric disappeared instantly, and the whole person flew over the other party's arms.

"My dear, my mother is fine." The woman holding her son's face was full of loving expression.

As a just scary compensation, Liu Ruian did not interrupt the touching scene of the mother and son reuniting again after the separation of life and death.

Ten minutes later, Eric, the little one who had vented his feelings, looked at someone in a complicated mood.

"Okay. Eric, let's talk about your future." Liu Ruian, who sat back in the office chair, said with a smile:

"I will send you and your mother to another place where you can eat well, drink well and sleep well."

"Clothes, food, housing and transportation are the best. At the same time, no one will scold or abuse you. Compared to this, there is heaven."

Speaking of which, Liu Rui'an didn't give the two the opportunity to speak, but directly dull his face. Then he continued:

"And all you have to do is to become familiar with your talents as quickly as possible, and hope you don't let me down, understand?"

"Trust me. You and your mother can't bear the consequences of letting me down."

Faced with such remarks, the young and young Eric would naturally not say anything. Some women who came back to life reluctantly said:

"Excuse me, can we bring a few more people?"

"Yes." No hesitation. Liu Ruian gave a positive reply on the head, but he did not forget to remind:

"People can take it away. But you must follow the rules, otherwise, you will not have a second chance, understand."

"I understand, sir, I will do a good job." The woman holding little Eric said with a happy head.

Liu Rui'an was not worried about this. Not to mention the spiritual hints you left behind, the defense measures on the moon base alone are not something that several mortals can resist.

As for why I agreed to the request of Eric ’s mother, it ’s simple. Humans in this world have genes.

Even if no one makes this request, Liu Ruian will also try to get a group of people to the moon base for research.

Considering this time travel, it is not 1973 in "Men: Reversing the Future", but 1944 at the beginning of "Men: First War".

Coupled with those things that have been done and committed, it is bound to have a huge impact on the historical process of this world.

So Liu Rui'an changed the precautions of not easily changing history in the "Yearbook Plan" before, and directly packed the entire concentration camp including German soldiers, and then sent them to the moon base together.

That's right, before saving the elderly professors, Liu Rui'an didn't want to benefit from these survivors. To put it bluntly, it was just a piggyback.

In "Men: Reversing the Future", Wolverine was sent back by the Phantom Cat in 1973, in order to stop the magic woman, wrong, it should be Raven's first murder.

Liu Ruian's plan was to travel directly to Poland in 1944, the time when Magneto was detained in a concentration camp when he was young at the beginning of "Men: First War".

As for why not go directly to the time of "Men: First War", the reason is very simple. Those second-generation sentinels and transport ships have the technology that is very valuable to Liu Rui'an.

Without the drag on the side of the concentration camp, Liu Ruian quickly disappeared into Poland after restoring his image, and came to an active and extensive villa estate in Westchester, New York.


Charles Francis Xavier, who was sleeping in bed, was suddenly awakened by a strange call.

"Who's where?" Charles Francis Xavier, who had initially mastered his ability, did not panic, but asked.

"Don't you always believe that you are the only one in the world that is different?"

The strange voice continued to echo directly in the mind of the young Charles Francis Xavier in a magical way.

"You mean, you are the same as me?" Charles Francis Xavier, who was sitting on the bed, said excitedly.

"Yes, Charles, we don't have to speak, we can have a spiritual conversation." The strange voice continued to sound.

"So who are you? How do I call you, and where are you?"

Charles Francis Xavier, who was sure he was not dreaming, pushed the window of the room and looked out after unsuccessful looking around.

"You can call me a prophet, but we can't meet now." The strange voice continued.

"Why?" Asked Charles Francis Xavier, a teenager who didn't find a half figure after a long search.

"Because it would be impolite to come home at this time, Charles, I will officially visit tomorrow morning." The strange voice continued.

"Great, then I'll wait for you." The young Charles Francis Xavier thought with some excitement.

"So, goodbye, my countryman, see you tomorrow."

The singular voice disappeared completely after speaking. If it was not clear about his ability, the younger Charles Francis Xavier would probably think that he was dreaming or hearing.

"see you tomorrow."

The young Charles Francis Xavier, who could not help but shouted in his throat, suddenly recovered, but suddenly changed his face, pushed open his door and rushed out.

When the young boy Charles opened the door of the next bedroom and saw a small blue body lying peacefully in bed, he was relieved for a long time.

But the young Charles didn't know what it was. On Raven who hadn't known him for a long time, there were some more hidden places with more red.

At this time, in front of Liu Rui'an, a few hundred meters above the suspended villa estate, ten transparent test tubes containing crystal blood were suspended.

"Magic girl, magic girl, I hope your gene can bring me more surprises."

Liu Ruian sighed. After collecting the test tubes, he glanced at the villa below, and then disappeared on the spot.

The next morning, Charles, who appeared in the living room with Xiao Ruiwen after waking up, was not surprised to hear that his parents had left beforehand.

As an out-and-out rich second generation, in the eyes of others it is definitely the object of envy, jealousy and hatred, but for Charles, how can it not feel the suffering of the so-called rich second generation.

It just made little Charles a little surprised that when he had breakfast with Little Raven, the housekeeper at home heard a message.

"Young Master, the old lady told me that a doctor will come over to check the body of the young master and the young lady." A slightly older butler said.

"Doctor? Check your body?" The little Charles who was stunned for a moment knew that there were some things he didn't want to ask, and he immediately activated his mental ability.

In the telepathy of Little Charles ~ ~ indeed "see" what his mother told the housekeeper to ask the doctor to come and give the two to check the body.

Even when the mother told the matter, the words she said were not very pleasant, but they did not fall out of concern for themselves.

In order to persuade his parents to take in Little Raven, Charles Jr. has put a lot of effort into it, and naturally he cannot refuse in the face of such concern.

After the two enjoyed a rich and exquisite breakfast with a smile, the doctor who examined the body was also invited to the living room by the housekeeper.

When I saw the doctor who appeared this time was actually a young Asian, when Charles Jr. was just a little surprised, he suddenly heard a familiar voice rang in his mind:

"Hello, my countryman."

Little Charles, who originally learned from the housekeeper about this medical examination, didn't think much about it, but this sentence directly made his eyes widen:

"You!" (To be continued ...)