The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 590: Harvest

Busy time always passes quickly, as if the blink of an eye in 1950 passed inadvertently.

For the common people of this time and space, there is nothing worth celebrating in the Lunar New Year. It is also the Lunar New Year to celebrate.

Unlike the people in Jinling City who have already begun to have a festive New Year atmosphere, the people on the Tangquan farm are a little nervous at this time.

"Germany, this Xingdao 1 is really so productive?" Standing next to a golden rice field, Liu Bocheng asked again.

"Is it high-yield? I don't know when the rice is beaten down." Liu Ruian said with a smile, still in a handsome tunic suit.

At this moment, Li Aiguo, who was an assistant, ran quickly not far away, and then reported:

"Boss, leaders, the three harvesters have been commissioned, please instruct."

Listening to this report, Liu Ruian, who was standing by the side of the field, and several of his leaders, subconsciously put their eyes on the three machines parked by the road.

This is a multi-functional harvester specially prepared for the harvest of agricultural machinery that was pulled from the Zhongshan wharf last week.

However, Liu Rui'an did not prepare the model that was so huge in the later generations that one acre of land could be completely collected in one fell swoop.

The multi-functional harvester parked close to the Tanabe road, although its size is not large and its appearance is not so beautiful, but its function is not weak.

"Leaders, in order to avoid any problems, you can choose three plots to harvest together and see the average output." Liu Ruian said with a smile.

Liu Bocheng, who came over early in the morning, of course they knew what it meant to avoid any problems. To put it plainly, they were afraid of exaggeration and arbitrarily reporting output.

"Then I am respectful and obedient." Liu Bocheng, who knew the matter was important, was also polite. After looking around, he extended his hand and said:

"I chose that piece of land. The remaining two pieces, Teacher Qing and Lin Zhi, come on."

"Old Liu, if you don't say that I want to get a place."

"This kind of good thing, my name is Zhang, you can't be polite."

Ke Qingshi and Zhang Linzhi finished with a smile, and they also chose a piece of farmland.

However, the three selected, and there was no chaos, they chose the farmland by the roadside.

"Since the three leaders have all been chosen and patriotic, let's start quickly." Liu Ruian said without forgetting:

"The three drivers are all novices. Let them be stable. It's okay for the machine and the rice to go wrong. People can't go wrong. Understand?"

Looking at the harvest is affirmative, Li Aiguo's face was originally full of uncontrollable joy.

After hearing the instructions of his boss, he said quickly:

"Understood, boss! I will let them pay attention to the safety of harvesting."

"All right, then go quickly." Liu Ruian nodded and said.

After Li Aiguo ran back to the three harvesters and arranged the selected three plots, the multi-functional harvesters, which were no smaller than most of the later tractors, started to move one after another.

The high-horsepower diesel engine generates huge power in the noisy roar.

With the training of the previous week, and Liu Ruian secretly helped, the three drivers selected did not fall off the chain at this critical moment.

Not long after the three multi-functional harvesters entered their combat area one after another, the bursts of cheers quickly rang continuously.

There is no way to not cheer. In this era of harvesting by manpower, the multifunctional harvester is a magic machine that can harvest, thresh, and bag in one step. Not to mention ordinary people, even Liu Bocheng has their faces. They are full of ecstasy that cannot be concealed.

Especially when seeing a whole acre of land, the harvest was completed in just a few minutes. All the people present, whether they were officials, soldiers, or ordinary people, raised a lot of cheers at the same time.

"Patriotic, don't stand there stupidly, and quickly overweight the harvested rice!" The only Liu Ruian who could keep calm, commanded.

"Hey hey, I'll do it!" Li Aiguo, who had recovered from his ecstasy, ran that fast.

Looking at the scales, Liu Bocheng, who was also very excited, and several of the senior officials of the Jinling City Government, quickly went to the special scales area.

In order to avoid the exaggeration that may appear inside, they also went to the sacks that had been automatically packaged and picked a few bags to open.

"Okay! It's so good!" Liu Bocheng's eyes were a little red when he grabbed a full grain of golden yellow rice.

There are more than one person with red eyes. After cheering and looking at the bag of food, almost everyone has the urge to cry.

Those who are more emotional have already cried out.

There is no way. There are too many people who died of hunger this year.

"Patriotic, let's go over the scales." Liu Ruian said as he stepped forward and patted the shoulders of the assistant with tears in his eyes.

"Okay, boss." Li Aiguo, who wiped his eyes, quickly greeted several people to get busy.

As a heavy sack was carried on an army green mechanical scale, the number of people gathered on the roadside, and the atmosphere soon became tense again.

Although many senior farmers have swore their **** before swearing that they have planted their fields for a lifetime, and have never seen such a good harvest, the yield per mu will definitely be many.

But it is true to say that, before the specific figures are released, everyone is still a little nervous.

Fortunately, the tense time did not last long. When the last sack passed the scale, Mr. Tangquan Farm's tent, who had been on the side for a long time, soon reported an amazing number.

"A total of ... a total of ... 5,288 pounds!"

"What? Five thousand two hundred and eighty eight pounds ?!"

As soon as this anti-heavy production number came out ~ ~ The crowd gathered together exploded in an instant!

Thanks to Liu Bocheng, they were all killed from the battlefield. At this critical time, they can still hold the scene.

"Are you sure it's not wrong ?!" Liu Bocheng asked seriously according to the excitement in his heart.

"No ... no, I counted it three times, and it was all right!" Mr. Tsang replied quickly, concerning his own ability.

"Master Qing, Lin Zhi, you also have to count." Liu Bocheng nodded and turned his head to say.

"it is good!"

Ke Qingshi and Zhang Linzhi, who are very clear about what this number means, are not polite at this time.

I went directly to the two tents and took over the account book, and then it was forgotten.

In order to confirm the correctness of the output, the two men directly counted the second time after finishing the calculation.

After counting it three times in a row, Master Ke Qing raised his head happily and said excitedly:

"Old Liu, yes, this is the number."

"I'm right here." Zhang Linzhi, who was also full of excitement, echoed.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! It's so good !!" It was clear that these two comrades would not deceive Liu Bocheng, and said with a big laugh.