The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 652: Historical fork


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In fact, it should be said that the place suitable for the evolution of the mother nest should be the vast ocean.

The ocean is not only more biological species, more energy collection channels, but also need not be trapped in a place like underground.

Actually, Liu Rui'an did find several planets with oceans, but that's the saying, everything has its pros and cons.

The ocean is indeed a good hotbed of abundant resources, but it is also full of considerable danger.

Before the sixth level of the mother nest, although it has some strength, it is not enough to cope with the possible crisis.

Liu Rui'an didn't want the empress to be easily bred before being evolved enough to execute the Dark Temple project by the planet's Tu creatures.

What's more, the underground base is no longer able to move after the pestle is there. No, after rising to the sixth level, the mother nest that evolved into a dragon shape changed from the previous static state and began to get busy all around.

It just happens that Endo was originally a landform of virgin forests, not only with many trees and swamps, but also with a lot of rivers, big and small, and secret.

After opening an underground passage leading to the nearest large river, the dragon-shaped mother nest first took a pile of amphibious biochemical beasts to tour the entire river back and forth.

Hunting about 1,296 species of various large and small aquatic creatures, and then a relatively large "jellyfish" began to spread in this water.

This looks like a giant jellyfish that has been magnified many times, but it is actually a kind of biochemical beast.

It can also absorb all the energy that can be used, such as light and heat, geomagnetism, rays, tides, creatures, etc., and then convert it into energy that can be used by the mother nest.

It is also different from the kind of energy-generating biochemical beast on the ground. This energy-generating jellyfish itself is not very aggressive, and can even become food for some aquatic creatures.

But if you really think these jellyfish are bullying, it's wrong. That's right, the Jellyfish jellyfish itself has little self-preservation ability, but don't forget how the mother nest can allow its own energy system to serve food outside.

After more than three months, the mother nest has evolved to the ninth level, and finally has the ability to interplanetary navigation.

As for why it can be upgraded to level 6 a month. It took only two months to rise to the third level, naturally because the resources and energy required for each level of the mother nest will increase by N times.

As for the ability of interstellar navigation, it is not difficult for Liu Rui'an to master the mother nest from the beginning.

However, this does not make sense.

What Liu Rui'an wants is an independent and clear man with his own core technology, not a weak chicken that anyone can bully.

It is precisely because of this consideration that the mother nest has not hurriedly left Endo after having interstellar travel capabilities.

Instead, it specially incubated a group of biochemical beasts that also have the ability to travel in the galaxy, and the destination is the gas giant planet with the same name as the green satellite.

The so-called gas giant planet refers to a large planet that is not composed of rocks or other solids as its main components.

Gaseous giant planets can be subdivided into different types. The main components of "traditional" gas giants are hydrogen and helium.

Some special gas giant planets are mainly composed of water, ammonia, and methane, and hydrogen and helium are only the main components of the outermost region. So sometimes it is subdivided into "ice giants".

The common gas giant planets are basically very close to the stars, which also causes the surface temperature of these gas giant planets to be very high.

Gaseous giant planets are easily understood as lacking a solid surface, but in reality, most of these planets have a rock or metal core.

It is only in the outer part of the planet that the main element is gas, but in the inner layer of the planet, it will be a liquid or solid formed due to high compression, and the density will increase as it moves toward the core.

As for the collection of biochemical beasts for Mao to send resources to this main star surrounded by Endo, the purpose is naturally self-evident.

In addition to collecting various resources. More is to make a front station to build a huge energy transmission network.

According to the mother nest's plan, an asteroid belt composed of biochemical beasts will be created between the gas giant planet and Endo.

In the non-combat state, these biochemical beasts simply serve to transmit energy and resources.

Once in combat, they will all be transformed into killing machines, and a huge number of teams can be pulled out in a very short time.

Of course, if you want to build an asteroid belt around a gas giant planet, such a huge project is definitely not a short-term solution.

Fortunately, Endo, a satellite, is very rich in resources. Coupled with the mother's nest's own or reproductive ability, it is only a matter of time as long as there are no unexpected plans to succeed.

For Endo ’s mother nest, it did not use destructive predation to promote its growth. Instead, it used its own biotechnology to promote the continuous growth and evolution of the satellite ’s ecological chain. Symbiotic relationship.

After half a year had passed, a pyramid-shaped temple stood up silently somewhere on the planet.


On the side of Endo, who walked completely to the branch of history because of the appearance of the mother's nest, Dantuin seemed quite peaceful.

Under Liu Ruian's careful tuning | teaching ~ ~ Parker Amidala has already become a qualified light temple warrior ... apprentice.

I have to say that this former Queen Her Majesty is indeed a capable woman.

In just half a year, this new apprentice has taken the throne of the master.

For these apprentices, Liu Ruian fulfilled the rules of "learning no order, masters as teachers."

It also means that no matter how late you get started, as long as you grow fast enough, you can still have the status of 10,000 people under one person.

Of course. The qualifications of Padme Amidala alone cannot be achieved, at least not in such a short period of time.

The main reason is that Liu Ryan feels that Skye is still Anakin Skywalker's mother, even if the other party has already recovered his youth, but it is always a bit wrong to bring it around.

So in this small half year, I put a lot of effort into cultivating the other party into a formal Templar of Light.

After the relevant ceremony, the other party was sent to Coruscant to pay a visit to the Jedi Parliament there.

As for the question of whether he could see his son Anakin Skywalker, what kind of reaction he would see after seeing it, Liu Rui'an did not mean to ask.

Okay, but not to ask, Liu Ruian admitted that he was still very good and looking forward to it.

What's good is Anakin Skywalker's expression when she finds that her mother has become a "sister".

The expectation is how the Jedi Council will react after knowing Skye ’s true identity. (To be continued.)

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