The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 658: Self-made

ps: Second, the Star Wars story of "The Crossover of Marvel World" is unfolding, seeking genuine subscription support!

South of the Rich Labyrinth Galaxy, about twelve seconds away in the void.

One second is equal to 3.26 light years, and twelve seconds is 43.2 light years.

When the huge starship jumped out of hyperspace flight and looked at the planet not far away, Padme Amidala asked curiously:

"Master, this is where our mission is this time?"

"Yes, Padme." Liu Ruian, who was standing next to the other party, also looked at the planet covered by the ocean:

"Camino, a planet covered by rough seas and endless storms."

"There are very few parts of the surface protruding from the ocean, only those huge cities built on top of the columns."

"Among these cities, the indigenous people who live on this planet, the Caminos."

"Camino?" Padme Amidala, who had never heard of this race, asked quickly:

"Is this our mission goal? Master, you can always tell me the specific mission now."

Liu Ruian, who did not answer directly, smiled, and then raised his hand, he saw a holographic screen appeared in front of the two.

The screen looked like an old man in a brown robe with white hair and a very elegant look.

"This is the Camino? Is the mission goal? Wait a minute, I seem to know this person ..."

Suddenly Padme Amidala found the old man on the screen as if he was familiar.

"Of course you know, Earl Duku of Serenno, a disciple of Master Yoda in the Jedi Presbyterian Church." Liu Ruian answered with a smile:

"At the same time, he was also the master of the Jedi Master Kui Gang. King who once saved Naboo, but unfortunately, he is now a minion of the dark forces."

"It turned out to be him. But how could he join the forces of darkness, isn't he a Jedi?" Padme Amidala said in amazement.

"Yes, he used to be a Jedi, but because of disagreement with the idea of ​​the Jedi Council, he was lured into the dark side." Liu Ruian, who was headed, replied.

』↙dǐng』 ↙ǎn 』↙ 小』 ↙ said, ≡♂s_ (); "Different ideas?" Padme Amidala, who didn't expect it to be the reason at all, said a little dumbfounded.

"The Earl Ducuk is, to a large extent, actually a political idealist." Liu Ruian answered with a smile:

"The republic's make him feel that it is not worthy of the service of the Jedi Parliament. Only the establishment of a fair and honest new government can change all this."

"It sounds like he was right." Recalling the huge crisis that Nabo had encountered, Padme Amidala said.

"Actually, I quite agree with the view of the Earl of Duku, and at least part of it." Liu Rui'an, who had said that, said:

"The time for peace is too long, and the existence of the detached extraordinarily Jedi is also showing signs of decay because of time."

The reason for this is not that Liu Rui'an wanted to brainwash Padmé Amidala. In fact, this is indeed the case.

For example, in the second movie Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered that the bounty hunter who killed Queen Nabo was killed by another bounty hunter.

Passing a murderous poison dart weapon. Obi-Wan Kenobi targeted suspicious targets on a planet called Camino.

As a result, in the database of the Jedi Temple, the galaxy where Planet Camino is located does not exist.

Faced with the question of Obi-Wan Kenobi, what did the Temple Jedi say?

If there is nothing in the database, then it does not exist.

Haha ... Every time Liu Ruian recalled this plot, there was an urge to cut the female Jedi with a sword.

If you do n’t know how to analyze and think about the problem, you will be rejected in one sentence.

This kind of self-confidence to pride mentality, where a qualified Jedi should have.

This, Master Yoda and Mes Windu, they are not unknown.

But the two elders just sighed. Then there is no ...

On the contrary, the training of Anakin Skywalker is more strict than one.

The result is good. It doesn't count to force the Earl of Duku into Sith, and the various factors add up, and even Anakin Skywalk falls to the dark side.

In Liu Ruian's view, the destruction of the Jedi is largely caused by themselves.

Arrogance, pride, and long-term peace have made the Jedi lose his vigilance.

Secret Order 66 did come suddenly, but for a qualified Jedi. It should never be killed by a few clones.

Even if it is a conscious and an unintentional, don't forget that the hunch of the Force can almost reach the point where you can read the mind.

Well, I didn't feel the killing from behind, this is understandable.

But according to the description in the movie. A few Jedi found out that the situation was wrong, and was killed because of the shock and disbelief.

Coupled with the extension of the story in the history, such as the two animations of the Clone Wars and the Rise of the Rebels, some of them made people feel painful descriptions.

Regarding the encounter with the Jedi, Liu Ruian was not surprised to tell the truth.

"Master, why don't you remind the Jedi side?" Parker Amidala couldn't help asking.

"Do you think masters like Windu and Yoda would not know?" Liu Ruian said with a smile, rubbing the other's soft hair.

"It's just that peace has been too long, and some of the Jedi's ideas are inherently problematic, and problems are inevitable."

"If Master Yoda and Master Windu are really willing to manage, there won't be so many cups in the future."

This is also not a flicker. In the history of the entire Star Wars world, the Jedi Council has made too many mistakes to put the tiger back to the mountains and be soft-hearted.

Obviously, those scourges can be dealt with, and the result must be to catch alive, and even the other party can be put on the horse, resulting in many subsequent losses.

For example, in the movie "The Clone Wars" ~ ~ When Master Meuse Windu brought a large number of Jedi to the execution ground of the Star of Geonosis.

When preparing to rescue the captured Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, the pair of apprentices and Padme Amidala, these guys didn't even know the reason why the thieves captured the king .

There Kung Fu was there to hold the lightsaber and pose with the robot army, but it would be better to grab the heads of Count Duku first and then talk about it.

Faced with his master's reply, although Padme Amidala's mind has been purified and refined, but the memory and experience of being a queen have not disappeared, and naturally cannot understand the hidden meaning in these words.

"Master, what is our mission this time? Ambush Count Duku?" Asked Padme Amidala, who had just put the question aside.

"No, no, it's not an estimate of Count Dooku, but it's disguised as him."

Liu Ryan ’s words fell here, and Padmé Amidala, who was standing aside, watched as his master became the old white-haired man on the screen. (To be continued.)