The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 663: Spill dirty water

As the two most extreme forces in the Star Wars world, the Jedi Parliament and Supreme Speaker Palpatine, also known as Sith Lord Darth Sidious, after discovering a certain force that suddenly emerged, Naturally, there can be no reaction.

The Jedi Council, which represents justice and light, has maintained a fairly good relationship with the light temple of Dantuin because of Anakin Jr. and Padme Amidala.

Especially in Anakin Jr. Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi's practice in Dantuin for more than half a year, they also got a lot of benefits.

For example, some special training methods of the Sanctuary of Light and some very brilliant swordsmanship, etc., plus the faction that belongs to the light camp, although the relationship is still not close, the relationship on the surface is at least very harmonious .

Compared to the reaction of the Jedi Parliament, as the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, the reaction is obviously much darker.

On the face of it, the Supreme Speaker of the Republic also has some interest in Dantuin.

It was not only the emissary of the Republic that sent the planet many times to visit this planet in a remote and incomparable field.

It even proposed many very favorable conditions, including the conditions for recognizing the Temple of Light as the only ruling power on the planet Dantuin.

The purpose, on the surface, is to attract Dantuin to the Parliament of the Republic.

But in fact, it is natural to want to take the opportunity to make the Temple of Light the second Jedi Parliament for the Republic.

It doesn't matter whether it is from the perspective of Supreme Speaker Palpatine, or from the perspective of Sith Lord Darth Sidious, rather than letting a mysterious organization with powerful strength be left uncontrolled, it is better to be around more meaningful.

Although doing so will inevitably create many dangerous opportunities, for Darth Sidious, who alone plays the entire Jedi Council in the palm of his hand, he is still confident that he can suppress the danger to a minimum.

It's a pity that the old sly Sith Lord's abacus is indeed good, but it can't hold someone up.

Whether it came from an invitation from the Parliament of the Republic or the solicitation of Supreme Speaker Palpatine.

Liu Ruian's reaction is very simple and straightforward, I will not accompany you!

Such an attitude falls in the eyes of Sith Lord Darth Sidious, and naturally there is nothing to say.

Since they cannot become their own pieces, they can only be the enemies that must be eliminated.

If this is replaced by someone else, even if the strength is much stronger than that of Nabo, it is estimated that this villain's boss can't escape the calculation.

But the Light Temple is quite special. In addition to having many inferior, even in many respects, it is much stronger than the Jedi Knights, and it also has a strong interstellar combat power.

When a messenger of the Republic travels to Dantuin for a diplomatic visit, he will feel a chill in his heart when he looks at the huge fleet that is densely guarded in this star field.

After the relevant news and information were sent to Palpatine, even this man who had a lot of power in private, had to admit that he was really hard to be sure that there was no good result.

Fortunately, for Darth Sidious, whose true identity is Lord Sith, being tough is never his strength.

So, some rumors and false information that were bad for the Temple of Light were quickly concocted.

With these so-called evidences, Palpatine directly used his identity and authority as the highest speaker to request the Jedi Parliament to come forward to solve this problem.

This is still replaced with the previous one, the Jedi Council will definitely be sold by the Sith respectfully and help the other party count the money.

But with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Jr. staying in Dantuin for more than half a year, the Jedi Conference had a pretty good impression of the Temple of Light.

Needless to say, the Jedi Council thinks it ca n’t do it alone.

Those very mysterious ideas and insights will not be mentioned, but the two sets of swordsmanship obtained by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Jr. have special training methods, but they are good things.

Whether it ’s Yoda or Mes Windu, or the elders of other Jedi Councils, it ’s clear that this kind of sharing with others ca n’t be done.

Even if everyone knows, the swordsmanship and training methods that Europe ’s Bewan Kenobi and Little Anakin Skywalker get are definitely not the most core things.

But for the Jedi, where even apprentices cannot reach too much substance without going through a lot of tests, it is already quite enlightened.

Coupled with the style of the light temple, whether it is power or action, there is no trace of darkness at all.

Even if various rumors and false information continue to pop up, the Jedi Council is still so stupid that it is not clear how good and bad it is.

Therefore, although the task of tracing the Temple of Light over the Jedi Council has not been refused, the direction of development is far from what the Supreme Speaker Palpatine planned.

Looking at the tigers in the mountains, okay, Sith Lord Darth. Sidious will definitely not know this old saying from China ~ ~ but it does not hinder this old tyrant Understand what this means.

After discovering that the plan to fight first between the Jedi Council and the Temple of Light was clearly unsuccessful, the seemingly polite Supreme Speaker Palpatine finally changed his plan.

On the one hand, it continues to pour dirty water into the Light Temple, even if it is temporarily useless, but it will still be useful for a long time.

On the other hand, it was the people who sent the trade union to start a new cooperation with Nabo through commercial channels.

I have to admit that there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests. This sentence is quite applicable to any world.

With the central reconciliation of Supreme Speaker Palpatine, Naboo ’s current regime and trade union not only quickly resumed business relations, but also became closer in cooperation.

Under the erosion of money and power, the interior of the royal family of Naboo quickly became a traitor.

First, a large amount of information about Dantuin was leaked, and then the fleet that was not long after it was sold was also sold clean.

Of course, the sale here does not really mean that someone has sold the fleet for money.

It is impossible to hide such a big movement, even if you want to hide it, you have to drive away the fleet.

Without the authorization of Her Majesty the Queen, no one can fully mobilize this fleet.

The so-called selling refers to selling all the data of the fleet through the authority.

In addition, the starship sent by Liu Rui'an was originally created based on the technology of Star Wars World. There is no black technology.

The data breach means that Palpatine can own these types of starships as long as he wants.