The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 773: Universe Tenjin

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Regarding public opinion issues, Liu Rui'an actually didn't care. Tasting

Anyway, this time in the world of "Deadpool", I never thought of anything to save all mankind, or to promote faith and the like.

The only real purpose is to use this world to perfect my own mysterious skill tree.

What are you talking about? "Deadpool" is a science fiction movie, not a magic movie.

That's right, the plot shown in the movie Deadpool is indeed a proper science fiction movie.

But do n’t forget that movies are movies, and the real world is the real world.

In addition to the movie plot, this world has a complete development history and a huge background setting.

Even if "Deadpool" and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are not a world, there is still too much value in them.

Take the mutants, according to Marvel's settings, the so-called mutants are indeed just the product of an experiment.

The difference is that this experiment did not come from an alien star, but from the cosmic **** group.

The Universe Tenjin group is a race created by the eternal five gods of Marvel Comics. Theoretically there are countless Tenjin groups, but until now there are only 1,265 Tenjin groups.

The Tenjin group can modify any settings and logical concepts of the mu grade, which is quite powerful.

According to Marvel's settings, Tenjin is a cosmic super-protoss. They are two thousand feet tall and wear armor all over.

No one has ever seen what it looks like under their armor, and no one knows their origin.

All they know is that they have visited the earth in four different periods in the past, and each visit has changed the history of the earth.

The first team of gods came to earth about a million years ago, and tested and tested genetic genes in the highest biological bodies of the earth, so early humans were born.

After testing various changes in human genes, Tenjin created two types of human offspring, [theEternals] eternals and [theDeviants] abnormals.

Their only remnants of important human subjects are implanted with a sleepy DNA composition, which will benign mutation one day.

That's right, this is the so-called X gene.

The second team of Tenjin came to Earth about 25,000 years ago to check the results of their first visit. When the direction of the abnormal person ’s technology was found to produce the opposite result. The gods destroyed Lemuria, the chief of the anomalies.

The destructive reaction force caused a change in the continental plate, which eventually became the cause of the sinking of the Atlantis continent.

The third team of gods arrived on Earth a thousand years ago to check the progress of human development. Their landing site was used by the Eternals as a place to work with the Incas of Peru.

The third team of gods was met by an earthly protoss in an accidental event, including Odin and Olympian Zeus of the Asgardians, Brahma and Shiva of India, and countless chaotic gods. Teamed up to challenge [Celestials] the right of the gods to interfere in human events.

The result of that war was that all the major Protoss of the Earth vowed to abandon their participation in actions involving human destiny.

The fourth team of Tenjin reached Earth in recent years, the purpose is to judge human values.

Since the dormant DNA composition that can be benign mutation has been activated due to the increase in radiation levels worldwide. The Tenjin group believes that the fittest survive.

When the **** left the earth on that day, the twelve most outstanding human figures on the earth will accompany them to leave.

No one knows how many gods exist. Even how many members there are in the fourth team of Tenjin on Earth is a mystery.

Nine of them already know the name and function. Although the other gods have been seen, they cannot be recognized.

In order to conduct genetic experiments, the Tenjin group has visited many other races.

For example, the Skrull clan in Guardians of the Galaxy was learned to be the result of a Tenjin experiment.

The gods have tried many of these races, but the earth is clearly the only race that has successfully passed the **** ’s trial because there is no potential threat to the universe.

Every member of the fourth team of gods can resist all mythical systems in the world such as [Eternals] and [Asgardians] Nordic gods and Brahma, as well as all creation gods and chaos gods and An all-out frontal attack of the collective power of God of all other concepts.

Arishem has shown a strong enough idea to permanently eliminate the space of all Chaos Protoss domains (different sizes, sizes, special domains, different concepts, different logics, such as the Nine Heavens in the Nordic mythology. The thirty-three days of the country, Buddhist Three thousand worlds, an infinite number of universes per atom, etc ...).

Another indication of the power of Tenjin is that when the fourth team of Tenjin left, Tenjin cleared all the evidence of their past and recent visits from mortal thinking and memory.

So far only the eternal, the anomalous, Brahma, Lord Shiva, Odin, Gaia, Carlos and other Heavenly Fathers, and a few Earth superheroes have not been erased from the memories of their visits.

Well, under normal circumstances, the power system of the movie world will be infinitely weakened and adapted ~ ~ Liu Rui'an doesn't think that the universe **** group in the world of "Deadpool" has the Marvel setting.

Fortunately, weakening also has the benefits of weakening, otherwise people just have a thought to have to finish playing by themselves, then plan a wool.

A large number of videos from various countries and high-level executives about all the conspiracies and tricks against the floating city are constantly being exposed, while the floating city leaves Ushuaia under the eyes of everyone.

At the same time, a station called "Magic World" officially landed on the Internet.

Very beautifully made station. Describes some information about the magic world.

From magic to various creatures, from pictures to videos, those people who swarmed into it quickly fell into a magical world.

However, the most critical thing is to announce the news about recruiting magic apprentices in the world.

The news said that magic has no borders, any country, any race, as long as you have a strong interest in magic. Then you can sign up directly.

Once admitted, they will enter the floating city to receive a full range of magic learning courses.

The announcement also gave a list of courses, in addition to magic, but also includes potions, alchemy, runes and other fields.

Once the announcement was released, the number of applicants exceeded six digits in less than a minute, and at the same time, it was increasing at a jaw-dropping rate. (To be continued.)

PS: First, the new plot of "Marvel World's Transiter" has begun. Please ask for support for subscription, rewards, monthly tickets, collections, recommendations, etc. Everyone has money if you have money, and you have money if you have money ,Thank you!

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