The Traverser of Marvel World

Chapter 954: Innocent Simmons

After sweeping the different expressions on the faces of the four people, Liu Ruian just smiled and shook his head.

On the empty coffee table, ice cones, fine wine, juice, snacks, and tea appeared out of thin air.

"If you have anything, please sit down and talk first." Liu Rui'an beckoned and smiled.

Even before coming, I learned about the shelter industry, especially a guy, through various channels.

But when he saw someone taking things out of thin air and couldn't see any abnormal reaction at all, Phil Coulson was shocked besides shock.

To speak of space abilities, Phil Coulson is not strange.

After all, as the artificial Terrigan crystal is integrated into the ocean and brought into human society through marine fish, aliens are constantly awakening all over the world.

Several of them have space-like abilities, but none of them can transfer designated items from one place to another as if eating and drinking like Liu Rui'an, and at the same time will not show any abilities. shape.

Not to mention that someone also moved the entire Avengers headquarters to the surface of the moon in an instant. It is no exaggeration to describe such a powerful force as stunning.

"Mr. Magician, I came this time to think ..."

Just when Phil Cosson sat down on the sofa and was about to express his intention, he heard someone say:

"Okay, Phil, I know your intention well, but you have to understand that I am just a passer-by in this world."

"A lot of things, I can play, I can intervene, but I will never stop my pace because of these."

"So, you don't have to say some things. But for other things, I can promise you now."

Speaking of which, Liu Ruian shouted into the air:


"Serve you at any time, boss."

"Send three sets of Nano Armor, version 2.0."

"Yes, boss."

Almost immediately after the voice of Protoss fell, three white beams of light flashed across the office.

After the transmission beam disappeared, we saw three sets of sci-fi nano armor appear in front of everyone.

"This is the individual combat armor I developed based on a certain game." Liu Ruian, who came to the nano armor, said with a smile:

"The function is not so strong, at least the original version of it can not fly in the air like an iron guy."

It was clear who the black widow some iron guy said was, and they all showed a smile.

"Fortunately, this thing is quite practical in terms of other functions."

After patting the set of nano-armor that looks like someone is using, Liu Rui'an pretended to continue cautiously:

"By the way, I will tell you secretly, these three are version 2.0, and the one for the Ministry of Defense is version 1.0."

"If both of you come across, you can beat ten of them if the user's power is not much different!"

Hearing this, it didn't matter whether they were Phil Coulson, the three of them, or the black widow, and there was a shock on his face.

There is no way how powerful the nano service is. The four people present can be said to be quite clear.

But who wants to think, this 2.0 version can hit ten after the 1.0 version.

It's strange that Phil Coulson knew what this meant. They weren't shocked.

"How about, anyone dare to try this on the spot." Liu Ruian, standing in front of the Nano Armor, said with a smile:

"Of course, if you are worried about problems, I will let Protoss pass you the detailed drawings and the underlying code."

"I believe that with these, the talents of Fitz and Simmons should be easy to interpret."

Speaking of which, Liu Rui'an pretended to beckoning Skye, and said with a smile:

"By the way, I haven't had time to say hello to you, hi, Fitz, Simmons, it's nice to see you again."

"Talking about the speed of this Internet channel provided by Protoss, should it be synchronized?"

"Of course, if you learn this kind of communication too much trouble, I can also send you directly here, how?"

At the same time, Fitz and Simmons, who was sitting in front of the big screen and conducting a preliminary analysis of Nano Armor 2.0 on the aerial fortress of S.H.I.E.L., looked at someone who had spoken to the two suddenly.

However, Liu Ruian on the screen continued with a shocking expression:

"By the way, Fitz, you must not blame Simmons, she had no choice at that time."

"And with that person's power, she wouldn't even notice that she wanted to blind Simmons."

"If you really need to love her, you must believe her, because the person she really loves in her heart is none other than you."

Faced with the words that pierced the window paper, Fitz and Simonston froze on the spot.

Just when the couple was overwhelmed, Skye, who was sitting next to Phil Coulson, reacted.

"So Mr. Magician, do you mean to be blinded?"

"Yes, the guy that Simons saw was not really him." Liu Ruian nodded and said:

"He was just the product of being possessed by a certain guy. The reason why he contacted Simmons was to find a way to return to the earth ~ ~ Unfortunately, although Simmons did not help the other party achieve this goal, Phil did. "

"What ?!" × 6

"Attachment? You mean ..." Phil Coulson, who soon remembered something, said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, Grant Ward, who left your heart soft on that planet for a while, has been possessed by him." Liu Ruian nodded and said:

"And, through the passage opened by the Hydra, he has returned to Earth, but he is still recuperating."

Hearing this, the black widow, who was just sitting there, could n’t help but ask:

"Boss, who do you say he is?"

"Who can it still be, the cargo is also the old face of the captain ... No, it is an old acquaintance." Liu Ruian shrugged and replied:

"Since he disappeared from the earth, people keep trying to bring him back to the earth, but he has never been successful."

Hearing this, if the black widow had no idea who it was, the identity of the senior agent would be blind.

But the clearer the identity of the person, the more dignified the mood of the black widow.

"So I will say that this matter has nothing to do with Simmons, she is just an innocent victim."

"This ... how is this possible ?!"

Simmons stood up subconsciously, looking at someone on the screen, with an expression that I didn't believe.

It ’s no wonder that this girl is not believe in papers. In the kind of unpretentious, right, it should be a barren place where even life rarely occurs. It is difficult to meet a human. So simple.

The psychological and physiological traces left Sismond unable to accept this truth for a while.