The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 327: Put her on the internet

She is a big star, people are eager to say a few more words to her, this Yunci is even reluctant!

Yunci leaned against the wall, with a cold face, urged: "Do you want to tell me?"

Jiang Youchu pressed his anger and gritted his teeth and asked, "How did you get Liwu's signature?"

Yun Ci raised his eyebrows and replied slowly: "Does it have anything to do with you?"

Her scornful attitude almost exploded Jiang Youchu.

How could there be such a person who doesn't know good or bad!

Jiang Youchu's face was pale, and he asked, "I heard that you were taken by Liwu, is this true?!"

Yun Ci tilted his head and raised the corners of his lips, with a smile but a smile: "I don't know who Liwu has fancy, but she will definitely not fancy you."

Jiang Youchu's eyes were almost staring, and he pointed his finger at Yunci: ""

You haven't suffocated a word for a long time.

Yunci didn't bother to entangle with her more, put down a bent leg, stood up straight, and walked away at a leisurely pace under her angry eyes.

Jiang Youchu stomped the floor under his feet fiercely, his eyes were red with anger, and he trembled with anger.

She immediately took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and said fiercely: "I will send you a document, and you will help me make that person popular on the whole network. We must greatly promote her as Liwu's fancy. Newcomer!"

In the classroom, Yun Ci walked to Le Tong's seat and tapped her finger on her desk.

Le Tong was writing words silently, raised his head, and looked at her through Bai Ling: "What's the matter?"

"Are you free? I want to ask you a few questions."

"Yes." Le Tong put down the pen, stood up, and followed Yun Ci out of the classroom.

Came to an unmanned corridor.

Yun Ci leaned aside and asked, "Do you know Huo Baiyuan?"

Le Tong nodded: "I know, he is the elder of our Menglai clan and the only elder of a foreign race."

"Foreign? What do you mean?" Yunci frowned slightly inexplicably.

Le Tong explained: "We are divided into inner races and foreign races. The inner races are relatives with the blood of the Menlais. For example, my ancestors are from the Menglai clan for generations, and my eyes are gouged out at birth. Other than that. In addition, our Menglai clan also accepts outsiders to join, provided that we must personally dig out our own eyes. Just like Huo Baiyuan, he joined the Menglai clan about eight years ago and took only two years to sit on the elder position."

He didn't hesitate to dig his own eyes to enter the Menglai clan, and became the elder of the Menglai clan, but he suddenly rebelled two years ago. What secret did he hide?

Yunci lowered his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, he asked, "Do you know his wife?"

"Wife?" Le Tong shook his head: "I don't know, I'm a low-level generation in the clan, and I just heard about the elders."

Yun Ci stopped asking more, and said thank you.

Le Tong smiled: "It's okay, I'll go back to the classroom first."

She waved to Yunci, turned and walked in the direction of the classroom.

In the afternoon, Yunci was sleeping on his stomach and was suddenly woken up by someone. Xia Beiqin's howling voice came from his ears: "Fuck you, sister-in-law, something has happened!"

Yun Ci was irritated and wanted to kill, so he suddenly raised his head, and reached out his hand to grab Xia Beiqing's collar: "Are you looking for death?"

", sister-in-law, something really happened..." Xia Beiqing tremblingly handed her mobile phone.

Yunci loosened Xia Beiqin's collar, took the phone, saw her name hanging on the hot search, and clicked in. There were all overwhelming reports.