The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 479: Sister Aci betrayed him

A group of guards rushed over and guarded in front of the float. They raised their guns and fired frantically at the wall of flesh. Amidst the deafening sound of gunshots, one body after another crashed down, and the blood was soaked in an instant. The whole street.

The crowds on both sides of the street screamed in horror. The scene was out of control for a while. The guards held guns to suppress the rioting crowd. The floats rolled over the corpses on the ground and continued to drive forward.

In the crowd, there were a pair of blood-red eyes, staring straight at the Yunci on the float.

Dongtang Chiyou’s face was covered with mud, covering his delicate face, his clothes were torn to pieces, his body was wrapped up by several rags, and new wounds were too late to deal with, criss-crossed, and his flesh was ripped apart. , Bleeding from the outside.

He lowered his head and hid in the crowd. The eyes under his hair were like a poisoned snake, fierce and fierce, his eyes were almost burnt with monstrous anger, firmly locked in the gorgeous dress on the float. The figure in the long skirt can't wait to swallow her alive.

He desperately wanted to come out alive, kill the monsters with his bare hands, and wanted to come out to see her, but never thought that she would become the new king of Zhaoguo, a sharp blade to kill the people of Zhaoguo. Unexpectedly, she would betray him!

Dongtang's lingering heart seemed to be torn apart inch by inch.

When I was thrown alone in the deep mountains and old forests, when I was hurt by those monsters, when I faced the endless darkness and loneliness, I was less desperate than this moment!

Dongtang Chi You suddenly clenched his hands, his bones creaked, and the moment he was about to rush out, his shoulder was suddenly held tightly by a hand.

Turning his head, he saw a little girl about his age, standing behind him.

Dongtang Chi You changed his face, his voice low: "Su Mi?"

The little girl's soft cheeks were soaked in powder, she curled her mouth, tears fell, and whispered, "Master Chi You, I finally found you."

Dongtang did not speak, and wanted to rush to the direction of the float, but Xiao Su Mi clasped his arm tightly: "No! You can't show up right now, it will be dangerous!"

Dongtang Chi You stared at the Yunci on the float with deep eyes. Su Mi didn't know where he was, and dragged Dongtang Chi You away abruptly.

There is a dilapidated earthen house in the remote suburbs. Su Mi has been hiding here for several months, and it is considered a safe place.

There was a loud bang in the room.

Dongtang slowly overturned the table, raging anger raging across his chest, he vented everything in the room, and then fell into a mess, his eyes scarlet, like a violent beast, all over his body. With the scorching hot breath, it can burn everything in the world.

Xiao Tuan'er shrank in the corner, shivering with fright, staring at Dong Tang Chi You with wet eyes, but did not dare to come closer.

Su Mi stood at the door and saw Dongtang Chi You's violent appearance, and was so scared to cry: "Master Chi You...what's wrong with you..."

A few months ago, the Three Kingdoms of Lijiang River sent people into the palace and captured the king and queen as well as Dongtang Chiyou. Su Mi was protected by her father and escaped during the war. Her father died. She hid in this building alone. In the small earthen room, trying to rescue the king and queen and Dongtang Chiyou, but she was young, but she was helpless.

Finally, she finally found Master Chi You.

But Young Master Chi You became so terrible.