The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 498: Pei Han's temptation

After taking the medicine, Yun Ci felt a little better. She got up and closed the window and walked out of the room. She happened to see Pei Han sitting on the sofa in the hall with Mu Chenbi beside him, talking to her.

Even if she hates Mu Huaiyu again, she still cares for her son.

Yun Ci stepped downstairs, Mu Chenbi saw her, his eyes lit up, as if it was because he had a word with him last time, he first waved to Yun Ci: "Good morning."

Pei Han also raised his eyes and glanced at her, was stunned for a moment, and said: "Would you like to come and sit?"

Yunci nodded slightly, walked over, and sat down beside Pei Han. Pei Han probably didn’t know what Mu Huaiyu had done. He thought that Yunci was really the newly supported king, who gave Yunci a gratitude. The attitude is also considered mild.

"Being a king, it's very hard." Pei Han suddenly spoke. Seeing Yunci's scrutiny gaze, she smiled slightly: "Look at how tired you look. I have lived here for several months. You are thinner than before. Up."

Yunci replied lightly: "There are some."

"Don't worry, Huaiyu will help you." Pei Han comforted, and after hesitating for a moment, she looked away and her expression became a little unnatural: "Huaiyu takes care of you very much."

The temptation in the words is very obvious.

Yun Ci narrowed his eyes slightly, observing Pei Han's soft side face.

Does Pei Han suspect that Mu Huaiyu has any other thoughts about her?

But... Yunci can see that there is no sadness or jealousy between Pei Han's eyebrows, or even a trace of emotion, as if she doesn't care. If it is true, she looks slightly tentative, but looks like Wish Mu Huaiyu had any meaning to Yunci.

Yunci understood in an instant.

Pei Han didn't like Mu Huaiyu, and even tired of Mu Huaiyu's entanglement. Naturally, he wanted Mu Huaiyu to like others and let her go.

It seems that she is really bored with Mu Huaiyu to the extreme. If she knew that Ren Honglang's death and the accident with Pei's family, could it be related to Mu Huaiyu?

Then she shouldn't wait to kill Mu Huaiyu, right?

This is also the reason why Yunci handed all these materials to Dongtang Chiyou. She believed that Dongtang Chiyou was smart and knew what to do next.

She just needs to wait quietly, waiting for the dormant lion to counterattack after waking up.

Half of Yunci's face was covered by a veil, and he looked at Pei Han with a pair of open eyes, and said calmly: "I can't talk about caring, King Mu has always been harsh and harsh to everyone, but he is only gentle to you. The relationship between the two must be very good."

Sure enough, when he heard these words, Pei Han's expression changed, and a trace of disgust flashed between his eyebrows. He turned his head to cover up the strangeness of his eyes, and his voice was a bit cold: "It has been more than ten years, and the feelings have long since faded As a king, even if he looks at others, I have no right to object."

The meaning of these words seems to be telling Yun Ci that even if there is something between Yun Ci and Mu Huaiyu, she won't mind anything anymore.

I couldn't wait to push Mu Huaiyu out.

Yunci felt a little funny.

Mu Chenbi kept blinking his eyes, listening to the conversation between Yunci and Pei Han, he couldn't help but interject: "No, Dad loves you so much, so he won't look at others! "

Pei Han's face was slightly stiff, and she seemed to realize that Mu Chenbi was next to her, and she said something that shouldn't be said.

No matter what kind of grudges the adults have, she doesn't want to affect the children.