The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 669: Finally I find you

Shen Zhiyu walked to the living room, sat down on the sofa, put his shoulders against the earphones, gently rolled up one sleeve, and saw that the entire arm was severely swollen, especially where the blood was drawn. The blood vessels were swollen and blue, as if he was going to The flesh burst out.

I touched it with my fingertip, and there was a cramping pain.

"It's a bit swollen."

"It's not a little swollen, but very swollen, right? It takes a lot of effort to move it, right?" He Jiayi's voice was a little annoyed: "Tell me, do you want to suffer by yourself? Take a hot towel and apply it several times. It will take two days to disappear."

Shen Zhiyu lowered his voice, as if he was afraid that Xia Beiqin would hear it, and couldn't wait to ask: "How is my blood research done? Can you heal Beiqin's legs and throat?"

He Jiayi said helplessly: "How can it be so fast? I have to study the special effects of your blood first. In short, you should wait for my notice first."

"Good luck!" Shen Zhiyu hurriedly stopped He Jiayi, his tone almost begging: "Hurry up, please, please."

One day later, Beiqin will suffer one day, and he is worried day and night, afraid of accidents.

"I know, I know." He Jiayi replied angrily, and cut off the phone with a click.


In the evening, Jun Si Che came down from the second floor, and Uncle Zou in the lobby greeted him. Seeing Jun Si Che had changed his clothes, he was obviously going out. He hurriedly asked: "The dinner is going to be ready, you are going out. Huh?"

Jun Siche responded indifferently, and walked outside the gate, Zou Bo followed behind: "Where are you going, I will see you."

"No, I'll go by myself." Junscher walked to the door, opened the door of the Maybach, and sat in the driver's seat.

"Huh? But..."

Zou Bo wanted to say something, but Jun Siche had already stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

Looking at the body of the car going away, Bo Zou was at a loss. At this moment, there was footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw Yunci also walking from the hall.

"He went out?" Yun Ci asked, looking at the shadow of Maybach's car.

Zou Bo nodded: "Cheer always goes out alone recently and doesn't tell me where to go. I am a little worried about Cheer's safety."

Yunci looked around and saw that there was a car parked in the garden. He turned his head and asked Uncle Zou, "Can that car be driven?"

"Yes." Bo Zou immediately took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Yun Ci.

"Thank you." Yun Ci reached out to pick it up, walked to the front of the car, opened the door, got into the driver's seat, started the car, and drove away from Jun Siche.

Yunci drove, following the Maybach ahead. The car drove to the asphalt road on the outskirts and stopped by the side of the road. Yunci was still some distance away from Maybach. In order not to be found, she also stepped on the brakes.

Sitting in the car, she saw Jun Sicher getting out of the car and getting in another car parked on the side of the road. She didn't know who was in the car and why he got in.

After thinking for a moment, Yunci decided to take a risk.

She put on a peaked cap and a mask, opened the door and got out of the car, looking at the cover of the big tree on the side of the road, moving towards Junscher's position a little bit.

Just as she was about to approach, the tips of her ears moved, and a faint sound came from behind her. Just as she turned her head, the cold muzzle touched her forehead.

The strange man in black is holding a gun.

"Finally I find you."

There was a cold voice in the distance. Turning his eyes, he saw Mu Chenbi's figure slowly coming from behind the black-clothed man. The corners of his lips curled up with pleasure, staring closely under the brim of Yunci's hat. Cold eyes.