The True Mistress Has A Thousand Hidden Identities

Chapter 759: Nuannuan is leaving

Nangong Mu hurriedly grabbed her hand: "I'm here!"

Jun Duonuan asked in a feeble voice: "Amu, are you okay..."

Hearing this, Nangong Mu only felt choked in his throat, and tears welled up. He cried and said, "I'm fine, and you will be fine too, Nuannuan, don't be afraid, I'm useless... I should protect you... "

Nangong Mu said incoherently, even he didn't know what he said. He only knew that Nuan Nuan was to block his guns for him, so it became like this. His mind was full of Nuan Nuan falling in front of him. Picture.

Jun Duonuan shook his head stiffly: "It', A Mu is...the most powerful."

Yun Ci tore off the hem of her clothes, turned over Jun Duonuan's body slightly, and saw shocking blood covering her back and the gunshot wound in a fatal position, and her voice trembled: "No... it's okay, let me first Bandage to stop bleeding."

Yunci took the torn strip of cloth and wrapped it around Jun Duonuan's body, wrapping her wounds. When she was about to tie the strip of cloth, she suddenly stopped her movements and looked at Jun Duonuan in amazement. Hand that becomes transparent.

Nangongmu also saw Jun Duonuan's hand held in the palm of her hand, which had become transparent, and it was also quickly extending up along her wrist and arm, but in the blink of an eye, her entire arm had changed. Be transparent.

Nangong Mu panicked for a while: "Nuan Nuan, you...your hands..."

As someone who has personally experienced this situation, Yun Ci certainly understands what it means, it means... it's time for her to leave, and there is no way to keep her.

Yun Ci slowly loosened the hand holding the cloth strip, the cloth strip slipped down on Jun Duonuan's body, and fell to the ground lightly, being blown away by the breeze, blood again poured out from the wound behind Jun Duonuan.

Nangongmu looked at Yun Ci with panic and help-seeking eyes, and asked with a trembling voice, "This...what is going on, how can the warm hands..."

Yun Ci's voice was terribly calm: "She should leave."

Nangong Mu couldn't react for a while: "Leave? Where to go?"

"Go to the future, back to the time and space where she should be back."

After several journeys, Yun Ci gradually discovered that there are two ways to go back to the past and back to his own time and space. One is to wait for the body to become transparent and disappear naturally, and the other is when he is about to die.

Jun Duonuan had already had a transparent body before, and this shot was in danger, which became an opportunity for her to go back.

"No! No!" Nangong Mu slammed Jun Duonuan into her arms, confined her body firmly with both arms, wishing to melt her into the blood, lest Jun Duonuan disappear in front of him.

"Don't... Nuan Nuan, don't go, can't leave me, please, we still have a lot of things to go, I haven't taken you to the restaurant you've always wanted to go to, do you remember the puzzle? We did it together , It’s almost done..."

"Amu, don't... don't cry..." Jun Duonuan wanted to touch Nangongmu's face and wipe the teardrops on his cheeks for him, but his hands were already transparent, and he couldn't even touch him.

Jun Duonuan suppressed the tears in his eyes and pulled out a far-fetched smile, just like usual, smiling warmly and brightly: "It's okay, A Mu, we will meet again, as long as... as long as I am born. Alright, Amu, you will wait for me, right?"