The True Young Miss Is A Spoiled Boss

Chapter 505: Paranoid like

When she finally couldn't bear it, Luo An asked her not to continue pestering herself, but Qi Xuan seemed to be taking it seriously, and continued to laugh and talk to him.

Luo An couldn't hold back, and stunned her a few words.

She was so powerful, but in fact it was not that powerful, but Qi Xuan, a squeamish little girl at the time, cried and ran away when she said a few words.

Luo An was caught and beaten by Luo's father when he returned home.

Then, he was taken to apologize to Qi Xuan.

He also knew that he was not doing well, and apologized with a calm face. From then on, Qi Xuan became more indifferent.

Qi Xuan seemed to understand it later, she didn't get too entangled, but she still came to Luo An from time to time, and Luo An ignored her.

He always felt that just ignore it.

However, after so long, it is still the case!

Luo An is not the kind, you have paid for him for a few years, you love him very much, and he will love you!

Luo An never became that kind of person.

Qi Xuan's love made him feel suffocated.

When he was going to go abroad for mining, the first thing in his mind was that he would not be able to return to the division for a long time, and then he was happy because he could avoid Qi Xuan.

For Luo An, to be pursued so passionately by someone he wouldn't like for so long is really a terrible thing for Luo An.

It's like, how you want to get rid of her, you can't get rid of it.

Luo An was almost crazy when he found Qi Xuan came to the mining place.

The two are family acquaintances, and he regarded Qi Xuan as his younger sister, but that didn't mean he could accept her pursuit for such a long time.

Qi Xuan is not crazy, he is going crazy too.

After finally waiting for Qi Xuan to give up on him, he didn't know how happy he was, but seeing the look in Qi Xuan's eyes now, he seemed to have returned to the days when Qi Xuan was pursued, which made him feel a little suffocated.

He even felt that when he saw Qi Xuan, he couldn't get better!

I have never seen a girl who can be so entangled in this way. She is not bad anywhere, can't she change her personal likes?

She always likes someone who won't like her, doesn't she feel tired by herself?

Qi Xuan didn't know what he was thinking, she looked at Luo An's face, a little paranoid.

"Why are you lying to me?"

"Luo An, do you hate me so much?"

Listening to Qi Xuan's questioning, Luo An did not speak.

He couldn't stand it anymore, for fear that he would startle her as soon as he spoke.

With so many people around now, Qi Xuan is a girl again, no matter what he says, she will embarrass her.

Xing Jiuan thought Qi Xuan seemed to be cute before, but now it seems that it is not the case.

The three of Chu Feng asked everyone else to eat, and they all passed by.

Now here, only Xing Jiu'an, Mu Qing, Luo'an and Qi Xuan are left.

Qi Xuan didn't seem to care about everything around her at all.

"I like you for so long, why can't you like me?"

"Why do you like me, I want to like you?" Luo An asked her back.

"Qixuan, I told you very clearly."

"However, when we were in junior high school, the family said that we were married."

"But I refused on the spot."

"I never gave you any hope, Qi Xuan."

"I told you not to like me. When they said about the marriage, I interrupted them and said I didn't want it. You heard it."

"From junior high school to university, Qi Xuan, do you think I liked you a little bit?"

"Do you know how much your likes bother me?"

"Your likes make me feel suffocated."

"But, I've been so long..."

"What are you trying to say, have you liked me for so long?"

"But Qi Xuan, don't forget, I have also endured this pressure for so long."

"As long as you like me, it annoys me for as long."

"What I told you, I won't regret it if I refuse someone."

"No matter how long you entangled, I will only refuse you for how long."

"Like, it's never just entangled by one person!"

"At least, I am not like this."

Qi Xuan heard him say this, tears streaming down her eyes.

Xing Jiuan and Mu Qing had gone to one side tacitly when the others had left, and could not hear their conversation.

Two people know how to play with mobile phones, one reads files, and ignores things here.

"Why?" She was wronged and sad, "Why can't you give me a chance?"

"I said from the beginning, Qi Xuan, I don't like you, at most I just treat you as my sister..."

"I don't like it, why should I give you a chance?"

"If this is the case, Qi Xuan, can I ask you, can you give me a chance?"

"Don't like me anymore, okay?"

"Your likes make me feel suffocated."

Luo An's words were very cruel, Qi Xuan's tears fell drop by drop, and there was no way to make him feel soft.

"Why is your heart so cruel?"

"If I promised to give you a chance..." Luo An chuckled lightly, "Qixuan, who will let me go?"

"To be forced to be with someone you don't like is a very sad thing."

"You are a girl, I don't want to say anything to you in front of others, but Qi Xuan, you have to pay attention."

"Not everyone will always be used to you."

"You don't want to disturb my life anymore. I'll beg you, can you?"

"So, wouldn't it work without Xing Jiu'an?"

"Can I be as good as Xing Jiu'an?"

"Qixuan." Luo An stopped her in a deep voice.

"You are not the same as her, and, in my eyes, she is just a younger sister."

"Even if I don't have someone I like, I won't like you."

"Qixuan, I beg you, let me go and let yourself go."

"As long as this is a mistake, you have been in pain for a long time, and I am equally uncomfortable."

"So what I like for so many years, is it just a mistake in your eyes?" Qi Xuan asked, her eyes flushed with tears in tears.

Luo An didn't lose his composure, he looked at Qi Xuan's eyes, and spoke word by word seriously.

"You think you have liked it for so many years, but you are only moved."

"I didn't make you like me."

"I made it clear from the beginning!"

"Qixuan, this time, I hope it will be the last time."

"From now on, stop pestering me."

Qi Xuan lowered her head and was silent for a while, and then she spoke softly.

"Can we be friends in the future?"

Luo An thought about it seriously, and then said, "I don't want it for the time being."

"I'm worried, you will think this is my hope for you."

"Qixuan, this, I don't want to bet."

Qi Xuan nodded, "Well, since this is what you want, then, as you wish."

Luo An smiled lightly, Qi Xuan was a little confused, and then heard him say, "Thank you."