The Twelve Years: Song of the Unsung Friends

Chapter 37: This year's deceased comes (3)

All the sceneries were shaken by tears, she lowered her head, wanted to cry, and laughed again.

The aperture is stacked in front of her eyes, so are the bookshelves, so are the clocks, and even the phone in front of her seems to be immersed in water... In fact, it is only her own eyes that are immersed in tears.

"Where are you?" he asked again.

"On Xiafei Road," she said with a heavy nose, "Yuyangli on Xiafei Road."

This is a place name that Fu Dongwen will be familiar with. His small apartment is also on Xiafei Road, in Liheli. It only takes ten minutes to walk from here. If you walk fast, seven or eight minutes is enough...

How smart as he could not guess, the apartment she rented was on Xiafei Road because of him.

In the earpiece, there was a movement of cloth rubbing against the microphone. Fu Dongwen seemed to change his hands while holding the receiver, or, standing uncomfortably, adjusted his posture.

Shen Xi guessed his every move through the phone.

"I'm in Liheli's apartment." He said.

He's here? Why not go to the mansion? And back here?

She put her face to the microphone, distracted.

"You come out again in twenty minutes, and I will pick you up," he said.

"Yeah." She agreed.

The receiver was placed where it belonged, and the call ended, and she was always making this call nervously. At this moment, the body relaxes, sitting stupidly, as if still in a dream.

When the hands of the watch skipped for more than ten minutes, she finally woke up from the dream, ran to the washbasin holder with a towel, and wiped her face against the mirror.

In the mirror, she only has black eyes and lips that are colored, and the rest are white, which is horrifying. I didn't sleep all day and night, and cried too much, like a patient.

She didn't have time to apply makeup, dropped the towel and rubbed her face with her hands to get a little **** color.

Fortunately, the two years of career improved her speed in dressing and wearing shoes. When she ran up the stairs and locked the door, the hands of the clock had not reached the final time scale.

"Miss Shen, are you going out?" The landlord's wife was sitting alone downstairs, and the door was unexpectedly not opened.

In the past, the landlord’s wife liked to have dinner with the door open, and by the way, she could chat with the neighbor next door.

Shen Xi responded inadvertently and flew downstairs in response.

"Miss Shen..." The landlady woke up her jasper bracelet again.

Shen Xi has been in contact with her for two years, knowing that the landlord’s wife is a deep-minded person. She never does her own business. Whenever she wants to say something, she has to weigh it back and forth and tuck the bracelet on her wrist for a while. Will speak.

"Mrs. Chen, do you have anything?" Shen Xi decided to speak first to save time.

"Miss Shen, I just called my husband. He said that the students on the road near your hospital are making trouble, smashing the car, and hurting people," the landlord said in a low voice, "Do you think it will cause us trouble? Come on the road? I just said I was going to get the materials, so I didn't dare to go out. When you came back, did you meet it? Was it serious?"

Shen Xi was surprised: "I didn't meet, I left early."

"Or, you still don't want to go out," the landlady said again, "I want to lock the door earlier."

Shen Xi looked at the sunlight outside at dusk: "May I come back as early as possible?"

"I don't want to take care of your personal affairs, you know I'm timid."

Going on, I'm really late.

"Mrs. Chen, don't worry, I won't be back too late."

Shen Xi hurriedly opened the door and ran out, no longer giving the landlord's wife room to speak.

In the lane, everyone is cooking.

Shen Xi walked in a hurry at first, but when he reached the corner where he was about to turn, he suddenly slowed down. She lowered her head, touched her long hair from the top of her head with both hands, and smoothed her hair down to calm herself down.

The door of a house next to her was open, and the old woman was holding a pot of emerald green leaves, pouring it into the pot, and the explosion of water and hot oil burst out. Shen Xi seemed to be urged by the sound, making it more difficult to calm down.

She walked out of the corner of the small road to the end of a stone road at the entrance of the alley, parked a black car, half-opened the door. When she appeared, the car door was opened from the inside.

The tram on Xiafei Road was passing by the car. Fu Dongwen slowly got out of the tram with his back facing the tram. He looked tired, standing unstable, with his right hand resting on the door. It was still a shirt and tie with a stand-up collar, but instead of a fitted suit jacket, she wore a tweed coat.

Red Shikumen bricks, blue-gray tiles, rows of platanus trees, and he...

Shen Xi could see that his mental state was not good, but he was much better than two years ago. Now that no one in the Fu family can suppress him, the big tree backed by Master Fu and Master Fu has fallen, and this alone is also conducive to his recovery.

Shen Xi finally got to the car under his eyes.

What should it be called? Dong language? Third brother? Or Mr. Fu?

Her lips trembled slightly, which was a sign of crying. She lowered her head and bit her lower lip, trying to restrain herself.

The words of the year have not been finished, and they have been accumulated to this day, but I don't know where to start.

"I was already late when I went downstairs, and I was stopped by the landlord and said that... I was still late." She was explaining the dilemma she had just encountered, explaining the reason for her lateness, and at least there was something to start with.

"You are not late," he said instead, "I arrived too early."

This is Fu Dongwen's unique art of speaking, never embarrassing her. This is also the first word he said to her when he meets again.

The two of them were separated by the car door. He walked around and stood in front of her.

Shen Xi suddenly thought what he would do.

He also thought he would do something, but he just suppressed his emotions, stretched out his hand, and wiped the corner of her eye: "The wind is strong, don't cry and hurt your eyes." He whispered.

Shen Xi's eyes are the heat of his fingers, which is fleeting and stunned.

The two looked at each other, it was really windy, blowing on her face, her eyes and cheeks were sore. Sure enough, she had cried and couldn't see the wind. She pressed her eyes with her hands and smiled at him in a covertly manner: "Where are we going?"

Fu Tong Wenteng shot, closed the door, and smiled, "Do you mind if you accompany me to eat something?"

Shen Xi nodded lightly.

Fu Dongwen didn't mean to get in the car again, and walked side by side with her, walking along Xiafei Road under the phoenix tree.

The car slowly followed the course of the two of them at a distance of two meters. Fu Dongwen was very familiar with the restaurants and western restaurants here, and chose the nearest place. Shen Xi entered the western restaurant and through the closed glass door, he noticed more than one car following them, at least four.

Immediately behind the two, five people stood guard at the door.

In the small western restaurant, there are two tables of people downstairs who are dinning. Seeing the formation outside the door, they are all whispering, guessing the identity of Fu Dongwen. The boss didn't need Fu Dongwen to speak, and took the two of them upstairs. The second floor is an open flat floor. There are only two tables by the window. There is a long wooden table in the middle, which is like a gathering place for progressive people.

Fu Dongwen is ordering food.

The leaves of the plane tree pressed on the glass, and the veins of the leaves were revealed by the light from the candle on the table. She was holding the leaves, and she could also see the car downstairs, a position she had never had before. What is he going to do this time? Is it just to see his father?

There were only two guests on the second floor from beginning to end.

The wind is very strong outside the window, and the green leaves are crowded in the middle of the night, and they are black shadows pushing each other.

Shen Xi noticed that he was not moving, and raised his eyes to look at him.

Fu Dongwen looked at her without concealment and suspicion.

Just now on the side of the road, there are people, cars, and everything interfering. At first glance, the scene in front of you is not a scene, but an imagination. And now the chair is facing the chair, the people are facing each other, under a small square dining table, his leather shoes are against her toes.

It's all true.

On the contrary, she knows how to constrain, lowering her eyes, fiddle with the silver knife and fork in her hand.

"In the past two years... a lot has changed." She said vaguely.

Yuan Shikai died, Zhang Xun restored and helped the Qing emperor...and was overthrown again and returned to the Republic of China.

"It's still messy," she wanted to talk to him on current political topics, but she had no choice but to talk about the lack of capital, so she never analyzed the relationship between the warlords: "You have many businesses, right? You have taken back your own things, right. Do you already have a lot of money, don't you?" She remembered every detail about him in the tabloid and also remembered his "money addiction."

Shen Xi was trying to avoid the insufferable feelings, picking up many topics with a hammer.

But Fu Dongwen did not give her a chance, nor did he answer her words.

He was staring at her face, eyes and lips, watching every change, overlapping her face with memory.

"Why don't you speak?" She could hardly go on acting.

He smiled faintly: "Are there any questions? I'm waiting for you to finish asking."

Shen Xi shook his head and moved the knife and fork lightly.

The feet under the table also moved away, but he just noticed it, and the leather shoes moved forward again, next to her.

Such subtle thoughts, unobtrusive ambiguity...he used to do it when two people lived together. He knows women best.

Shen Xi pressed the corners of his lips and said nothing more.

"Then I will start to answer. It is chaotic right now, but fortunately the Prime Minister is also doing good things, such as insisting on participating in the war. As long as we win this world war, we will have the opportunity to negotiate internationally and regain our sovereignty in Shandong. "

"Yeah." She listened carefully.

"You also ask me about money," he said silently, seeming to be calculating, "I have 9 million in Tianjin bank, 12 million in Shanghai HSBC, and 67 in overseas banks. Millions, there are a lot of mines, about 14 and more companies have invested in them, more than 20. Now there are about ten million, maybe ten million."

Shen Xi’s monthly salary is three hundred and sixty-seven oceans, plus the extra subsidies provided by the hospital, less than four hundred oceans, which is already a very high salary in Shanghai, second only to the dean and vice president.

She was shocked, smiled from the bottom of her heart, and nodded: "It's great."

In the past two years, she has often thought that such a chaotic situation is just right for him to flex his muscles. If she is not by her side, she will be much better without any drag. Otherwise, only his father and elder brother would use themselves to threaten him.

Looking now, it is indeed the case.

"It's great." She couldn't help repeating.

The joy of emotion has reached a point where the brain is blank and the language is lacking.

She is like this right now, she is happy for him sincerely.

"Why didn't you go to the UK? Didn't you go to the hospital Qingxiang introduced to you?" He changed to ask her.

"I want to try my luck," she said. "This hospital is newly established. If you go to hospitals like Renji and Zhongshan, you really have to introduce people and guarantee that you can't leave your job or get married. Doesn't it sound very good? terrible?"

"Can't get married? It's very inhumane." He commented.

"So I was lucky that I didn't go to the big hospital. Later, it was good luck to treat a patient with a reputation in Shanghai, and the reputation spread. And because I am a female doctor, many celebrity wives come to me , Look at this time, my gender also takes advantage."

She used short words to talk about two years, except for work or work.

The boss brought the appetizer.

Shen Xi nodded gently to thank her. When the boss came downstairs, she thought of the important thing: "Why don't you let me participate in your father's treatment?"

"I will go to the hospital tomorrow, and I won't talk about it tonight." He didn't want to talk.

Fortunately, if you want to persuade him to change his mind, you have to analyze the medical records carefully, and let Duan Menghe explain together. It's better to have a business talk tomorrow.

The boss brought lamb chops.

He still remembered that she loved to eat lamb chops, his food was pasta.

"Are you still avoiding fishy? It doesn't matter to take a few bites occasionally."

"I don't have a good appetite." He smiled.

Shen Xi picked up the knife and fork, and when he was cutting the lamb chops, he noticed that he was slow to eat. He was talking about his father's illness just before the dishes, but he didn't notice what he had eaten. At this time, Fu Dongwen stirred the noodles twice with a fork, did not raise his hand, and made an expression of loss of appetite. After a casual fiddle, he put down the fork.

After dinner, Fu Dongwen seemed to have very important things to do. He told the driver of his car that he had to send Ms. Shen to his door. He was next to the car, after closing the door for her, he leaned slightly and said to her in the window: "I can't take you back today, sorry." Shen Xi shook his head, "It's only a five-minute drive. No need to take it. I'll go back. ."

"Go back and go to bed early," he whispered from outside the car window, "May you have a good dream all night."

"Well, you have to rest," she was actually worried, "you don't seem to be in good spirits."

Fu Tongwen smiled: "It's not the same."

When he beckoned, the window closed automatically.

Shen Xi rested his head on the seat, waited for the car to leave the road, and quietly looked to the rear window.

Fu Dongwen was already surrounded by a few people and got into a car behind. All she saw was the hem of the coat and leather shoes. The door of the car was closed and the car drove away in reverse.

Go to the mansion in the public concession? Or return the gift and the inside?

Didn’t ask him if he came to Shanghai this time, was he going to accompany his father to the whole process, or just to go through the procedures? Is it necessary to return to Beijing after confirming the treatment plan? She pressed her palms on her cheeks, her face with cold hands and hot face, and her heart hot with cold wind.

A dozen people guarded the door of Liheli's apartment.

Fu Dongwen’s apartment has always been unoccupied, but occasionally people will install phones and repair pipes and electrical appliances. Someone came suddenly today, and the neighbors were all wondering at first whether that Miss Shen was back, and they gave up the idea in the evening. The person who came was a gentleman with a deep background, and the people who followed to protect him were from the Green Gang.

The person beside him opened the door of the apartment for Fu Dongwen. Wan An was waiting in the door early to help him. He was blocked by Fu Dongwen. He walked up the long and narrow wooden stairs to the second floor. Tan Qingxianghe The men sitting on the sofa stand up at the same time.

Fu Tongwen smiled and saw that there was letter paper on the desk and an empty ink bottle beside it.

"It's a letter to you, I don't dare to move." Tan Qingxiang said, taking off his coat, and the people around him also came to help.

Two big men, one on the left and the other, try to get his clothes off as smoothly as possible.

When he took off his coat, Fu Dongwen untied his shirt collar with one hand, but he was still uncomfortable and had to continue to be served. Until the upper body was exposed, there were large bruises and swelling on the back and right shoulder.

"Still need to apply medicine," he said himself, "I can't hold the fork."

"That group of students was cruel," Tan Qingxiang was also angrily. "You still don't let us do it. If you want me to say, those people must be mixed with people from the rivers and lakes, and they are only wrapped in students' skin."

In the afternoon, they went to the street near the hospital. They wanted to follow Fu Dongwen's intention to see Shen Xi, but they never wanted to be surrounded by student organizations who took to the streets to protest. I don't know who said, which car was sitting on the giant businessman Fu Dongwen. The students were stimulated by the words of the black hand behind the warlord, the revolution and the national traitor, and they smashed the car.

Fu Dongwen didn't let people do anything to the students, and was so embarrassed by others.

Tan Qingxiang put his shirt back on him, and went downstairs to prepare something for ice.

"I was negligent today. I feel like a trap," Fu Tongwen smiled to the other man. "Fortunately, you didn't follow the car, so you saw the violence as soon as you got back to Shanghai. I was afraid it would scare you. gentleman."

Zhou Lixun also laughed: "I haven't seen anything before in the United States. I'm not afraid. A month ago, American farmers gathered a crowd and burned a black man. There was a lot of trouble. I was also in the port where I went to. "

Fu Dongwen returned the tie to the other party: "Return to the original owner."

He just walked in a hurry. He answered the phone on the first floor and left. His clothes were torn apart. The clean suits and shirts were all in the box. He had no time to iron, so he had to borrow from an old friend temporarily. The shirt and coat are from Tan Qingxiang, and the tie is from Zhou Lixun.

"Just thanking you is not enough, you have to tell me who I met. Qingxiang likes to sell Guanzi, which made me guess until now."

Fu Dongwen picked up the letter paper and put his hand out of the window, shaking off the dust on the paper:

"It's a lover from the past."

Standing by the window, this is where he stood when he was a teenager, and she should have seen the scenery outside the window at this location.

He said: "A girl who can call me and leave."


0.0 is really true. It is true that Shen Xi ate the third brother to death. 0.0...