The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 122: Wasteland World Nightmare

When Du Yan woke up, he was alone on the bed. He glanced at the time, it was already noon.

In this dream, Du Yan's body is indeed a very weak chicken. He escaped from the research institute the day before yesterday, and escaped from the trading center yesterday. His body was really exhausted.

Perhaps it was the sense of security brought by Shen Ye that allowed Du Yan to relax his vigilance and relax completely, and the result was to sleep at noon.

Du Yan got up and walked out after finishing the care. There was still no one in the living room. He didn't panic, Shen Shen was a promise, and the promised things would never be regretted.

Du Yan thought that it was impossible for Shen Yun to run away anyway, and even if he left for a short while, he wouldn't be surprised. His determined mentality collapsed when he opened the door.

A huge car appeared in the empty courtyard yesterday. This car Du Yan also knows that using nuclear power, the horsepower is huge, and it can carry many things.

The infected have nowhere to stay, and most of the infected people who operate together will own such a car called a "monster" as a mobile home.

However, Shen Zhen has always been alone, mostly using motorcycles or small off-road vehicles as a means of transportation, this giant car is just a burden to him.

Perhaps it was the sound of Du Yan's opening the door. Those who were busy in the car quickly opened the door and jumped down.

There was sweat on his head, only a black vest was worn on his body, and some oil had been put on his pants. It seemed to have been busy for some time.

He picked up the towel on the side and wiped his face: "You are up, eat some canned food, we will leave here after eating, we can eat fresh meat when we reach the infected area."

Du Yan pointed to the car: "Where did this car come from? I didn't see where I could hide this behemoth yesterday."

Shen Zhen explained: "In the early hours of this morning, I went back to the No. 1 home and brought some useful things to the car."

"Do you need such a big car?" Du Yan walked over, stomped and glanced, and found that it was almost a small room.

"You are not the same as me. If you eat wind and sleep, your body will definitely not be able to bear it." Shen Min took it for granted.

Well, Du Yan admits that Shen Yun's concerns are indeed justified, and he asks again: "Wait, you come from the No. 1 home, isn't this type of vehicle so fast?"

Shen Zheng nodded: "Well, I'm afraid you're waiting for the rush, I'm carrying this car here."

"..." The weak chicken Du Yan could not understand the way the infected person behaved, and he could not imagine how Shen Yan was carrying such a huge car and returned at such a fast speed.

However, the fact is that the gap between the infected and the pure is almost as far as cross-species.

After having lunch, Shen Yun took Du Yan in the direction of the No. 5 home. Du Yan did not stay in the back room, but instead sat in the front passenger seat.

Du Yan was dismantling a hand and a gun, which Shen gave to him just now, saying it was used for self-defense.

"This gun doesn't work. It's too weak in terms of structure. It shouldn't pose a lethal threat to mutants." Du Yan quickly dismantled a gun into parts, leaving his mouth to be disgusting.

Shen Ye was helpless: "You are quite proficient."

Du Yan laughed, and was very proud: "Do you think I'm the kind of child who wants to do one thing at a time? Since I've thought about going to the outside world, I will naturally make all preparations. For For those of us who are physically weak chickens, the amount of mecha is too small and the energy consumption is too high, and firearms are considered to be the most practical. "

When Shen Yan saw Du Yan talking about the firearms, he nodded his head: "There are more powerful weapons at the back. I was afraid that you would not be familiar with hurting yourself, so I picked this one to familiarize you. Since you If you have research, you can pick what you like later. "

"It's almost the same." Du Yan assembled the hand with a single shot and tried to aim out the window.

The radio light on the car suddenly turned on, indicating a global broadcast. Shen Min reached out and opened the radio sound with current noise.

"Dear fellows, the staff of the existing First Institute absconded after stealing the new anti-radiation agent ..."

The content of the broadcast is the same as the one heard at the trading center the day before. The First Research Institute has begun to want Du Yan.

Shen Yan frowned slightly, but Du Yan scratched his hair, and asked, "Is there anything in your collection that can be disguised? I am a bit conspicuous like this now. It is said that there was something called cosmetics before the war. You can change your skin color or something. "

Shen Wei said for a moment, and said, "I don't have it here. I went to the city in front of me, but I don't know if it can be used before the war."

The two were discussing disguise, and Shen's personal communicator lit up again, showing that a message had entered.

Shen Min raised his hand and opened it. There was a man's voice inside.

"Here are the tribes No. 1-3, if you are on your way back now."

After finishing listening to it, some awkward expressions appeared on his face. He looked at Du Yan and wondered how to speak.

Du Yan was quick-minded and knew that something had happened at the sight of Shen Yan's expression. He asked directly, "Is there something to change? I can't go to the No. 5 home for the time being?"

Shen Min nodded: "Too many things happened in the past two days. I almost forgot that the main purpose of returning to No. 1 home this time was to help them get anti-radiation medicine."

Du Yan was a little bit strange and asked, "What does it mean to live in a tribe? Isn't the current human settlement just divided into various people's gardens and scattered shelters? And why should they entrust you to help them get radiation potions?"

Shen Zhen explained: "The tribes are not officially recognized. They do not have ID cards in their homes and shelters, and the trading center will not trade with them."

"Not officially recognized? Why." Du Yan's understanding of the outside of his homeland comes from data. Naturally, these tribes recorded in the data are completely ignorant.

Shen Ye explained patiently the origin of the tribe.

In short, these inhabited tribes are a place where infected people and pure people who leave their homes live together. The current human ruling class actually advocates the separation of the pure and the infected, and the official reason is naturally for the continuation of humanity.

However, there are still many pure people who hate the captive life and try to leave. In order to avoid genetic pollution and curb the behavior of the pure people to leave their homes, the ruling class has imposed a ban.

Du Yan still felt a bit strange: "To be honest, the world outside the homeland can be considered completely useless, why do these infected people take them at the risk of not being officially recognized?"

Shen Yan glanced at Du Yan, and then quickly looked at the road ahead: "In order to reproduce, they are betting on the one-ten-thousandth possibility, and may continue their bloodline ..."

Du Yan was silent for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Do you continue your bloodline? What a wonderful expectation."

His laughter sounded something else.

Shen Yan didn't seem to find it, but asked, "Let's go to the tribe No. 1, 3, 5 and all right, okay?"

"Okay, anyway, it's all about seeing the outside world, and the order doesn't matter."

After Shen Yan got Du Yan's consent, he turned the steering wheel and controlled the car to turn in the other direction.

The No. 1 and No. 3 dwelling tribes, located at the junction of No. 1 and No. 2 home lands, can only be regarded as a small dwelling area, and there are no more than a hundred residents. Coupled with its remoteness, many people do not know that there is still a human settlement here.

Old A came to the entrance of the settlement again today. He stood in the sentry above the cliff and looked into the distance.

The only one who accompanied him on the side was the electronic machine gun tower. They have spent a lot of resources in exchange for the new machine gun tower, using the latest infrared detection technology, and are vigilantly scanning mutant organisms that may appear from all directions.

Old A is waiting for someone who can save the entire tribe at this moment.

He has been at the sentry for three days in a row during the day, returning daily disappointed, and then silently loses several companions at night.

Fortunately, today's waiting finally came to fruition.

At the end of the gray road, finally there were moving objects. Old A was happy, stepped forward, but stopped at the moment he saw clearly.

It was a "monster".

It wasn't him, Shen Ye never chose the beast as the means of transportation.

Old A raised his vigilance, and the infected people who suddenly appeared in such a remote tribe could hardly be said to have appeared in good faith. He got up and opened the rest of the machine gun towers, which were powered off for saving purposes.

However, the "monster" just stopped outside the guard range of the machine gun tower, the door opened, and someone jumped from it.

Old A held the communicator in his hands and put it down. Looking at the familiar figure, he knew it was a false alarm.

He raised his hand to close the machine gun tower, and was preparing to descend from the sentry, and saw a scene that surprised him with his jaw off.

The lone wolf, like a lone wolf, who was always alone, turned around and hugged himself from the car! Seeing his movements, he was extremely gentle and careful, and seemed to be afraid of knocking the man off a piece of hair.

Old A rubbed his eyes, and even began to wonder if he was genetically aging. He would soon enter the stage of death to see this incredible illusion.

However, he rubbed his eyes sorely, and the illusion did not disappear. The person hugged by Shen Yan also showed his face at this moment. It was a pure young man with fair skin and exquisite facial features, which looked like a spoiled child.

Shen Min actually abducted a pure person from the No. 1 home? No, he turned a boy out and couldn't have children ...

Old A finally couldn't help but jumped directly from the sentry post, rushing forward with doubts.