The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 168: Science Fiction Romance Nightmare

Du Yan, who is testing the game, does not know the source of the money at all, and he does not know how much the deal between the Saglu people and the earth civilization brought shock to the top of China.

He only knows that doing a good job as a game tester is the most important thing right now.

The plot of the Earthen Brothers in "My Fit Lovers" has come to an end. According to the routine of all text love games, basically it is to enter the marriage hall after graduation.

After signing a contract with Xius, Du Yan spent a little time studying the routines of various love games, and adapted well throughout the process.

The strategy course of the Earthen Brothers has experienced a variety of events, and almost every emergency event will cause a change in favorability.

Xius has a strong learning ability. After using several return cards, he has completely figured out the Earth people's routine. In his response, Du Yan had no choice but to choose the option that favored him.

That naturally resulted in no sales of the return card, but the Saglu people were very talented in guiding the money.

After Xiusi temporarily did not need to return the card artifact, Du Yan's favorability has reached 70.

The definition of seventy favorability in the game is a little moving, a little more than friends, but it is not enough to become a lover.

After reaching the critical point of seventy, it cannot be improved with the option of the plot line. At this time, the card drawing system needs to be launched.

Draw cards can trigger a variety of special events, such as internship combat internships, heroes saving beauty, and so on. The more rare card-induced emotional events, the higher the degree of favorability.

Cards for special events such as confession and first kisses are rare in the SSR level. In short, it is impossible to obtain cards without crazy money.

So, after Xius draws several SSR cards through crazy money, Du Yan ’s favorability soars like a rocket and has reached a full value of one hundred.

After the favorability reaches one hundred full value, it is another golden trap. Players need to draw a card to get a marriage license before entering the marriage hall.

Of course, this is not a problem for Xiusi, so Du Yanzheng and Xiusi are standing on the wedding hall.

Du Yan looked at Xius, who was wearing a dress in front of her. The wedding dress of the Saglu people was very different from the Earth people. The whole dress was dark blue, with complicated lines on it.

When the emotions on the faces of those lines are changed, the lighted up patterns are the same. This is a special cloth worn by the Sagru people only when they are holding a ceremony with their partner. The highest understanding.

Du Yan's body will be much simpler, in accordance with the tradition of earth civilization, wearing a white dress.

This is just a game, but the scene is extremely real. As an ordinary high school student who never imagined that his partner is a male, Du Yan should be somewhat unaccustomed.

Du Yan found that she didn't feel any resistance, and even felt that the scene was no stranger.

He also felt that the whole thing was weird. Why did he marry an alien who was also a male alien, but he did not feel at odds.

If you say that the emotional incidents caused by the previous card draws, the foundation laid is not correct.

Du Yan is a very sane person. He knew from beginning to end that this is a game. Everything is a story line set in the game.

In this case, there is no problem of too much investment in him to distinguish between virtual and reality.

But this is not the time to think about it, the wedding process has come to its final step, and the two new couples exchange vow kisses.

The game's settings in this regard are more humane, and intimate contact does not require the tester or player to experience the actual experience.

For example, the previous SSR first kiss card does not require Du Yan to really kiss the other party, only a CG will appear.

The present wedding event is the same. Du Yan only felt a blur in his eyes, and then a huge CG appeared, which was the scene where he and Xius kissed in the auditorium.

After that, the game enters the ending animation.

In the ending animation, it is a collection of various events that happened in this academy line, and a short animation of the happy life of the last two after entering the marriage hall.

Everything in front of him slowly disappeared, and then Du Yan appeared in a virtual space.

A voice sounded: "Thanks to Tester 520 for your cooperation, the plot of the Academy line has ended. Please suggest improvements based on the game experience."

The sound tablet near the ear does not have any emotional fluctuations, and it sounds like an electronic synthesizer.

Du Yan heard a familiar feeling, like Xius deliberately pretending to be an electronic synthesizer.

Du Yan also did not pierce the other party, switched directly to work, recalled various problems in the entire route, and then submitted comments as a tester.

In Du Yan's opinion, a very important one is about the character setting.

He felt that there should be more characters and diverse images of the Earth in the game, so as to better assist the Sagoru people's interactions after meeting the Earth people and their partners.

Du Yan had never thought about whether, as a tester, he would be able to perfectly express the set personality.

After submitting comments, Du Yan returned to reality under the guidance of the other party.

He opened his eyes and found that it was already dawn.

Although Du Yan said it was equivalent to a night without sleep, the spirit was not exhausted at all, just as Xius promised.

He picked up his phone to confirm the time, but saw several new text messages on it. Opening the text message, Du Yan found that it was an increase in bank balance.

The blessings of Torsius's style of gold, Du Yan's bank balance increased by 100,000 in just one night. This bank account was also provided to Du Yan by Duss.

I don't know what account Xius got from, anyway, it is a virtual identity issue, and it will not be traced to a very secure account.

Du Yan looked at the account balance, but did not think that Xiusi was sending the money too quickly. Anyway, he knew that the test of the game was that Xiusi borrowed money for some reason, so there was no need to pretend to accept it.

Besides, in Du Yan's view, Xiusi was busy with his daily affairs, so it was good to send the money out early, so as not to delay the other's time too much.

Busy Theus is holding his sixth meeting.

In addition to the staff group, the participants of this meeting also include some members of the research group.

The representative of the team responsible for software modification and development is reporting the test situation of "My Fit Lovers".

"After a major modification, the software has been released to the parent star for closed testing, and the feedback is good. People have said that finding a match for their lovers is one of the most important things in the life of the Sagaru people. Is grateful ... "

While listening to the report, Eddie groaned in the bottom of his heart and said that the good proprietary software was not put on the market. He found that his uncle's principles were not worthy of meeting his partner.

After Xiusi listened, he nodded: "For the remaining specific matters, you can discuss it with David. This time I convened a meeting about the amendments proposed by Du Yan."

Although Du Yan's line is the exclusive line of Xiusi, other Sagres cannot be opened, but the feedback on Du Yan needs to be modified by the research team at the first time.

Researchers sat upright, fearing that any details would be missed, which led to the revival of the path pursued by their esteemed Xius.

Instead of presenting the opinion form submitted by Du Yan, Xius chose to dictate.

He said: "I think Du Yan's comments are very good. You can add relevant content to other ethnic lines."

The researcher nodded and said, "After the meeting, we will hold an internal meeting and submit the plan to you for review."

David added: "Make the Earth route first."

Xius said: "No need, I have a preliminary plan for Du Yan's route."

Just as Xiusi's voice fell, several characters appeared on the light screen floating in the air.

Except for minor differences, the appearance is basically no different from Du Yan.

There are a total of five character images on the light screen. The top is wearing a suit, fair-skinned and indifferent expression, which looks like Du Yan who is a business elite.

The second one was a little unexpected to everyone present. It was Du Yan who wore a gorgeous Chinese costume and dressed as a woman.

Seeing here, Eddie finally couldn't help but speak: "Uncle, I don't see that you still have this hobby. This seems to be called women's wear in earth culture?"

Xius glanced at him without answering.

Eddie felt it necessary to remind him, lest his uncle would annoy Du Yan again.

"As far as I know, if there is no such special habitual earth man, he would not be willing to wear women's clothing. Uncle, you have not asked the other party's opinion, which is not good ..."

Xiusi's face lit up with faint blue lines, thinking for a moment, still insisting on the original opinion.

He said: "Although I did not pass through Du Yangou in advance, I don't think he would be angry with him."

Eddie looked at his uncle's determined expression, and he felt inexplicably heartbroken. In terms of the popular Chinese Chinese language, he probably felt like he was being fed a dog food.


The next night, Du Yan, the tester who re-entered the game, watched everything fall into silence.

At present, Xiusi completely abandoned the appearance of the Saglu people. The clothes on his body were uniforms that ordinary high school students would wear, and even his appearance became a teenager.

Du Yan even got a script about character setting before. From the script, he was able to learn that Xiusse was now his bloodless nephew.

He even has a fully earthed name, He Jin.

The teenager was asking, "Who are you?"

According to the character settings, Du Yan knew that he should answer that he was He Jin's uncle. However, he felt that his temples were painful, and he always felt that everything happened before him seemed familiar, and the unprecedented sorrow made Du Yan completely unable to continue.

He covered his head, and bent down, feeling only as if something was coming out.

"You, what's wrong with you?"

The sound of panic sounded, everything in front of him disappeared, replaced by an illusory scene and Xiusi who regained the appearance of the Saglu people.

Du Yan barely squeezed out a sentence: "Sorry, today's test is temporarily suspended. You should send me back first."

Although Xius was extremely anxious, he also knew that he could not reach Du Yan's entity now, and forcing the other party to stay in the virtual environment had no benefit, so he had to guide Du Yan to withdraw.

When Du Yan opened her eyes, staring at the dark ceiling for a long time, she finally asked in her mind.

"Little sister, are you there?"