The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 172: Science Fiction Romance Nightmare

About a month later, Du Yan's calm life resumed.

During this time, he still lived a normal high school student's life every day, and continued to help Xius to do game tests at night. Since that long talk, the two have reached some tacit agreement,

Du Yan continued to maintain his gold worshipper design, and Xiusi was unconsciously the one who provided the money. Du Yan was thinking where the bottom line of Xius was. In his opinion, at first, he might be able to convince himself through strange logic.

As the relationship becomes closer and more familiar with each other, some things will become more and more difficult to ignore.

However, Du Yan hadn't waited for the taste of the dream to change, but first waited for the appearance of Needy Sister again.

The event started with a recent gathering of the Luo family. The Luo family can be regarded as a spring breeze recently. Du Zhiping's recent waist in the Luo family can also be regarded as straight.

Everyone in the circle knows that Luo Feng, the son of the Luo family in politics, has already decided to rise to the center. After review and job transfer, he will be appointed.

Du Zhiping played a great role in the scenery of the Luo family.

Since entering the Luo family, he has been leading the industry's focus from real estate to high-tech.

Mr. Luo has always criticized this. After all, the Luo family started from real estate. Du Zhiping's behavior is tantamount to abandoning the vast rivers and mountains and going into completely strange territory.

This time Luo Feng was able to enter the center of politics, but it was precisely due to the training of his high-tech R & D team by Du Zhiping over the years.

The technology obtained from the Sagloo Galaxy was sent to various domestic R & D teams. The official civil R & D teams worked hard to pass the informal assessment of the Galactic Council.

I was afraid that it would take too long to make the Sagor people feel that the development of the earth's science and technology was not enough, and they would not give the earth civilization a ticket to enter the Galactic Council. There is a saying in the Chinese civilization that there must be brave husbands under the heavy reward.

So in order to encourage research and development, guaranteed various rewards after successful research and development. In the end, it was Du Zhiping's technology research and development team that got these rewards.

Du Zhiping stood at the door of Luo's ancestral house, undressed his collar, looked at his rare and gentle wife, and had a proud smile on his face.

He stepped in and saw the elder sister Luo Feng greeted with a very kind smile on his face.

Luo Feng patted Du Zhiping's shoulder, and then walked inside with great affection: "I didn't know how to get there, so I'll pick you up at the door."

Luo Feng has never looked down on Du Zhiping. In his eyes, Du Zhiping is nothing more than a useless white face, let alone those things of his ex-girlfriend and illegitimate child.

Every time Du Zhiping came to the ancestral house, Luo Feng didn't take a look at him, let alone pick him up at the gate.

In the main hall, everyone saw Du Zhiping and stood up to greet him.

Mr. Luo came out of the room upstairs at this time. He stood at the entrance of the stairs and said, "Zhiping, come here."

What Mr. Luo meant was to let Du Zhiping help him go downstairs. This honor always belongs to the younger he valued, and Du Zhiping never got it.

Luo Ruoqing followed his parents, keeping everything in front of him and everything behind him in his heart.

She didn't understand too much about the complicated things. The only information she got was that her uncle's things had become, and she didn't need to worry too much about it.

Starting today, no one in the school can match her Luo Ruoqing. Even the headmaster of the school should respect her respectfully.

As for the annoying Du Yan, she could finally get out of her line of sight. Luo Ruoqing lowered her head and smiled slightly proudly.


Du Yan went home at the weekend.

During this time, he did not run away from the home as there were so many lonely teenagers at first, because there were too many touching places in the house. On weekends, staying in your own space is obviously more comfortable than living in a dormitory.

However, Du Yan's recent changes, even his three roommates who hadn't heard anything except studying with two ears, felt something was wrong.

The roommate once asked Du Yan why he didn't stay in the house on the weekend. Du Yan just casually said a word and went back home.

Around 5 pm on Sunday, Du Yan returned to school from home.

When Du Yan stepped into the school gate, she was keenly aware that the eyes of people with whom he had bet on him were strange.

He frowned slightly, instead of ducking to avoid hurried departure, he looked directly at those eyes that were by no means goodwill.

Before those people had time to retract their eyes, Du Yan directly saw the contempt and disdain, but after he looked over, the crowd did not consciously look away.

Du Yan did not care, and continued to walk towards the dormitory. Du Yan finally knew what the strange sources of gaze were when passing by the bulletin board.

Very naive means, put posters on posters.

When Du Yan walked over, the crowd around the bulletin board stepped aside, and those people's faces showed a look that they did not want to contact Du Yan.

Du Yan casually looked at the content above. It turned out that Luo Ruoqing finally couldn't help but start to engage in things. The above probably meant that Du Yan was being raised for the sake of making money and corrupting the school spirit.

As for why in the case of a WeChat group, Luo Ruoqing still posted these things on the publicity board, presumably in order to have the largest range of influence. After all, this is the only way for school teachers to ask about it.

Du Yan took out her phone and opened the rarely used WeChat.

The news in the WeChat group has almost exploded. Du Yan basically could not find any useful information, so he just put the phone back.

The school's response to this matter was quite quick. Du Yan sat in the dormitory for a few minutes, and Mr. Lin, the head teacher, came to the door.

Teacher Lin is a nice person who cares about the students very much. She called Du Yan to the office with no strange expression.

Teacher Lin asked Du Yan to sit down and asked, "You must already know what happened in the school today. I have ripped off the things on the publicity board. I also asked who posted it, but I said I didn't see it. . "

Du Yan nodded and said, "Thank you teacher."

Mr. Lin hesitated for a moment and said in a gentle tone: "I don't believe those rumors that are unnecessarily, but now things are up to this point, I will probably talk to you at the teaching office tomorrow, so I want to know what happened What exactly is it. "

Du Yan knew that Teacher Lin had always shown great kindness to these disadvantaged students in the school, and he frankly informed these events that happened in the recent period.

Regarding the part of Xiusi, Du Yan only said that he was a friend who had met more recently, and the other party lent a loan to pay him the debt.

After listening to it, Teacher Lin was silent for a moment, and then said, "You may not see it. In fact, the matter is so big because Luo Ruoqing put a recording in the WeChat group."

Teacher Lin turned on her mobile phone and put the recording to Du Yan.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Du Yan's guess. After Luo Ruoqing had suffered, he actually secretly recorded when he came to the appointment that day.

What he didn't think of was why Luo Ruoqing came out to make trouble at this time. For her future of Luo Feng, Luo's family has been very strict in controlling Luo family up and down.

After Mr. Lin finished recording, he asked, "What's going on with this recording?"

There was no panic on Du Yan's face, but she said lightly: "It was probably the day she paid the money back. She secretly recorded it. How could my relationship with Luo Ruoqing be good? I just talked to her to avoid her Always bother me. "

After that, Teacher Lin asked a few more details, saying that Du Yan didn't need to worry too much. After all, this was not a strong proof, and she would justify Du Yan the next day.

The next day, as Teacher Lin said, Du Yan was called to the Director of Teaching when she was in the early morning.

In addition to the teaching director in the office, there are the principal and two deputy principals.

Du Yan followed the door behind Mr. Lin, and when he looked at the posture, he felt good.

It seems that today's things are not so easy to conclude. The principal, two vice principals, and the director of teaching, the people present were enough to directly withdraw from him.

What happened next was no different from what Du Yan had expected. Du Yan had little room to speak, and the words Teacher Lin had justified for him became a bit pale and weak under the leadership of several school leaders.

Ten minutes later, the school's unilateral responsibility towards Du Yan finally came to an end, giving him a chance to speak.

The Dean was a middle-aged man nearly 50 years old, with dark-skinned and fierce skin, and the students secretly called him a black-faced god.

Now the black-faced **** is standing in front of Du Yan, questioning in a tone of interrogation of the prisoner: "Du Yan, what else can you say?"

Another vice-principal also expressed a fair attitude at the moment, saying, "We will not listen to only one side of the word. If you have any evidence to prove yourself, come out quickly."

After Du Yan heard it, he only thought it was funny. All the retreats that should have been spoken have been blocked. He clearly put out a stance that he must drop out of school, so why give a hypocritical opportunity to justify.

He frowned slightly, thinking about how to solve the difficult situation.

The leaders of these schools took the initiative to drive themselves out of the school exactly as Luo Ruoqing meant, which meant that one thing, Luo Feng's entry into the center had been determined, and they did not dare to offend Luo's family.

He felt that things were a little troublesome. His current strength and status were too different from those of the Luo family, and there seemed to be no better solution to go out to avoid the edge.

I don't know which thigh the Luo family clasped, which actually allowed Luo Feng to take the position in such a short time.

By the way, hold your thighs.

Du Yan finally remembered one thing. He is now a thigh-bearer who worships gold. Why should he follow this kind of high-profile and wronged little white flower line.

As a villain of this kind, shouldn't it be bullying and bullying?

Du Yan took out her phone directly, and opened the app to contact Xius.

Seeing this, the director was even more angry and scolded: "What kind of attitude do you have! This is the time to still have the mood to play with mobile phones!"

Du Yan smiled, and the Faculty Director smiled slightly.

"I was just in love, and the other person just happened to be rich, but it turned out to be incubation. As the saying goes, the wise sees the wise and the benevolent. As for the unclean mind ..."

He didn't finish his words, and his expression on the face represented everything: "If you fall in love and find that the object is too rich, you still have to trouble the other person to break a property?"