The Villain Becomes The White Moonlight

Chapter 29: Extraordinary

That man finally landed beside me from the cloud.

Six in the morning.

He Jin opened her eyes and the biological clock awakened him on time.

When he finished washing, when he stepped out of the door, he was alone in the room.

He Jin walked into the adjacent room and saw that there was a missing set of sportswear in the cloakroom. She knew that Du Yan was out for a run, and he felt a little calm.

Even though this was Du Yan's daily schedule, He Jin repeated this confirmation.

He Jin knew that when faced with uncle's things, she would always be abnormal. However, now this paranoid He Jin exists because of Du Yan, and he enjoys it.

The He Jin before meeting Du Yan never got up before seven in the morning and acted as he pleased. And now, He Jin has become like Du Yan, extremely strict and self-disciplined in work and life.

These two self-disciplined people, regardless of how busy they are at work, insist on exercising. Only when He Jin had other things to do in the morning, he put his exercise time into the evening.

He went into the kitchen and started making breakfast. Du Yan just opened the door when He Jin brought the breakfast to the table.

"Well, breakfast is ready."

Du Yan nodded and went into the room to take a shower.

Du Yan's life is regular. When he was busy at work before, he might change his daily schedule because of work. Now that he no longer interferes with Xie's affairs at all, life becomes more regular.

He Jin has not been able to understand Du Yan, and she had shown extreme concern for the power of the Xie family, and she must become the owner of the Xie family without any means.

Now that he has withdrawn from the Xie Family Rights Center, he never mentions anything related to the Xie Family, like the powers he once had, which has never been related to him.

He Jin doesn't think that he only uses those methods. All his secrets were kept in the study, and he was never armed against Du Yan.

But it doesn't matter, what he wants is simple, as long as Du Yan stays within his reach. In other matters, he was not very concerned.

Now, the person sitting opposite was eating the breakfast he made.

He Jin ate quickly, and quickly put down the chopsticks and stared at the person opposite. Du Yan moves casually while eating, but the whole person is extremely elegant.

What He Jin is most satisfied with is the ring on Du Yan's ring finger. The ring is a pair with He Jin's, and he was ready long before the two had reunited.

When Chen Yezhou was about to propose to Fang, he asked Jin to refer to him. In the jewelry store, He Jin saw the pair of rings at a glance, a unique designer model, and the small mechanism on the ring fit his heart.

He can imagine how much Du Yan's long fingers put on the ring when contrasted.

Not long ago, He Jin made a request on her birthday, hoping that Du Yan would wear the ring on the ring finger.

Du Yan naturally refused. He Jin had been mentally prepared. He just whispered and smiled: "It doesn't matter. I can always put it on you, and I can't take it off."

At that time, Du Yan's response made He Jin a little bit confused. He just looked at it with a strange expression: "At the age of eighteen, didn't you still scold dirty adult thoughts?"

He Jin hasn't understood it for a while, but he is an adult after all. Although he always cleans himself, he has always heard relevant things in the business field.

It turned out that the other party mistakenly thought that what he called "unable to take off" was to wear the ring as a decorative ring in some hidden parts.

"Well, you ... think too much, I don't mean that."

He Jin's words only fell, and he saw Du Yan's white ears a little red. That was the only time He Jin saw Du Yan showing a similar look of shame.

He Jin couldn't control the smile on her face. As a result, Du Yan got up and returned to the room, leaving the ring alone on the table.

He Jin just looked at Du Yan's back, knowing that the other party was asleep at night, then he quietly put on the ring for him.

Du Yan's hand is the clear and powerful type. The ring bought by He Jin has a small mechanism, which can be adjusted to the most fit size, and then locked with a small key.

In the shape of Du Yan's fingers, after putting on the ring, if there is no key, it cannot be smoothly removed.

The next day, Du Yan found an extra ring on her hand, and only asked: "Can you take it off?"

He Jin said with a smile: "It's a pity that the keys have been lost."

After that, Du Yan never mentioned anything about the ring.

He Jin knew that because the other party didn't care about these things at all, he didn't go to the jewellery store to find a craftsman to cut off the ring directly.

The ring on the ring finger is meaningless to Du Yan. For He Jin, it was a symbolic chain, proving that this person was by his side, and also locked those surging dark thoughts in his heart.

"He Jin, you should go out."

The cold voice interrupted He Jin's memories. He saw Du Yan put down his chopsticks and looked up.

"Well, I'm going to work." He Jin stood up and dropped a kiss on Du Yan's face.

Du Yan didn't even shake her hand, and accepted the kiss very naturally.

Stepping out of the house, Kobayashi was already waiting for him downstairs.

Fang think about and Chen Yezhou, has taken over most of the investment company's business. The two rarely stayed at home, mostly flying around the world.

The focus of He Jin's work is on the Xie Family and the Xie Family.

Du Yan once asked that the investment company is the painstaking effort of He Jin, so why can it be so easily given to others to run.

He Jin never concealed Du Yan, and he answered directly: "That investment company has never been what I wanted. Do you know why I chose this industry at the beginning? Because it can accumulate sufficient capital in the shortest time industry."

Only by grasping the power of wealth can Du Yan stay within his control.

He Jin's bottom line for Du Yan was always just right.

He knew the degree of intimacy that the other party could accept. Although he didn't respond, he wouldn't react too fiercely.

He also knew that with Du Yan's character, he could accept that level of control. He never tried to cross the line because he didn't want to force Du Yan to try to leave himself.

He didn't even want to be out of control. He broke Du Yan's wings and imprisoned him in a place only he knew.

Then everything will collapse and their apparent peace will be gone.

Therefore, He Jin never prevented Du Yan from leaving Beicheng and staying for a while in other places.

As long as he can fully grasp Du Yan's whereabouts, when he is idle, he will go to stay with Du Yan for a while, and then return to Beicheng together.

Only once, He Jin almost lost control, breaking the delicate balance between the two.

Du Yan was bored in Beicheng that time, so he went to a small town in the south to go on vacation. When He Jin arrived at the airport, He Jin learned the whereabouts of the other party.

It was only after finishing work at night that he lost contact with Du Yan.

Du Yan's destination was a small border town. A ten kilometer walk south is the national border.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unavailable."

The third time he heard the phone call, He Jin began to lose his mind, and there was something dark and twisted deep in his heart.

Later things have become a little vague in his memory.

He just remembered that Kobayashi came up and stopped him. Later, Kobayashi sent him to the small town on the border and found the hotel that Du Yan had booked.

When He Jin returned to his senses, he felt the place where he touched his palm was soft and smooth.

"He Jin." There was still no mood swing in the familiar voice. "Don't do things that make you regret it."

He Jin's eyes gradually returned to focus, and everything in front of him was clearly presented.

Du Yan was lying under him, his hands trapped on his head. The shirt buttons, which had always been neatly buttoned, were unbuttoned halfway, and his hair was messy. The whole person was lying on the white sheets, showing a bit of fragility that would never appear on weekdays.

He had a red mark on his neck and a pale scarlet on his white cheeks, but this red color should not be out of shyness but out of anger.

He Jin suddenly let go of her hand, a little panicked.

Du Yan's eyes were half-squint. He felt his movement stopped, and then he lifted up slightly and landed on He Jin's face.

"Hmm ..."


Neither of them moved, they were close, their noses touched, and they almost kissed.

Du Yan was a person with few emotions, and did not feel uncomfortable because of this situation. He Jin was afraid of the intertwined emotions of fear and could not control her body for the time being.

"You were in a bad state just now. I think you should go to see a psychiatrist." Du Yan was not mocking He Jin, but was serious advice.

"You are my doctor, my bottom line ..." He Jin just whispered close to each other's ears.

Du Yan's answer was to grab He Jin's wrist and take his hand out of his clothes.

What happened that day was just an accident, and it was the only time that He Jin touched Du Yan's skin.

What happened next, when He Jin dreamed back at midnight, she might have had ambiguous dreams. But he did not dare to put it into action, not because of timidity, but because he reasonably told him that the result after a moment of passion was beyond his control.

At the end of the day's work, when He Jin returned home, she stood downstairs for a while.

The night was dark and the lights were on.

As he had done many years ago, he looked at the figure on the glass and traced it in his heart.

He Jin looked up, stared at the familiar figure, and smiled gently.

You are wearing the clothes I picked, and live in the house that I personally arranged. The first meal I get up every day is made by myself. No matter where you go, you will only be informed of my whereabouts.

You will always be so proud and indifferent, as if no one can enter your heart. It doesn't matter, I know that in your eyes, it's enough to see me.

Because only then will I be willing to let you go where I can't see.

I will not keep you in a desperate cage, that will not only ruin you, but also myself.

I will take over the Xie family, because only the power of the Xie family can make this country a cage for you. Follow your meaning and seize your power just to stay with you and imprison you in a kingdom I can control.

A piece of lake water is used as a medium to capture the white moonlight far away from the sky; a piece of land is used as a cage to nourish the fragile and beautiful flowers above the Xueling.

This is He Jin's indulgent and restrained love.