The Villainess is Three and a Half Years Old

v2 Chapter 77

Soon it was Children's Day on June 1st. My brother and the others didn't have a holiday. The elementary school only had half a day. Ye Linchuan was the only one to accompany Ye Ya to participate in the activities.

When they arrived at school, the other children had already changed into aqua-green performance dresses, with transparent wings on their backs, and the little peas were well-behaved and beautiful, lining up for makeup artists to apply.

Ye Ya came early, but came late.

After arriving at school, Ms. Liu hugged Ya Ya to the changing room and did her make-up in person.

Her performance costume was specially sponsored by the Home of Childhood. The black cape was paired with a Gothic-style skirt, and her little feet stepped on double lace-up knight boots. The delicate fabrics and delicate patterns embroidered on the clothes were destined to make her the brightest in the whole kindergarten. Eyed cub.

Ye Ya held the pumpkin hat in her hand, closed her eyes and asked Teacher Liu to apply eye makeup to her.

Then Mr. Liu's voice sounded: "It's okay."

Ye Ya opened her eyes and held up the mirror, looked at herself tossing and turning, not satisfied: "Teacher, can you make me look more vicious?"

The word vicious came out of her mouth very naturally. Teacher Liu leaned back and said, "I think this is very good. Children should not wear too much makeup, which is not good for the skin."

She had light deep red sequins on her eyelids, and she didn't dare to apply too much lipstick. She put on a light layer. Even so, her makeup was darker than other children.

Ye Ya hugged the pointed pumpkin hat and walked out of the dressing room with her head down.

There were many parents and children in the classroom. Ye Ya, who was black all over, was incompatible with the flower elves wearing green skirts. The surroundings were silent for a few seconds, and the eyes of the whole room fell on her. Ye Ya didn't notice it, and went straight to Ye Linchuan. go.

She doesn't hide her emotions, she can clearly express her disappointment or happiness on her face. Ye Linchuan saw at a glance that her mood was not very good, glanced at the bright and cute children beside her, then looked down at Ye Ya wearing a pumpkin hat, and said : "If you want, I can buy a set of the same clothes as them and take it home for you to wear." Children of this age like beautiful things, not to mention that she is still a girl over three years old, dressed in black The witch costume is definitely not liked.

Nacheng thought Ye Ya shook his head and sighed, "...I'm not scary enough, so I don't look like a witch at all."

She is small, with a grimacing witch hat on her head crooked, and her cloak is very long, completely covering her. Not to mention the appearance of a witch, she can't even see the slightest sense of terror, but reveals The cuteness of the bone contrast. Ye Linchuan really couldn't bear to tell her that even if she dressed up as a zombie at her age, she would still be the cutest zombie, which was destined to be scary.

"You can try to use external forces to make yourself terrifying."

"external force?"

Ye Linchuan gave her a very simple analogy: "For example, the witch in the movie will have a very scary mount."

Ye Ya's eyes gradually lit up, and she raised her head and stared at him closely.

The little girl's eyes were as hot as two electric light bulbs, Ye Linchuan's brows twitched with eager eyes, and he leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets. Zhang's lips came out—

"no way."

He was originally making an analogy for a child, but he didn't really want to be her a mount.

Even if Ye Linchuan died and was run over by a car on the road, he wouldn't let anyone ride on his neck to make a fortune!

"I'll give you a kiss, let me ride it~" Ye Ya stirred her fingers, skillfully acting coquettish to the cheap father.

Ye Linchuan put his hands around his chest and snorted to express his disdain.

His expression was extremely stubborn, Ye Ya slumped down her little shoulders in frustration, bit her little finger in embarrassment, then turned around and moved the stool in front of him, stepped on the stool and climbed up to the table, her neck raised and she looked at those deep eyes with difficulty, rushing towards him. He stretched out two fingers: "Kiss two." His voice was soft, completely negotiating.

Ye Linchuan raised his eyebrows, and his voice showed a smile: "I said, little boy, do you think your relatives are too valuable, and don't give it to me for nothing."

The rich loss flashed through those moist and clean eyes, and Ye Ya immediately lowered her head; "...don't you want it?"

Ye Linchuan secretly looked at her face.

Ye Ya hummed and climbed off the table again, took a deep breath to adjust the position of the hat, and said regretfully, "Okay, then I can only go to Uncle Xia Yu for help." Ye Ya said as she walked out. "Uncle Xiayu is here to accompany sister Xia Qing. I kiss Uncle Xiayu, he will definitely agree..."

Ye Linchuan cracked.

After grabbing Ye Ya and leading her back, he taught her a lesson with a cold face: "It is the basic moral etiquette for Chinese children not to trouble outsiders."

Ye Ya was wronged: "But there is no wife to help Ya Ya~"


Little fart boy.

Ye Linchuan curled his lips impatiently, "Then go and ask the teacher if you can let your parents accompany you to the stage." This kind of activity was planned in advance, and normal teachers would definitely not agree, so it just happened to be a prevarication.

Ye Ya didn't know what Ye Linchuan was thinking, so Xing hurriedly dragged him to find Teacher Liu.

"Teacher, Dad wants to be Ya Ya's mount and perform on stage with Ya Ya, do you think it's okay?"

Teacher Liu, who was so busy turning around, immediately looked over when she heard Ye Ya's voice. Ye Linchuan, who was following her, had a gloomy expression on her face, and her brows were furrowed with anger. Teacher Liu swallowed her saliva and moistened her hair. His voice, his thoughts turned a thousand times.

It's pitiful enough to let Ye Ya come to the stage alone and only say two words. Looking at the faces of the other parents, they must be dissatisfied with the arrangement. If they don't agree with the child's request, it will definitely make the child sad and the parents will be dissatisfied.

After thinking about it, Mr. Liu decided to break the rules for Ye Ya. After all, it was Children's Day, and everything was based on the happiness of the students.

"Okay." Teacher Liu smiled warmly, "You can let Dad and Ye Yaya perform on stage together."

"...?" Why didn't this teacher play cards according to the routine?

Ye Ya was finally happy, she tightened Ye Linchuan's hand and smiled: "Teacher agreed, you have to agree too, a man can't break the contract."

Ye Linchuan agreed weakly, "I see~~" Anyway, he just dragged her up for a walk, which was harmless and harmless.

"Then you have to make up too!"


Ye Ya stood on tiptoe and looked for a long time, but couldn't find the makeup artist. In desperation, she took Ye Linchuan's hand and walked to the kitchen. In the past, when the kitchen was not working, it was locked, and some people would watch and prevent children from entering. Perhaps because of the chaos of the festival, the door was open for the most part, and no one was watching.

Ye Ya GuitouGuiNao looked inside, carefully opened the door and walked in.

The back kitchen was busy preparing snacks for later, and no one noticed the situation.

"What are you doing? Don't disturb other people's work."

Ye Ya didn't answer, went directly to the head chef, gently pulled his sleeve and asked, "Auntie, can you give me some flour, I'll use it for my performance."

The kitchen aunt looked down at the cute little girl, and without hesitation, scooped up a small bowl of flour and handed it to her. Ye Ya followed along with a bottle of tomato sauce, and left the kitchen straight and walked outside the yard. She made Ye Linchuan sit on the ground, then threw the flour on his face, the powder scurried in the air, Ye Linchuan choked on the overwhelming flour, his nose itching, and his eyes narrowed.

After finishing the incident, Ye Ya pulled out the bright red ketchup and smeared it on the corners of his mouth and face.

The smell of tomato sauce was pungent. Ye Linchuan endured the discomfort and said patiently, "It's almost enough, it's not good to waste it."

Ye Ya really stopped, thought for a minute and said, "Well, after the performance, you can lick it clean." There was a lot of ketchup on his hands, which was sticky, and Ye Ya naturally smeared on his white shirt.

"Yaya!! What are you doing here?!"

Xia Qing found Ye Ya, and ran over to see Ye Linchuan, whose face was covered in flour and tomato sauce, and said tentatively, "Uncle Ye?"

"Yeah." Ye Linchuan responded angrily.

Xia Qing looked at Ye Ya again, her eyes sparkling: "Ya Ya, you are so cute dressed like this, like the Queen of the Night. The Queen of the Night often holds a human head." She was talking about the female villain in a forbidden book, the villain. She likes to burn, kill and loot. She once had a younger sister, but unfortunately she was killed. Since then, the female villain has been carrying her sister's head on her body.

Xia Qing likes the female villain very much because she is very special.

Suddenly, she had an idea: "Yaya! Do you want me to perform the person who was killed by the witch?" She squatted on the ground and completely retracted her limbs into the wide costume. She couldn't see her neck and legs, only showing a A head is outside.

"You can hold my head in the back," she suggested.

Ye Ya thoughtfully walked around behind Xia Qing, her hands hanging down just enough to hug her head.

- Completely fit.

Xia Qing giggled and said: "My mother specially prepared cosmetics for me, Ya Ya, wait for me." After speaking, she ran back to the class, and when she came out again, she had a small cosmetic bag in her hand. After smearing completely on his face, he smeared the lipstick out of his lips to create a **** visual effect. Then he squatted on the ground, leaving Ye Ya standing behind him. The two of them looked at Ye Linchuan expressionlessly, motionless.

A child with a pale face and a face full of ketchup is holding another child's head, how strange this picture looks.

But Xia Qing was still dissatisfied with her masterpiece, so she ran back to the classroom again to ask Xia Yu to borrow a pair of scissors, panting to Ye Ya, asking her to take off her cloak and cut the cloak with small scissors He opened a hole, and then put it on Ye Ya's shoulders, hiding himself in the cloak, and his head came out of the hole.

The falling cloak completely concealed her body, with only one head exposed, which looked like a head growing out of Ye Ya's body.

Ye Ya hugged Xia Qing's head in both hands and laughed happily, "I look so vicious~"

Xia Qing also laughed, "I look like I'm dead~"

Ye Linchuan: "..."

Xia Yu, who just came over: "..."

Are these two children playing too much? ? Is this a game that normal kids would play? ! !

Xia Yu, who is not yet married, can't help but doubt the preferences of contemporary young children.