The Villainess Won’t Let the Main Leads Break Up!

Chapter 32

"Sleeping pills?" Xie Wuyan repeated.

Shen Wanqing opened his eyes and said nonsense: "Yes."

"I see."

Xie Wuyan clasped Shen Wanqing's waist, put her in her arms like a pillow, put her head on her shoulders, and closed her eyes: "Then go to sleep."

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?

According to the current atmosphere, this sentence is automatically translated into the roar of the train in my ears, and my mind automatically circulates the color pictures composed of certain English that I saw in modern times.

Shen Wanqing's heart suddenly made a big alarm, and his body was full of resistance. After all, there is no such part in acting, and she is a serious actor and does not take films of this level.

But Xie Wuyan was much taller than her. He hugged people like this, and Shen Wanqing curled into his arms like a cat, his waist was still clasped by his hands, and he couldn't move.

She struggled a bit, as if tickling a kitten.

Xie Wuyan frowned slightly, and squeezed the soft flesh on her waist. Shen Wanqing immediately stiffened and didn't dare to move anymore.

She choked, trying to convince people with reason: "It's like this, I don't think men and women can give or receive kisses."

"Really?" Xie Wuyan's chin rested on her shoulders, making her feel that her eardrums were shaking slightly when she spoke.

Shen Wanqing: I always feel that this is very familiar, as if I have heard someone say it before.

Xie Wuyan: "You said it."

…Shen Wanqing, who was guessed out of his inner thoughts and successfully answered, almost burst into tears. He didn't expect this ancestor to have a particularly good memory besides holding grudges.

She thought for a while. Although she was ashamed, she still had to tell the truth in this case, lest the ancestor reacted and killed him.

So Shen Wanqing twisted his body and tried to part with Xie Wuyan.

The back of this skirt was originally empty, but with such a movement, it pressed tighter against Xie Wuyan's chest, and the scratchers felt numb.

Xie Wuyan frowned, lowered his head and bit on Shen Wanqing's neck, his tone was a little impatient: "Don't move."

Shen Wanqing suddenly did not dare to move.

It's over.

With this, she has gone through all the processes in her mind, from the eagerness to the heart and ears to the squeaking of the neck after being sober.

As soon as she fell into despair, her thinking began to diverge again.

I don't know why if someone else tossed herself so much, she would definitely pull her hair and squeeze each other's neck into a ball. But when Xie Wuyan clutched himself in his arms like a cat, Shen Wanqing did not resist.

She was even a little horrified at her reaction. Is it because she wakes up every night and finds that Xie Wuyan hangs up next to her. Now she is gradually getting used to it? Is she also suffering from Stockholm syndrome like a literary heroine?

Shen Wanqing could not accept it.

After much deliberation, there is only one most suitable answer. Because if someone else struggled by herself, she might have been able to fight or burn her jade, while Xie Wuyan couldn't fight her, and she might die on the spot.

That must be the case.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why he is so comfortable with Xie Wuyan lying next to him.

Shen Wanqing thought for a while, if she was the type of fascinating and charming, she might still have some hope of surviving. By the way, he captured Xie Wuyan's heart and became his little wife, the jewel in his palm.

But she is not.

And even though there are a lot of sorrows, in fact, there is a blank in my mind, and all the knowledge in this area is limited to Kouhai.

Even the physiology class taught by the mother this morning was completely forgotten.

So she was lying on the bed with an expression of impossibility, with the death breath of ‘Come on, I’m hopeless anyway’ on her face.

Xie Wuyan frowned: "What are you doing?"

Shen Wanqing: "I regret why I didn't listen to the class well."

I don't know where this sentence struck Xie Wuyan's smile, he smiled so that his forehead was pressed against her neck, and the hands that clasped her waist were shaking slightly.

After a long time, he raised his head, and his tone was full of teasing: "Okay, this inferior spice doesn't help me at all."

These words made Shen Wanqing's dim pupils instantly light up. She rolled over excitedly, and looked at Xie Wuyan: "Really?"

"Otherwise." Xie Wuyan snorted, "If any tatters can affect me, I have died a long time ago, I don't know how many times."

As he said, he withdrew his hand on Shen Wanqing's waist and put it on the back of his head: "Go to sleep, I'm too lazy to spend the night with you and play that tattered chess piece."

Shen Wanqing felt very moved.

The stamina to survive the catastrophe came up, letting her relax. So she lay down on the bed with peace of mind and touched her waist, feeling a little cold, so she pulled half of the quilt from Xie Wuyan and came over to cover it.

Then he turned over the body again, and the whole person was rolled into a roll.

Xie Wuyan fell into deep thought as he watched the sorrowful feelings lying next to him so peacefully. Perhaps it was because she was too calm, but Xie Wuyan was not calm.

Shen Wanqing's whole body was wrapped like a mochi ball, which looked like a very hand-feeling pillow.

Xie Wuyan stared at her for a long time, then reached out and fished the "pillow" into his arms. After realizing that the hand feels really good, he didn't bother to let it go.

Shen Wanqing's whole body was agitated and opened his eyes. After reacting, Xie Wuyan was so painful that he couldn't sleep again because of the sealing curse, so he didn't shout, changed his position and continued to close his eyes.

After closing for a while, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

The mind was dizzy, and there was a vaguely hot, shallow at first, then wave after wave came up and spread into my mind.

…and many more.

This sachet is indeed useless to Xie Wuyan, but it is useful to her, she is not a bigwig!

Shen Wanqing wanted to open his eyes.

But she found that her eyes were more lead-filled, and she couldn't open it at all. But it was not because of tiredness and sleepiness, it was more like a feeling like a ghost press, clearly conscious, but unable to move.

She gradually realized that something was wrong.

If it is because of the aphrodisiac in the sachet, this should not be the reaction.

It should have been dark in front of him, but it was like a mist change, and soon other scenes appeared faintly, as if in a dream.

But Shen Wanqing can clearly feel that this is not a dream.

The hot breath is still there, but it's not in the body, but in the mind.

Shen Wanqing can be assured.

This is not because of sachets, but because of magic.

So are the monsters in the Full Moon Tower all related to the dream state?

The scene in front of me gradually became clear.

The baths, the moon shadows, the red tents, and only a single coat, all with a temperament that can make people shout ‘I can’, Xie Wuyan? ? ?


Shen Wanqing scolded an swear word.


And why is Chunmeng the object of this thing?

This monster doesn't understand girls' hearts. Isn't it a nightmare to put this ancestor in a dream?

Shen Wanqing instinctively wanted to slip away, but his body walked towards Xie Wuyan as if reluctantly.

She choked and broke the can.

Anyway, dreaming, no one knew, she didn't believe that Xie Wuyan was so powerful that an ancestor couldn't find that the cute oiran sleeping next to him was haunted by magic.

When he got rid of the demon, no one in the world would know that he had had such a shameful dream.

The thought of Shen Wanqing made her feel relieved immediately, and she carefully looked at Xie Wuyan in front of her.

Sure enough, it was a dream, Xie Wuyan in the dream didn't have the usual hostility at all, maybe it was because of being controlled by magic arts, and he was full of desires all over. Especially with that extraordinarily protruding face, Shen Wanqing felt ashamed.

If he doesn't deserve the oiran, he should be the oiran.

Then "Xie Wuyan" said: "The girl clicked on me, what do you want to do?"

…what? ? ?

Is it really a seductive script?

Shen Wanqing felt that this demon could still be removed in a less hurry.

Dreaming is so happy.

She was moved by the bed, feeling that the heat that was entrenched in her mind seemed not to be important anymore, and she was immersed in the joy of turning over the peasant to sing.

So she said happily: "In this way, you dance first."

Xie Wuyan soon discovered that something was wrong with Shen Wanqing.

The person in his arms is abnormally hot.

He opened his eyes, frowned, and noticed that her face was flushed, large drops of sweat leaked from her forehead, and her breathing became heavy.

It should not be that sachet.

When he got it, Xie Wuyan thought that the spice might affect her, so Ke Ke accidentally let out her breath to shelter her.

Could it be an eclipse dream demon.

But it shouldn't.

Even if the Sealing Curse on his body would greatly weaken Xie Wuyan's power at night, he shouldn't be unaware.

But at the moment, Shen Wanqing can't be allowed to stay in the dream.

He raised his hand and pinched the back of her neck, forcing her to raise her head.

Then, he pressed his forehead, closed his eyes, and entered her spiritual house.

Xie Wuyan rarely enters other people's spiritual houses.

Because there will be the darkest evil side of people's hearts, and there will be unpleasant smells and dirt everywhere.

But when he entered Shen Wanqing Lingfu, he was silent for a moment.

The surroundings are full of sweet and greasy taste, so sweet that it is too sweet.

He tried to understand what Shen Wanqing was thinking about, and then found that it was all almond cakes, sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, egg yolk mooncakes, and Sydney locust cakes...

How could anyone have this kind of stuff in their minds?

Xie Wuyan felt ashamed of such a reputation as the Ji family for her.

Finally, Xie Wuyan captured Shen Wanqing's dream among a large number of dish names and desserts. There is the root of all the heat, like a raging stove that is gradually burning.

If the dream world woven by the eclipse dream demon is forcibly broken into by an outsider, it will definitely suffer a bit of backlash.

Xie Wuyan walked through the blazing fire like a okay person.

It is not the body that burns, but the soul.

Finally, he saw Shen Wanqing.

And another...self?

Shen Wanqing lay on the bed like an uncle, licking melon seeds, seemingly quite comfortable, and by the way directed the pirated Xie Wuyan in front of him to dance.

Xie Wuyan himself: "..."

He was silent for a while, holding his arms and looking at the magical monster enjoying the blessing in the trap under the monster.

If the Eclipse Dream Demon knew all this, it would be quite frustrating.

Its magic is to weave a dream, let the people in the dream indulge in desire, and absorb the soul of the dream owner when they have **** and strong affection.

The hotness like Chinese medicine is double insurance, controlling your mind through illusion, forcing you to do that kind of thing, so as to be foolproof.

But I didn't expect that Shen Wanqing's will was so firm.

And the reason for the firmness turned out to be: once Xie Wuyan dances for a hundred years, even if he is uncomfortable, he still has to watch.

"So." Shen Wanqing said, "You dance a ballet."