The Villains Are All My Fans

Chapter 5

Dog men and women were arrogant and secretive in the library, and Duan Shu spent an afternoon getting acquainted with the new body.

The original owner lacked exercise, she couldn't lift her shoulders or shoulders, and her slender body depended on hunger, which didn't fit her aesthetics.

Beauty and health can coexist. Duan Shu didn't plan to make a beautiful woman a strong man, but if her limbs were strong, she wouldn't be able to do many of the movements she wanted. But the body that never exercises, suddenly increase the amount of exercise, and excessive lactic acid accumulation can cause delayed onset muscle soreness. In a week's time, I will go to the "Jedi Reality Show" primary selection, so I can't exercise anything in such a short time.

There is only one way left.

Duan Shu dried his hair after taking a shower in the bathroom: "A11, you said that as long as you get the villain's favorability, you can unlock my space backpack. Are the items I take out of it random or optional?"

【You choose. 】

She hummed, a little relieved.

There are many things in the backpack that can theoretically come in handy. For example, a UV sterilizer can provide clean water, but this big guy must not be taken out of thin air under the camera, and it needs electricity.

In fact, Duan Shu only wanted one treasure—

Big red medicine!

In the end of the world, the ability to fly into the sky and control the fire and control water did not evolve. During the chaotic period, both culture and technology regressed. Later, the situation gradually stabilized. The strange power brought by nuclear radiation and meteorites was accompanied by many strange products. Dahongyao is a rare medicine that enhances human health. Duan Shu and her Chinese friends are accustomed to calling it Dahongyao. The full name is a string of English. a bottle.

In the end times, this thing is very tasteless to ordinary people.

Red medicine can make you stronger.

To be strong is to survive.

Stealing the red medicine itself requires a certain amount of strength, or risking one's life to steal it is equivalent to death.

Moreover, Hongyao did not become superhuman after drinking it, it could only improve his physical fitness, he couldn't instantly transform into Ye Wen and fight ten.

When Hou Shu bought it, he just thought it was very interesting and saved it.

I didn't expect that it would come in handy one day, and it was a key item. It seemed that she was well prepared at that time.

It was already nine o'clock when Dad Duan came home.

In order to accommodate his off-duty time, the Duan family's dinner time came later than other families. Although Duan Xingbang persuaded the family to eat first, Duan's mother was very stubborn in this matter and did not listen to the advice at all. The younger brother Duan Xiang was too lazy to care about her. When he was hungry, he ordered takeout or cooked instant noodles. After a few bites of the main meal, he would have eaten it.

Seeing her husband coming back, Mother Duan immediately complained: "I have nothing to do with your daughter, and I don't listen. I get angry and shut myself in the room, either locking the door or pushing things against the door, and co-authoring me as a mother. Are you an outsider?"

Duan Xingbang looked at the dining table.

On the left is his son playing with his mobile phone with his head down, on the right is his daughter who is worried about Cai, and in front of him is a sensitive and irritable wife.

Except for a table of hot meals, there is nothing like the family he once imagined.

Duan Xingbang once thought that after making a fortune, he would have a warmer and happier home.

I didn't expect the company to be on the right track, learn to do business, but not learn how to handle family relations.

The company's profit is not low, and it can make the family rich, but it is not a wealthy family, and it is not the old money inherited from generations of wealth. All he wants from his children is to be happy, and he can do whatever he wants. Love to do not do. So Duan Xiang and his classmates couldn't come and drop out of school at home, and his parents were reluctant to cut off his pocket money.

Duan Xingbang felt even more guilty about his daughter who didn't take good care of him when he was a child. He wanted to spoil him but didn't know where to start, so he had to give her more money.

"Shu Shu is not too young, you can't treat her like a child all the time, it's normal to want to have your own private space," Duan Xingbang sat down at the head of the dining table and slowly reassured one by one: "I'm not a judge, and my family is not a court. Don't wait for me to come back and judge you, just take a step back."

Men's ideas are good, but they don't understand women's psychology.

When she found that her husband was not on her side, a sense of grievance flooded Mother Duan's heart, and her eyes instantly turned red: "I'm still wrong, am I not giving in enough? I can't even enter my daughter's room, what did I do wrong?"

"This...I didn't mean that either..."

Duan Xingbang was embarrassed and turned to look at the pair of children.

The son had already felt it. Before the family war broke out, he tactfully put on headphones and pretended to be immersed in the mobile game. In fact, he couldn't cover his mother's voice at all.

The daughter is weak, and most likely will bow her head silently.

However, when he turned his eyes to the right, he met a pair of clear eyes.

Duan Shu looked straight at him, with a lighthearted smile on his lips, as if the dispute just now had nothing to do with her, and it was not her who was accused by her mother: "I think she is right."

The middle-aged couple was stunned.

"A family can't have two mistresses, especially when I'm an adult, it's not suitable."

"I will move out tomorrow, let's call later."

"If you're really in a hurry, I can go now."

A tear hung in Duan's eyes, and she was extremely stunned.

This is the wish of the original owner every time he is exhausted at home.

She has hands and feet, and it's amazing to look good. The Japanese model earns a lot of money, but after packing her luggage, she will find a lot of reasons for herself—

Dad will be unhappy.

Maybe my mother said hurtful things just because she was in a bad mood.

Maybe she was wrong too.

…move out if the family doesn’t agree, not good.

Time and time again, finally packing up after arguing turned into a meaningless act of venting.

Duan Xiang raised his head in surprise and praised with a thumbs up: "Cool, I want to move too, can you bring me one?"

When he was a teenager, he wanted a quiet environment. Living on campus was not compatible with his classmates. At home, his mother's menopause made the family miserable. If he could move out and live alone, he would also like to.

This sentence directly pierced the honeycomb, and Duan's mother's heart was alarming, and she pointed her finger at Duan Shu: "Look at your role model as a sister, you will bring bad luck!"

"No," Duan Shu ruthlessly refused: "You are underage, and you can't make money."

The elder sister's answer was very fresh. Duan Xiang was very excited. He took off his earphones and talked to her: "You really want to move out, so ruthless? Not like you."

"People change, and we didn't know each other very well."

This is the truth.

The three-year-old generation gap, there are differences between men and women, the two brothers and sisters live under the same roof, but they really haven't said a few words.

Duan Xiang touched his nose and fought back: "I thought you could only cry."

"Do you want me to laugh all the time?"

Duan Shu restrained a polite smile, raised his eyebrows at him, his eyes were cold and bright.

The wet pupils seemed to be electrified, it was obviously the same face, and I didn't think my sister was so good-looking before, but this provocative look made Duan Xiang's heart skip a beat, and he missed the best opportunity to talk back.

The little brother's reaction was caught in her eyes, and she immediately smiled.

The rank of the Internet addict is too low, and he is so angry that he doesn't open his face and doesn't speak.

Duan Xingbang didn't expect his daughter to say such a thing. One head and two are big, so he had to cover the other side: "No, don't take your mother's words to heart, she's in a bad mood. Our home will always be your home. , she is also my daughter when she is an adult. No one will tell you how long you live. It is best to live at home for the rest of your life. And you are not married yet, it is not safe for a little girl to live alone outside. "

"I think she has made an appointment with her boyfriend to live together. You still worry about her. She has big ideas and doesn't care about family."

The sneering mother Duan believes that Duan Shu is fighting with her.

It's impossible to talk.

Duan Shu waved his hand, walked straight back to the room, pulled out a suitcase, and before he reached the living room, Duan Xingbang, who hurried to the living room, held his hand and comforted in a low voice: "It's so late, what can I talk about tomorrow? If you don’t go, I will stay with you at home all day. There is no overnight feud with your family, so there is always a solution when you sit down and talk.” He paused and added unnaturally: “If you have a boyfriend, take it home and see, Dad won't stop you."

Accompanying his daughter at home all day, this is the only way Duan Xingbang can think of to coax his daughter apart from giving money.

If the child is absent for too long in the process of growing up, there will be a sense of time and space confusion, thinking that the other party is still the left-behind child of the year, and will be excited for the company of their parents. As everyone knows, some things are like fancy pencil boxes, spicy strips sold by elementary school welfare agencies, McDonald's that can only be eaten on birthdays... After a certain period of time, it will not taste like that.

Duan Shu patted his hand, like comforting a middle-aged man who was powerless.

He asked, with a look of exhaustion on his face: "Are you angry with Dad?"


Duan Shu recalled a little, the original owner did not hate her father, the original owner only suspected that he had caused trouble for the family.

Being independent from the family of origin is like a second weaning in life.

If it is difficult to live together, moving out and then improving the relationship is also a choice. It does not mean giving up parents.

She fixed her eyes on Duan Xingbang, her voice lowered slightly, with a heavy sense of certainty he had never heard from her daughter: "I just grew up when you didn't notice."

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the person in front of him was not only his little daughter, but a 22-year-old adult.

Duan Xingbang was speechless.

Before closing the door, Duan Shu turned his head and gestured to his family to make a phone call.

Keep in touch and have a cup of tea.

A11: [You are the fastest person I have ever seen to change the original owner's life trajectory in one day. 】

The evening wind was blowing, and Duan Shu, who was dragging his luggage, walked fast, afraid that someone would catch up and argue: "No, I will still drive the AE86*, the drifting technology is so strong that you doubt your life."

A11 corrects her: [I am not human. 】

"Okay, you're a thing. I'll call a car, book a hotel, and deal with it tonight."

Leaving Shengshi Huyue Community, Duan Shu bowed his head and opened the taxi app.

As soon as the order was placed, the A11 who was talking to her sounded a notification tone: [Villain Fate Value +1]


The author has something to say: *AE86 is the car used by the protagonist in "Initial D"

"I lost to an AE86 last night. He used inertia to corner. His speed was very fast. I only saw a sign of a tofu shop in his car. Do you know who he is?" It means she doesn't leave. On an ordinary road, the speed of turning is too fast.

Because some friends said they didn't understand why the original owner's family didn't look like an elite educated family

They...really...have no elite education...

Not a rich man! As far as business success is concerned, there are also all kinds of rich people. There are rich second-generation people who are not doing a proper job, and there are also those who are raised by the elite.