The Villain’s Little Cutie

Chapter 162: Your Majesty always wants to monopolize

Wei Xiaorui held Xiaobao's hand and stood aside in embarrassment.

Seeing Asi's appearance, he couldn't help but say: "Big sister, this is the capital city, how do you dress like this..."

She frowned, her eyes full of disgust.

"I don't have the demeanor of a family noble girl at all. It is better taught by my aunt. Sister, I have known etiquette since I was a child. I have never rebelled against my father and acted like the big sister last night."

Wei Xiaorui said with pride, and the more she said it, the more she felt that the aunt of the Wei Mansion should be herself, and Auntie Yue should be the wife of the Wei Mansion.

Assi frowned and looked over, only to think that this person was so annoying.

Talking endlessly, did she provoke her, why did she always talk about her?

It is too annoying to dislike her for eating yesterday, and dislike her for dressing again today.

Assi pursed his lips, glanced at Wei Xiaorui, and said to Mrs. Wei: "Mother, my brother promised me to go to the market today. Let's go first."

Madam Wei nodded, and Asi happily pulled Wei Jingyu's sleeve and ran out.

Wei Xiaorui, who didn't get any response, sat aside with a pale face, and finally snorted coldly, pulling Xiaobao and leaving without saying a word.

As soon as A Si left the house, she pestered Wei Jingyu to buy her two candy men.

She still wants to ask for something more, after all, greed is also a big foodie, what Assi eats, he also asks for it.

But Wei Jingyu refused.

Asi remembered the caramel he had hidden in the northwest, but it was finally confiscated by Wei Jingyu.

The look in his eyes is even more lamentable.

"Brother, let's take my mother out for dinner at noon."

Wei Jingyu touched Asi's head and smiled: "What? Don't like eating at home?"

Assi shook his head honestly, his eyes dimmed, and said, "I don't like it."

Holding the sugar man, she stretched out a hand and counted with her fingers, and said vaguely: "I don't like my father, I don't like Aunt Yue, I don't like Wei Xiaorui... They don't like Asi."

Assi was so excited, he bit off the sugar man in his mouth, and the sweet and greasy taste immediately filled his mouth.

Greed is taking advantage of this time to eat the sugar man in Assi's other hand.

Asi's eyes widened instantly, looking at Greed, his eyes full of accusations.

"Brother, it's finished," the little girl licked her lips with her tongue out, whispered: "I still want to eat."

Wei Jingyu flexed his fingers and tapped Asi's forehead lightly.

"No, eat more carefully to sweeten your teeth."

After all, Asi grew up by Wei Jingyu's side, and is naturally intimate.

Two handsome young men naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Especially Wei Jingyu, who is tall and strong next to Assi.

However, some people looked at Assi unblinkingly.

With gloom and...

Can't ask for it.

"His Royal Highness, your tea or tea was spilled..."

Xiao Fuzi said tremblingly on the side.

Yan Ancheng sat by the window, staring down gloomily.

The tea cup in his hand was already empty, and it was all spilled on the black brocade robe.

The man lowered his eyes, and the shadows on his face continued.

He pursed his tender red lips and suddenly laughed.

"Little're afraid you've forgotten me a long time ago...I don't want to be like this..."

As he talked, the shady bird in his eyes was even worse.

The tea cup gradually shattered into fragments in his hand, and the blood leaked out of his palm without caring.

"Little general... don't forget me..."


He laughed.

More is inevitable.