The Villain’s Little Cutie

Chapter 732: The elf is soft and cute 13

The wooden stairs creaked.

As Shi stood on the stairs and looked down, he found the darkness more and more.

And the escalator is full of dust.

See her stop.

The servant said dumbly: "Your Royal Highness, please follow me."

Asi retracted his gaze and followed the servant to the top.

The moment the door opened.

What greeted you was a king who was crouching.

He was so old that his eyelids were drooping to his face, and he heard the voice slowly and said: "It's her here."

"Yes, the king."

"Go down."

The door squeezed shut.

As soon as Asi stepped back, he saw the old king slowly opening his eyes.

Those eyes were muddy, and they were staring at her at this time.

Assi was a little scared.

"Excuse me……"

"Shhh, come and see."

The old king put his finger on his lips, then took up the crutches and took her to the innermost part of the house.

There is also a bed in there.

There was a woman lying on the bed.

With a smile on the corner of the king's mouth, he waited for Asi to approach and saw a sudden change in the expression on her face.

The smile is even greater.

The fairy forest at night is very beautiful.

Little Peach Blossom flew around in mid-air, sprinkling pink dots with her dancing.

Ji Jiha was flying below her, those little wings flapped fast, and the eyes that looked at Xiao Peach Hua were always admiring.

The other elves are flying in the air, only Virgil is sitting on the branch.

Two slender, white legs swayed slightly, and he leaned on the tree trunk.

His eyes were half drooping, and he didn't look very glamorous.

"Good boy, what's the matter with you?"

Granny Hua flew to his side, caring.

"it's nothing."

The elf's voice sounded muffled.

Granny Hua glanced at his wings in the dark, those wings flapped behind his back, and the original transparent color now exudes a subtle black.

"I have something to tell Granny Hua, and everything is fine."

Virgil opened his eyes.

Whispered: "I miss Assi."

"That human girl?"

Virgil nodded, looking very lonely.

"Good boy, she went out for you, so that the Elf Forest would not be destroyed."

"Is she really for me?"

The black on the wings slowly faded.

Granny Hua nodded without hesitation, "It's all for you."

The elf smiled now, "Then I will wait for her to come back obediently!"

After speaking, he yawned greatly and tears came out of his eyes.

"Mrs. Hua, she won't be in danger, right? Humans are good and bad."

"No, my good child, Asshe is a human being. Humans will not harm her. She is the daughter the king is looking for. How could she be harmed? She will come back safely."

Elves sometimes go out. Granny Hua has seen the revelation of looking for a princess, and the person on it is Asi.

Asi is the princess that King Casey is looking for.

Virgil got the answer he wanted, waved goodbye to everyone, and went back to the flower room to sleep.

In fact, is he still a little uncomfortable? At this time, Asi was sleeping with him in his arms.

But he was alone in a few days.

Virgil was a little lost, and tears slowly overflowed from those clear eyes.

He fell asleep crying.

Virgil waited for Assi in the Elven Forest for three days, on the third day.

Assi is back.