The Villain’s Little Cutie

Chapter 928: Please stop him from blackening 61

Azhi looked worried.

"We all thought you would never come back again!"

Asi turned his head and glanced at the people who secretly looked at her back and forth.

Licking the sugar stains on the corners of his lips, he curled his lips and smiled: "His Royal Highness Jing Yu is not that scary. He pulled me out yesterday to help me, otherwise I would be beaten by the queen."

As Si finished speaking, there was a long silence.

The crowd looked at her with more pitiful eyes.

As if she was a fool.

This cognition made Assi feel very unhappy, so he pressed his lips and stopped talking.

"Miss Xue," a maid passing by her couldn't listen anymore, and said, "Are you threatened? Don't worry, we won't ask, but it's not right for you to frame the queen. The queen is the most gentle person. Well, unlike His Royal Highness Jing Yu, we did not even dare to breathe when we met! You still don't slander the queen!"

Looking at the maid's expression of righteousness.

Assi pursed his lips and said nothing.

It's just that there is more anger in the eyes.

Turned around and entered the house.

"Azhi, is the queen really as gentle as she said?"

Azhi looked up, her face blank.

"Miss Xue, I am the person next to Mrs. Xue. Naturally, I can't understand the queen, but it is said that many maids like her and seem to be very gentle."

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl snorted heavily.

"big liar!"

Just know that to lie to others, is not gentle at all.

Azhi thought that Asi was talking about her, and immediately called for injustice.

"Miss Xue, I definitely didn't lie!"

Assi: "Hmm."

She did not say that she was a lie.

Buckle buckle.

A knock on the door suddenly came from the door.

Azhi opened the door.

I saw a group of guards in black clothes standing outside the door.

This is the sign of the guards of His Royal Highness Jing Yu.

Immediately, his legs trembled with fright.

Even the maid staying at the door was whispering.

"Look at it, I said Miss Xue Si can't come back intact, this is not here to punish."

"That's right, His Royal Highness Jing Yu is so terrible. Yesterday I heard that in a dispute with the queen, he gave the big maid next to the queen... Oh, forget it, it's too cruel."

"Then Miss Xuesi is a member of the wizard clan at any rate. I heard that the wizard of the wizard clan is not highly valued by the prince? Maybe she will spare Miss Xuesi for the sake of the wizard's face, right?"

A maid said secretly, "What? The wizard is a person next to the king. How could the prince take him seriously? I heard that the wizard has been imprisoned. Otherwise, why have we never seen him."

"Then...Is Miss Xuesi not saved? Look at the group of guards who brought it and covered it with something. When it's over, I dare not look at it. Tell me what it is!"

After speaking, she covered her eyes.

Azhi was too scared to speak.

Assi came over.

Looking at the guard in front of him.

Pursing lips.

"What's up?"

The guard laughed strangely, looking very kind.

"Ms. Xuesi, please give it to me. His Royal Highness Jing Yu ordered us to send it over."

The guard carefully weighed his tone.

Thinking of what His Royal Highness Jing Yu had ordered before he came, he should not make him calm and not scare Miss Xuesi.

However, he followed His Royal Highness Jing Yu all the year round, where did he know what a soft complexion was.

Can only pull out a smile abruptly.

It's better not to smile when you look at it.