The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 239: Mordekaiser's "Hold Card"

Absorbing the fantasy energy of playing "Kalthus", Sartre has recovered a lot of power.

The peeping eyes around him disappeared a lot in an instant.

But Sartre has no time to pay attention to them!

Now, he is going to start taking over "Shadow Isle" and make it his base.

The first step, of course, is to recover the remaining "heroes" on the island.

Now, there are five "heroes" left on the island.

Among these people, the most powerful is "Iron Armor Wraith - Morde Caesar".

This person's power in the "Shadow Island" is second only to Karthus.

His origins are very unusual!

It is said to be the "World of Valoran", a "Lord of the Empire" in the ancient era.

There have been two deaths, but each time can be reborn.

The armor on his body was cast by a group of "greedy mages", which locked the soul of "Morde Caesar" inside.

His weapon is to use a lot of "Mage Soul" to condense.

This gives him the ability to manipulate souls!

In fact, "Mordekaiser" has a very special status in Shadow Island.

He did not have to obey the orders of "Kalthus", and even established his own underworld in an area of ​​"Shadow Island".

According to the analysis of other heroes, there seems to be some kind of transaction between the two.

This also just proves the strength of "Morde Caesar"!

The weak are not qualified to trade with the strong; unless the other party has something to rely on.

Now that Karthus is dead!

Then Sartre, of course, wants to "meet" the "ancient king".


He put away the "Artifact - Meja's Soul Stealing Scroll" left by Karthus.

Then fly towards the shadow island...

"Wang Wang!"

As soon as Sartre returned to "Shadow Island", the paper dog flew over.

The tone is also very happy, and it seems that he is very happy with Sartre's victory!

Think about it too.

After all, it followed Sartre to this "fantasy world".

If Sartre dies, it must not end well either.

On the Shadow Island, there are many creatures such as "devils, undead, and evil beasts".

And most of them are not weak!

Although after Sartre, deliberately cultivated a bit.

The strength of the paper dog has also been raised from level one to level five.

But in the face of the monsters of the seventh and eighth levels on the island, the paper dog has no ability to survive at all.

Here's an additional sentence, those "monsters" at level seven or eight are not considered "heroes".

They simply possess a certain level of power, but cannot use the "rule power".

These creatures are called "wild monsters" scornfully.

In fact, since there will be no "rules".

Level 8 wild monsters may not even be able to beat "junior heroes (level 7.

It can be said that these "wild monsters" are not even as good as arms.

But even so, these monsters are a deadly threat to paper dogs.


Facing the crazy "tail wagging" paper dog, Sartre didn't show much expression.

Just take it and walk towards the territory of "Mordekaiser".

Their speed was very fast, passing through layers of black mist.

Along the way, there were only "wild monsters" fleeing in a panic, and it seemed that they had received the news of Karthus' death.

Except for a few "wild monsters" without long eyes, they did not encounter any obstacles.

Soon, the territory of "Mordekaiser" has arrived!

From a distance, Sartre saw a pair of "armor", and inside the armor was a piece of "darkness".

With a little perception, you can find the "terrifying souls" attached to the "armor".

"Presumably Your Excellency is the new owner of "Shadow Island"! I don't know how I should address you?"

Inside the armor, there was an empty and "metallic texture" sound.

"My name is "Satyr"! Iron Armor Wraith - Mordekaiser, it seems that you still have some self-knowledge."

"Lord Sartre, I'm here to negotiate, I have no intention of being your enemy."

"Negotiation? I wonder if you have any money to negotiate with me?"

"Respected lord, please come with me!" Mordekaiser's tone was very respectful, making people unable to pick out any faults.

Sartre didn't show his timidity when he arrived, but followed behind the other party unhurriedly.

I have to say that this "Morde Caesar" is indeed a talent.

"Shadow Island", a terrifying and barren island, was "cleaned up and built" by him. It can be regarded as a fertile territory.

The undead, demons and other creatures here are all trained to be abnormally disciplined, and there is absolutely no shadow of chaos and evil creatures.

"Sir, please take a seat!"

Mordekaiser asked Sartre to sit on the main seat of his palace, and he stood below the palace, like a courtier!

Of course, Sartre was not polite either, sitting upright on the main seat.

"Speak! What do you want to talk to me about?"

"Lord, please see."

Mordekaiser pulls out a "magic book haunted by magic."

Ha ha! I don't know if these undead like "magic books".

Sartre just got an "Artifact Book", but this "Morde Caesar" took out another "Artifact Magic Book" that was no less inferior.

"My lord, the name of this book is "The Secret Book of Morello", and it is the "artifact" I got from a group of mages."

"You don't plan to use this negotiation!" Sartre's tone became a little deep.

"Respected lord, please don't be angry, please listen to me.

At first, after my death, I entered the "underworld"; after a long battle, I established a "underworld" there.

Later, a group of greedy mages summoned me back to the "World of Valoran".

After I was free, I looked around for a way to "communicate with the underworld".

In the end, I managed to find "The Tome of Morello".

The biggest role of this book is to get through the "death underworld".

In this way, I have already contacted, and I am a subordinate in the underworld.

As long as there is a period of time I can establish a stable channel and bring the underworld out of the underworld.

At that time, all living people in this world will be under our rule.

I am willing to surrender to my lord, then the world will be dominated by you! "

Sartre listened to the narration of "Morde Caesar", and also heard the ambition of this man.

The king of the "ancient century" in front of him is undoubtedly very capable.

But he is by no means a fuel-efficient lamp.

Don't look at what the other party said so nicely, but once the underworld is opened, who knows what will happen.

And this person's strength is by no means as simple as it seems.

Sartre has already sensed that in that pair of armor, there seems to be an extremely powerful power hidden.

Think about it and know that the king of the "Ancient Era" can also establish a country in the "Underworld".

How could such a "person" only have the "ninth level limit".

Sartre estimated that this armor gave Mordekaiser the ability to move in the "real world".

But it also sealed a lot of its power!

After all, when the mages summoned him, they definitely wanted to use it to control him.

How could it not be on the armor, leave some control means.