The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 241: Bone beast


In Mordekaiser's mouth, extremely "obscure and unfamiliar" language sounded.

This language is the language used in "Valoran World - Ancient Era".

Of course, with the characteristics of the "source of psychedelics", Sartre can still understand the meaning of the other party.

He is moving towards the underworld, calling out his former subordinates.

The medium it uses is naturally the "Morello Secret Book".

Soon, a twist appeared at the entrance to the underworld.

A pitch-black bone claw protruded from the hole and slowly grabbed onto the ground.

Then another bone claw, head, body, tail...

An eight-legged bone beast ten meters high and thirty meters long climbed out of it.

The body of this "bone beast" is completely composed of pitch-black bones, and its shape is also somewhat distorted, and there are "countless hideous bone spurs" on its back.

Sartre had never seen this "creature" and had no idea what it was.

"Underworld Beast": This giant beast is made of countless animal bones, washed by "Styx", and finally fused and derived.

Belongs to one of the common giant beasts in the underworld!

The strength ranges from the seventh to the ninth, and the power is powerful.

Therefore, they are usually tamed by the forces of the "underworld" and used in warfare.

Mordekaiser's subordinates will naturally not have only one "underworld beast".

"Underworld Passage", the second "Underworld Beast" slowly walked out; followed by the third and fourth...

In the end, two thousand "underworld bone beasts" were neatly arranged behind Sartre.

Among them, there are even many "underworld bone beasts" with ninth-level strength.

Of course, their strength is a little stronger than that of the seventh-level heroes.

The next round of soldiers also began to step out of the underworld passage.

This time, it is the most common but also the most core race in the underworld, the "dead soul".

Countless "dead souls" quickly flew out of the passage with black mist.

The sky above "Shadow Island" has always been in a "dim" state because it is covered with black fog all the year round.

But at this moment, the dead soul of "Wu Ya Ya" completely obscured the originally bright sky.

Mordekaiser's territory, and even the larger area, was completely in "darkness".

Of course, this has no effect on the residents of "Shadow Island".

The creatures here are either undead or demons, and basically have the talent of "dark perception".

The army of dead souls has finally assembled!

Millions of undead, "quietly" waiting for Mordekaiser's orders.

Afterwards, two "Wraiths of Handmaids" walked out, holding a plate in their hands.

In the center of the plate is a "black crown".

This time, Mordekaiser did not wait, nor did he have the idea of ​​"reporting" to Sartre.

Instead, he stepped forward, picked up the crown and put it on his head.

This crown actually wanted to melt directly with his helmet, forming a "crown-shaped decoration".

In an instant, a powerful "power of the undead" surged on Mordekaiser's body.

The crown that melted into the helmet also began to emit light.

The armor on his body began to twist and creak. There seems to be something about to get out of it!

Seeing this, Sartre didn't react at all; he didn't seem to care about "the other party's actions...

Mordekaiser's "mutation" is getting more and more intense.

Finally, with a "giant roar", majestic power overflowed from his body.

Looking at it now, Mordekaiser's strength has clearly reached the "demi-god (king level.

At this time, Mordekaiser's eyes were full of majesty.

When he looked at Sartre, he was no longer humble, but instead looked down.

Facing his attitude, Sartre just smiled slightly.

"Mordekaiser, what! Are you going to turn against me?"

The words were full of ridicule and disdain.

"Humph! How dare you speak to me in such a tone."

Mordekaiser snorted coldly.

And the soldiers in the sky all took on attacking stances because of his words.

Sartre was not frightened, but slowly took out a "magic book".

In an instant, all the "dead souls" showed extremely frightened expressions.

As if encountering some natural enemy!

Even "Mordekaiser" felt a little sick.

However, he immediately took out the "Morello Secret Tome" to counteract that sense of oppression.

"You should be well aware of the power of this book. Your army is useless to me."

"I didn't plan to use the army to fight you at all. I'm enough to deal with you now!"

Indeed, the current Mordekaiser is much stronger than the original "Kalthus".

If the previous Karthus and Sartre belonged to the "middle-level demigod", this one already belongs to the peak of the "middle-level demigod".

Compared with the strength of Sartre ten years ago, it is indeed much stronger.

But the problem is, that was Sartre ten years ago! In this decade, he has never shown power again.

Of course, this is also the reason why Mordekaiser dared to do it.

In his opinion, even if Sartre made some progress, it would not exceed the "middle-level demigod".

With such strength, he is very confident to kill the opponent.


Facing Mordekaiser, who was full of confidence, Sartre just smiled, and the majestic power spurted out.

This powerful momentum flushed out a hole in the "dead souls and smoke" that covered the sky.

A beam of sun fell from the void, emitting a golden light.

warm and bright...

On "Shadow Island", how many years have not been illuminated by the sun.

However, those dead souls do not feel this light is warm.

The large group of dead souls "roared" away from the sun, as if it were some kind of poison.

Of course, they simply hate light.

This normal sunlight does not harm them.

"With this power, you actually reached the "high-level demigod"?"

Mordekaiser's tone was a little horrified.

The gap between "middle-level demigods" and "high-level demigods" is still very large.

Judging from the origin imprint in "Long River of Destiny" alone, one-third of the body of the "advanced demigod" has surfaced.

And "intermediate" may be less than a quarter.

The difference in this is very large.

No wonder Mordekaiser was so horrified, he didn't secretly investigate Sartre.

However, he did not find the slightest thing!

Sartre's body, because of the "powerless" coverage, has long been immune to all detection.

When he did not use his full strength, outsiders could not know his full strength.


No matter what, after countless deliberation, Mordekaiser decided to "turn over" with Sartre directly after regaining his strength.

As a "king of the ancient era", "being humble and humble" for so long has already made his endurance reach its peak.

Therefore, after regaining his strength, "Morde Caesar" couldn't wait to start the "Road to Turn Over".

However, the situation in front of him made him "lie on the ground, completely unable to move" again!