The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 271: Invasion of the Swarm World

Having said that, Sartre's plan has already started.

In fact, he had already thought about the "Three Corpse Bearers".

The "Illusory World Spirit" of "The World of Insects" has already entered his plan.


In the distant "Insect Swarm World", the "Void King" felt a familiar aura.

Isn't this breath coming from "Void Sting"?

Carefully sense the direction.

He found that it came from a very distant place.

This made the "Void King" a little surprised!

He knew that the "Seal of Omniscience" in "Void Sting" was taken away by that otherworldly person.

Now this breath is suddenly as dazzling as a bright light. For some unknown reason, the other party suddenly stopped hiding this aura.

The "Void King" is not a fool either, he knows that this might be the other side's trap.

But at this moment, he has an inexplicable confidence.

In his opinion, he has four "Omniscient" existences here (there were only three left, and later he used resources to force a clan to advance.).

And he is also "extremely strong".

This is a very high-ranking existence in the many worlds of "Chaos".

And the original Sartre was at most "Omniscient Intermediate", let's see how embarrassed it was to steal into the world.

Anyway, the "Void King" doesn't think that there are many strong people in the other side's world. Otherwise, it would not be sneaking in, but a massive attack.

So, the "Void King" began to issue the "War Order".

"The "Insect Swarm World" is ready to start the "Chaos World War"! All races must participate in this war.

Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy. "

The war in the "chaotic world" and the "worm swarm world" actually happened long ago.

Therefore, those "Zerg" are familiar with the road, and there is no sign of rush and panic.

They all began to gather in an orderly manner and began to station at the "Chaos Portal".

Waiting for the "gate" to open!

The "Void King" led the other three "Omniscient Levels" and quickly flew towards the "Heavenly World".


At this moment, the four great knowledge levels of "The World of Insect Swarm" have arrived.

Then in the outer space of "Heavenly World", the portal was put down.

The endless "Zerg" poured out from the portal, and then killed the nearest "Western State".

Although the hegemons of Xizhou responded quickly and quickly assembled their forces to fight.

But in front of the huge "worm swarm", half of the land in Xizhou fell instantly.

The signal for help has already spread to other states.

After confirming the situation, the army of the "three states" quickly rushed to the "west state".

However, at this time, most of the land in Xizhou had already fallen into the hands of the "Zerg". Above the Xizhou sky, four huge "black shadows" appeared.

That vast aura made all Heavenly Domain Overlords tremble with fear.

How could they not understand that those four were all "Omniscient" beings.


After hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, the "Tianyu World" has once again become a "vibrant" world.

The population lost in the war has already been replenished. However, the overall strength was nearly three layers weaker than before.

There is no way, the population is easy to replenish; but the strong are not achieved overnight.

The most important thing is that "The Origin of Psychedelics" and "The Great Dao" have not fully recovered.

And "destiny" is still cultivating, and its "good corpse" and "self corpse" are helping him understand "evil thoughts".

As long as the other party didn't come to disturb them, they would simply ignore those intruders.

And although Sartre agreed to "Hong"'s deal, the other party helped him regain his strength.

But that only gave him the capital to fight against the "Void King".

Therefore, in the face of the invasion of the "Zerg", the "Heavenly Realm World" could not have the upper hand at all...

"Sartre", "Source of Psychedelics", and "The Great Way" have appeared on the battlefield at this moment.

No way, although the relationship between "Origin of Psychedelics" and "Heavenly Domain" is somewhat rigid.

However, in the face of the "invasion from another world", he must come to support.

He still understands the truth of "lips die and teeth are cold".

Behind Sartre, there are also a large number of soldiers.

Everyone is familiar with the four commanders of these soldiers, who are his former subordinates.

"Fenrir", "Most", "Arut", "Inquisitor".

Sartre brought them into the "Void Land" a long time ago and turned them into "Void Creatures".

After vigorous training, the strength of these four commanders has all reached the "creation level".

As for the other "Texis", he is still doing his old job and establishing a base in "The Land of Nothingness".

Speaking of them, I have to mention "Fenrir".

After Sartre's transformation, "Fenrir" actually merged his "rules of killing gods" with "powerlessness", making his rules evolve again.

Plus the combined blessing of the pack of wolves...

It can be said that "Fenrir" has become an ordinary "creation-level" nightmare.

Its minions are covered with "God-killing poison", and it will die if touched.


The three omniscient levels of the "Land of Chaos" and the four omniscient levels of the "Insect Swarm World" began to confront each other.

Although the power of "Dao" and "Source of Psychedelics" has not recovered, but with the strength of the previous "Extreme Powerhouse".

Two to three, it's not too difficult!

Sartre naturally faced off against the "Void King" again.

But this time is different from the past. At this moment, Satyr is wearing armor and holding a staff.

It is completely possible to fight against the "extremely strong".

"Your cultivation speed is so fast!" The Shadow King recognized Sartre's identity, and was naturally extremely shocked by him.

It has only been hundreds of thousands of years since then. The otherworldly creature who could only "flee in embarrassment" at the time was exuding an aura that was comparable to his own.

Hundreds of thousands of years, and sometimes a nap is not enough.

What made him even more unexpected was that there are so many strong people in this world. starter

It can be seen that the other two "Omniscientists" were seriously injured.

Judging from their breath, it can be discerned vaguely; their original strength must not be weaker than their own.

What this means is self-evident.

If it's an internal fight, that's fine.

But if other strong people did it...

Then, what kind of existence is it that can beat the two "extreme powerhouses" into such serious injuries.

Thinking of this, the "Void King" regretted his reckless actions.

Why didn't you decide whether to take action after finding out the situation?

Now it's hard to ride a tiger, I just hope it won't be the worst.


He didn't think about it anymore, the battle had already begun.

"The Art of Nothing - Eternal Nothingness"

"The Art of Fantasy - Infinite Reproduction"

"The Art of the Great Dao - The Chain of Rules"

The three of Sartre shot almost at the same time!

The powerhouses of "Insect Swarm World" are not to be outdone.

"Nightmare Domain"

"Killing Rhythm"


From the very beginning, the two sides used their most powerful skills. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

The "Land of Chaos" once again rolled up a storm...
