The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 273: "Bad thoughts" erupted

"We're even!"

Fenrir, who blocked the lightning ball, turned his head and said to the Judge.

It seems that he is still a little bit worried about the carelessness just now.

The "Judger" didn't say much either. With his character, he wasn't interested in arguing about this kind of thing.


The dazzling electric light began to shine again.

"Fenrir" and "Inquisitor" looked at each other, relying on countless years of tacit understanding.

The two of them knew how to deal with it!

Fenrir screamed in the sky, and the power of powerful rules began to surge.

Immediately afterwards, the rapid charge began.

Seeing this, "Thunder Spider Brothers" immediately weaved an airtight "thunder net" beside him as a defense. Then call out one after another thunderballs, falling from the sky.

However, these lightning bolts were forcibly blocked by Fenrir's "regular black energy" and his body.

The "Judge" hid under him and then approached the other party.

A mass of "Energy Breath" spewed out of his mouth, breaking the "Lightning Net" in front of him.

"Fenrir"'s rules of killing gods shocked the "Thunder Spider Brothers".

But they don't have time to think so much!

Dazzling purple light condensed in their mouths, and then spurted thick plasma.

Although Fenrir is indeed powerful.

However, in the face of the joint attack of the two "creation-level advanced".

He's still a little overwhelmed...

But at this moment, while they were fighting, the "Judge" shot instantly.

The black scythe permeates the powerful "rule of death" (the compound rule of the rule of death and the rule of the soul).


The sickle broke through the air and slashed at the opponent with the sound of the wind.


The "Thunder Net" appeared immediately, hindering the attack of the sickle.

The tip of the knife squeezed into the "Lightning Defense Net" little by little, bringing out a harsh "frosted" sound.

However, this "defense net" is, after all, just a magic circle triggered by instinct.

With the continuous instillation of power by the Judge, the Death Scythe has been approaching the Thunder Spider Brother at a constant speed.

At this moment, they also know their own danger!

Even though both of them are "high-level creation-level", but Fenrir, with the blessing of the pack of wolves, has faintly touched the threshold of "creation-level peak".

Therefore, in a short period of time, "Brother Thunder Spider" cannot directly defeat Fenrir.

No way, they could only choose to give up the fight with "Fenrir", and immediately leave to dodge.


The breath of "Fenrir" and the scythe of "The Judge" broke the "Lightning Net" almost simultaneously.

However, since they had already escaped, their attack simply exploded a giant pit.

But their battles have already paid off...

Without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, Fenrir charged again.

The Thunder Spider Brothers are already in trouble.

In terms of individual strength, they are weaker than Fenrir and stronger than Judge.

But they did not dare to fight separately.

Because Fenrir's power is too strong, a single player will be defeated in a very short time.

In contrast, they cannot defeat the Inquisitor any faster.

Therefore, "Thunder Spider Brothers" can only choose to form a group to resist the attack of "Fenrir" and "Judge".

But this returns to the previous problem, they must work together to suppress "Fenrir".

But as long as the deadlock persists, the "Judger" will seize the opportunity to break the deadlock.



A continuous roar sounded in the "Thunder Net".


A miserable cry rang out!

Following the source of the screams, it turned out that the judge found an opportunity and launched a "trial" directly.

And while one of the "Thunder Spiders" was shaking, he chopped the "Scythe of Death" on its head.

The "Death Rule" instantly invaded the opponent's body and began to destroy its soul.

And the "Fenrir" attack also followed.

There was only one Thunder Spider left, but he couldn't resist his attack, and "Energy Breath" penetrated it directly...

At this point, the famous "Thunder Spider Brothers" in the world of the insect swarm have all fallen.

With their deaths, the net of thunder that blanketed the sky has dissipated.

The two "Fenrir" also started a new battle again.


The battle in "Chaos" has also entered a white-hot stage.

"Eternal nothingness".

Infinite golden light began to shine, as if to completely illuminate this dark "space".

Sartre waved his staff and chanted various spells constantly.

He is not in a hurry to defeat "the other side"!

The current situation is under his control.

At this moment, Sartre has already felt in his body, and some kind of power begins to "just move".

The expression on his face began to change.

and over time.

The expression seems to be more and more "terrifying, weird and evil"...

Yes, Sartre is cultivating "evil thoughts".

Unlike "Fate", he has a complete "nature" after reincarnation.

Moreover, the early "road of conquest" also made the "evil thoughts" stronger.

In order to stimulate the opportunity of "cutting out the corpse", he deliberately exudes the breath of "virtual sting", forcibly provoking the conquest of the "virtual shadow king".

Even the comparison of the combat power of the two "chaotic worlds" has already been calculated.

The war started at this time, and both sides were in a state of "evenly matched".

It is precisely because of this that the war between the two "worlds" can last for a long time.

And Sartre's "evil thoughts" continued to grow.

Perhaps feeling the change in Satyr's breath, the "Void King" continued to improve his power.

The dazzling golden light feels like it will pierce the realm of "eternal nothingness".

However, Sartre completely ignored the opponent and let him attack recklessly.


The rich "maliciousness" began to permeate the "chaos". Sartre's originally pitch-black eyes had already turned blood red, crazy" eyes, staring at the "Void King". Those undisguised eyes actually made the other party feel fearful .

Resisting the discomfort, the "Void King" took out a slap-sized bottle, opened the mouth of the bottle and poured it into his mouth.

This is actually the "royal jelly" brewed by the "Illusory Spirit Race".

After all, wasp origin.

After the mutation, the ability to brew "honey" has not disappeared.

Instead, it is because of strength!

The "honey" brewed by the "Illusory Spirit Race" is not weaker than those "recovery wonders".

In particular, the most cherished "royal jelly" can restore the energy of the "Omniscient".

The Void King, who recovered a lot of energy, immediately assumed a defensive stance. The golden light also turned into a thick barrier, protecting around the body.

I don't know what Sartre did to make himself that way; but it's always good to be careful.

After all, the other party is also an "extreme powerhouse", and there must be no contempt.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Sartre's mouth twitched.

Through the cover of the helmet, you can see his face, which has been slightly distorted.

That terrifying expression was enough to cause anyone to shudder.