The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 274: The rout of the swarm world

Although the "Void King" could not see Sartre's expression, when he stood in front of him.

Those blood-red eyes, raging malice...

You don't need to think about it to know that the other party's thoughts at the moment will definitely not be "friendly".

In Sartre's eyes, the "Void King" has become himself, the bearer of "corpse beheading".

Concentrate on strength, then sprint.

A huge "sword light" sprayed out from the staff!

The "Void King" also responded with golden light.

However, since Sartre dared to attract the other party, he has naturally planned the means to deal with him.

The battle between the two sides is getting more and more fierce, and various powerful spells are swaying in their hands.

After a high-intensity battle, Sartre seemed unwilling to continue to waste.

"Eternal nothingness" quickly collapsed under the control of his mind.

The right hand is raised, the palm is spread out!

Those collapsed energies began to rapidly gather in the hands...

Seeing this, the "Void King" knew that the opponent was planning to decide the outcome.

All rays of light began to end, and the wings vibrated rapidly.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

The sound like the beating of a heart resounded through the chaos.

The other "Omniscientists" who were fighting not far away were disturbed by their enormous aura.

Without hesitation, he immediately stopped and stayed away from here.

Under their gaze, Sartre's momentum grew stronger and stronger.

The majestic energy stirs up the "chaos", and a huge storm surges up...

It didn't take long for the skills of both sides to be condensed.

Above Sartre's palm, a "moon-shaped light blade" was spinning at an extreme speed.

And the "Void King" calls out a golden heart.

The blade of light cuts through the "chaos"... The "heart" beats extremely fast, illuminating the darkness.

Without pausing, the two energies shot straight towards the enemy.

Everyone thought that their skills were about to collide.

They have condensed their protective shields and are ready to resist the aftermath of the attack at any time.

But at this moment, Sartre took out a "fist-sized ball".


The **** are broken and turned into dust. Strange energy erupts from it!

"This energy is... that's right! It's the "Force of Destiny"... When did Sartre get the "Force of Destiny"."

"The Origin of Psychedelics" asked suspiciously, obviously very surprised by this.

Of course, in the current situation, no one will answer him.


After this "power of destiny" broke out, it immediately had an effect.

The skills that were about to collide were staggered in a very strange way.

Not only that, watching the "heart" fly towards itself.

Sartre didn't shake at all, and he didn't even pay attention to it.

Then I found that the "heart" brushed by Sartre's side.

No hits, no explosions.

It just flew straight into the distance!

Finally, a "roaring sound" came from a distant place.

The "heart" exploded, setting off a majestic tide of energy...

Look at Sartre's light blade again, and it directly hits the opponent's "shield".

But just for a moment, it broke open.

The "Void King" wanted to dodge, but it was too late.

And in his mind, he kept suggesting:

"This skill cannot be avoided."


A miserable cry entered the ears of bystanders. The "Void King" was cut in half by the light blade, at the chest level.

This trick of Sartre has been carefully studied. The cut off part is permanent damage.

The strength of the "Void King", after being cut off, can no longer be called "extreme powerhouse".

Today, he only has the strength of the "Omniscient" senior at most.


Anger, fear... Countless negative emotions flooded into the heart of the "Void King".

But he has not forgotten his situation!

With only half of his body left, the "Void King" suddenly pulled out a badge-like thing.

In an instant, his body was sucked into the badge and disappeared. The speed of this escape is indeed "admirable".

Unexpectedly, the "Void King" still has such a trick.


In fact, before being slashed by Sartre's light blade, he wanted to escape directly.

But his intuition told him not to do this, otherwise he would be interrupted.

The last way of life has completely disappeared!

The "Void King" obeyed the intuitive judgment, and the final outcome has also proved his correctness.

If at that time, he really chooses to escape directly, the "force of destiny" will definitely interfere with the teleportation.

At that time, he will not be as simple as "leaving half of his body".


The "Void King" escaped, and Sartre had no intention of chasing; after all, he had more important things to do.

Grabbing the mutilated body left by the opponent, Sartre turned his head to look at the other omniscient powerhouses of the "Insect Swarm World".

After seeing the escape of the "Void King", they knew that "their side has been defeated", and the action of escaping became very obvious!

However, "Dao" and "Origin of Psychedelics" are not fools. In this case, how could they escape.

The two rushed up in an instant, blocking the other's escape path.

"Everyone, how about giving each other a step back, we were also forced by the "Void King".

As long as you let us go, we can swear, "Never enter the territory of this world again". "

An all-knowledge-level "Illusory World Spirit Clan" betrayed his patriarch without hesitation.

"Haha! I'm thinking of surrendering now, is it too late?"

"The source of psychedelics" said unceremoniously.

At this time, Sartre has also come to the side of "Dao".

"Just kill it!"

As soon as Sartre opened his mouth, he immediately angered the other party.

"Damn, do you want to die with us?"

"Humph!" Sartre ignored their mood.

The staff waved, instantly summoning a huge fireball.

The battle begins again!

However, at this time, the powerhouses of "Insect Swarm World" no longer have the ability to It could have been okay, forcing a tie with "Source of Psychedelics".

But the addition of Sartre immediately became one-sided.


A miserable cry rang out.

It heralds the fall of an "Omniscient" who traverses the chaotic world.

If the first strong man dies, will the second one be far behind!

The chain of rules of the "Avenue" sounded a crisp metal crash.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy in front was bound so that they could not move.

The "Chain of Rules" began to forcibly shrink and began to destroy the opponent's body.

Satyr's staff turned into a sharp blade, directly piercing the body of the last "Omniscient".


Since then, all the omniscient powerhouses of "The World of Insects" have all fallen apart from the "Void King" who fled in embarrassment.

Sartre waved his hand and took their corpses directly.

"The Origin of Psychedelics" and "The Great Dao" didn't say much.

This time the main force was originally him!

The most important thing is that Sartre is the strongest right now; the strong collect the spoils, they are not qualified to stop...