The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 275: Birth of "Satan"

The omniscient powerhouses have fallen, and those Zerg who are still fighting in the "Heavenly World" naturally have no possibility of victory.

In the next battle, Sartre had no interest in participating. These are left to the "source of psychedelics" and "dao" to deal with.

Returning to the "Void Land", he began to deal with the "corpses".

First of all, he wants to erase the mark left by the owner of the corpse.

"Omniscient" powerhouses, even if they leave a drop of blood, will contain their will.

A weaker existence will become their puppet if it cannot withstand the erosion of the other party.

Of course, with the strength of Sartre, it is naturally impossible to be eroded by it.

However, if those wills are not removed, this may lead to a lot of unnecessary trouble when "killing the corpse".

For example: the will of the other party may be buried in the "three corpses" and forcibly interfere with the "three corpses fusion".

Even this will, it is possible to take this opportunity to control the "three corpses"!


"The Rule of Nothing" constantly "washes" the corpse of the King of Shadows.

Sartre could clearly hear "bursts of roars" coming from the opponent's body.

This is actually the "residual will", instinctively resisting his removal. Even that will tried to invade Sartre's body.

However, Sartre just "snorted" and continued to deal with the "corpse".

The master of the "body will" has fallen into his own hands, and he still wants to overturn the sky with this residual will?

With the rapid intrusion of "powerless", the voice of "body will" became weaker and weaker.

Soon, the last scream sounded, and the "will of the body" was completely eliminated.

Sartre did not stop, but continued to nurture the "corpse of the Void King".

Right now, the opponent's body is no longer what it was before; under constant erosion, it has turned into a ball of flesh.

With Sartre's unremitting efforts, the purification was finally completed.

Then, the next step is "decapitation"!

In order to maintain the "opportunity of beheading the corpse", Sartre did not suppress his "evil thoughts" at all.

At this moment, he is almost unable to control his "nature"!

Eyes closed, mobilizing "evil thoughts".

Sartre's eyes were already glowing red.

The strange red light is like a "devil and ghost". Fortunately, there are few creatures in "Void Land", but it does not frighten anyone...

The power of the whole body was instantly liberated, and the "red light" shrouded the core of the entire "Void Land".

There were originally a few creatures wandering nearby.

As a result, as soon as the "red light" came out, the terrifying aura instantly dispelled all void creatures.

They looked at the flashing red light in horror, and the raging "maliciousness" made people "creepy and hair stand on end".

Sartre is in the center of the red light, seeking the best time to "kill the body".

Finally, the "malicious" reached its peak.

"Come out! My "bad corpse"."

Immediately, the red that filled the sky disappeared and gathered together.

A blood-red "mist mass" floated in front of Sartre's eyes.

Just throw out the "processed carrier", and the "red mist" immediately merges into the "meat ball".

Countless bubbles began to appear on the "meat ball".

Gradually, it began to twist, deform, and change towards human form.

"Hello, body!"

A face identical to Sartre appeared and greeted him.

Satter nodded, then asked, "Have you thought of your name?"

"Don't you know my name very well?"

"Evil Corpse" replied with a smile.

Indeed, the will and memory of the "evil corpse" all come from the body of Sartre.

What name is he going to marry, how could it be unclear as the main body?

"Then, I will call you "Satan" from now on!"

"Very good! I'll be "Satan" from now on; now, I'll deal with the rest."

"Well! Go ahead, I'll also prepare the plan for the second stage."


After "Satan" gestured to "Sartre", he disappeared into the "Land of Nothingness".

The things he has to deal with are naturally the legacy of the "Insect Swarm World".

Now that the "Omniscient" has been dealt with, as well as most of the creatures.

Next, it is natural to receive the other's "world".

"Source of Psychedelics" and "Avenue" have already planned the distribution of the world.

Right now Sartre is the strongest, and naturally gets the most territory.

Sartre gets half of the territory of the "Insect Swarm World", and the two of them share the remaining half.

These things have already been dealt with.

As "Satyr's Steward", Tessis had already sent people to station there and began to mine resources.

This is also due to the "teleportation array" left behind when the Zerg invaded.

Otherwise, there is no way for them to accept the world so quickly.

"Satan" went, naturally, not to inspect the territory.

His purpose is to "find the King of Void Shadows".

Sartre's meaning is obvious, since the "evil corpse" uses its body as a "carrying object".

Those next, the carrier of "good corpse and self corpse", is of course the best choice.

However, since the Void King disappeared, the "Insect Swarm World" has also disappeared.

However, Sartre guessed that when the other party left, he must have returned to the "Insect Swarm World"!

After all, this is its old nest, and even if it "runs away", it will take away many hidden things.

Therefore, Sartre hopes to use the "evil corpse" to see if he can perceive the other party's trace.

The lair of the "Illusory World Spirit Race" is now empty.

Most of the "Illusory World Spirits" have been killed, and a few have been divided among the three families.

They have been caught in various places as "labourers of honey".

The honey of the "Illusory World Spirit Race" belongs to the top resource in the "Insect Swarm World" Soon, "Satan" came to the palace of the "Illusory King"...uh...or Talk about ruins.

Everything that can be used here has been evacuated and dismantled.

But "Satan" is naturally not for that "resource".

Closing his eyes and letting go of his mind, his spiritual detection began to cover the entire ruins.

But this place belongs to the "Palace of the Void King", so its aura is everywhere, and it is polluted by various auras.

It is not so simple to find the escape trace of the "Void King".

"The ruins of the palace" wasn't too big, and he quickly finished his mental exploration; he didn't find anything unusual.

"Satan" didn't give up, and concentrated on the second exploration...

After all, the bearer of the "evil corpse" comes from the "body of the phantom king".

Although Sartre has cleaned up the "will in the body", there is still a trace of connection somewhere.

It is important to grasp that trace of connection, and it is possible to use this as a coordinate to find the location of the "Void King"...

Finally, after hundreds of investigations, "Satan" felt an extremely subtle "special reaction"...