The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 276: New "Chaos World"

Following his breath, "Satan" came to a pillar that fell to the ground.

That weak response came from underground.


Reaching out his hand, the ruins were thrown out, and the thick pillar smashed a huge pit into the ground. First release https://https://

Sure enough, he found something unusual.

"An "ordinary" stone!"

Yes, it is a stone; and it belongs to the kind of very normal stone that can be seen everywhere.

However, it was on this fist-sized rock that Satan discovered the trace of the "Illusory King".

Although it is extremely weak, this breath is "latest", and there seems to be something strange in it.

Pick up the stone and sense the situation inside!

Finally, he discovered what was inside the stone.

There is a special space here, and there is a teleportation array in the center of the space.

Although I don't know where the teleportation array ends!

But after repeated observation, "Satan" has been able to determine that "The King of Shadows" must have escaped through this teleportation array.

And this teleportation array seems to be a one-way teleportation, and the coordinates are extremely unfamiliar.

After thinking for a while, "Satan" decided to enter this teleportation formation to find out.

This is also due to the confidence of strength!

After Sartre beheaded his body, his strength has reached the "Omniscient level limit".

Notice! It is to truly reach this level, rather than relying on it, the two-piece suit left by "The Source of Nothing" is forcibly upgraded.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

After the "evil corpse" was cut out, affected by the strength of Sartre's body, Satan also has the strength of "the limit of omniscience".

This is also the power of the "Three Corpse Slashing Method", to cut out three incarnations of the same level, how huge the improvement is, I don't need to say that everyone should know...

"Satan" activated the teleportation array, and the body light was sucked into it.


As soon as the picture turned, a green field full of vitality came into view.

But as the horizon looked, there was an endless desert surrounding it.

And among them, there are also "hundreds of thousands" of oases of different sizes, embellishing them.

The appearance of Satan did not cause any noise.

In fact, in order to prevent people from finding themselves through "breath". After the "Void King" was teleported, all traces of himself were erased.

If it wasn't for the hope of staying and returning to the "Insect Swarm World", not even the "Teleportation Array" would stay.

After all, "The World of Insect Swarm" is its old nest, and the "Void King" still retains a glimmer of hope.

Of course, it never dreamed that "Satan" actually found this "Teleportation Array".


Satan walks over the oasis.

This oasis is not big, only dozens of square kilometers, and there are many humans living on it.

It seems that this world is also a place dominated by humans.

The arrival of Satan did not attract the attention of those people.

Every time that group of people walked past him, they would automatically ignore his existence.

Soon, Sartre sensed a strange aura.

A strange force lingers in the center of the "Oasis".

This seems to be the "Power of Faith" mixed with the "Power of Nature".

It was a simple altar, and on the altar was a **** with a "rat head and human body".

"The great "rat god", we offer offerings here. I hope your people will not disturb our goods after accepting the offerings."

A human who looked like a businessman fell to his knees and offered a pile of food.

Perhaps hearing his prayer, a group of fat mice the size of a wild cat sprang from every corner.

The food offered in front of the altar was all eaten up in just ten seconds.

Seeing this, the businessman didn't have any fear, instead his face was full of excitement.

He knew the "rat god", had heard the prayer, and agreed to his request.

"Satan" watched this scene from a distance, and he probably had a plan.

The "rat god" is very weak, and from the perspective of aura, it is only about the fourth level.

"Holy ministry" is also clear at a glance, just a "rat plague".

In short, this is a weak and weak **** who relies on human fear to gain a trace of faith.

It just so happened that Satan could find some information from the other party.

Through the breath on the statue, he quickly found the opponent's location.

This "rat god" lives in the "belief space" condensed by the "power of belief".

This kind of existence similar to the "Kingdom of God" is the most powerful means and the safest place for "Gods".

However, for "Satan", of course, it is not a hindrance.

In the field of belief of the "rat god", it is happily enjoying the worship of believers and devouring the "power of faith".

Although there are not many "believers", the feeling of "the power of faith" entering the body makes it extremely intoxicating.

Unfortunately, its enjoyment was interrupted instantly.

Satan grabbed the "rat head" and invaded the opponent's consciousness.


It didn't have time to say more words, only a scream was left, and there was no sound.

With the fall of the "rat god", without the restraint of the "master", the rootless "belief power" naturally cannot maintain the stability of the space.

This "field of belief" begins to collapse.

All the "rat **** believers" in the faith field fled with howling.

Unfortunately, this is all in vain.

All the "believers" along with the "rat god" disappeared.

Satan naturally has the strength to stop all this, but if you think about it, you know that "Sartre" will not do anything that is not beneficial.

Not to mention the "Satan" transformed by his "evil thoughts"...

After getting the information he Satan returned to the "Oasis".

The main power of this world comes from various "gods".

From the "totem belief spirit" of "one or two levels" to the main **** of "extreme omniscience".

Together they built this huge and hierarchical world.

First of all, there are two most powerful gods, namely "Ra" and "Amon".

(There are two versions circulating in Egyptian mythology, and the two main gods are these two. Although they have different names, they are usually regarded as the same person.

I set them as different existences here, please don't worry about this. )

These two main gods are both "extreme powerhouses" and the rulers of this world.

Beneath them, there are also eight gods who are the "Peak of Creation".

Collectively known as the "Eight Pillars".

However, since "Ra" is the leader of the "Eight Pillars", some people like to call them "Nine Pillars" together.

In addition, there are countless gods, big and small, scattered in this world.


With the existence of two "Ultimate Omniscients", it is no wonder that the "Void King" does not dare to attack this world.

"Insect Swarm World" is indeed not weak, but it faces two "extremely strong".

The previous "Void King" could only deal with one at most.

But the other "primary omniscients" were simply unable to resist the attack of the "extreme powerhouse"...
