The Void Lord’s Path To Planar Conquest

Chapter 277: Crocodile God Sobek

Right now, the "Void King" doesn't know where to hide.

Satan is not in a hurry!

After all, there is still a long time before the "second corpse" is cut out.

Moreover, the induction in the dark told him that the "Void King" was in this world.

This is simple, as long as the other party is in this world, there is a way to find him.

Now, this strange chaotic world has aroused his strong interest.

If it weren't for Sartre, the plan to "kill the corpse" is still in progress. In a short period of time, there is simply no way to get here.

Now, they have gathered their strength and attacked the world in a big way.


Now, "Satan" has a plan in mind.

In the memory of the "Rat God", the name of this world is "Egyptian World".

The largest of them is the "God of Agriculture, God of the Underworld - Osiris", one of the "Eight Pillars".

He presided over the richest and widest country in the "Egyptian world".

Satan's goal is to go there!

He intends to bury some "back hands" in this world, eroding a territory first, as the front line for the next battle.

"Cairo Empire", this is the country established by "Osiris".

It is also his religious area.

The people of this country are all his followers.

But even so, the country is not completely safe.

Around it, there are many powerful countries, all around it.

For example: "One of the Eight Pillars of God", with "War", "Storm" and "Desert", the three powerful gods "Set".

Its followers are all over the desert and coveted the "rich" "Cairo Empire".

All the time, not thinking about how to conquer the opponent's country.


Satan is standing on a "merchant ship" at this moment, and the destination of this "ship" is the "Cairo Empire".

However, in his perception, it can be easily found that there is a powerful **** living in the river under his feet.

As for the name of the other party, Satan already knew it.

The name of this river is "Nile", and its owner is "Sobek, the **** of the Nile and crocodiles".

Although this "god" is not one of the "Eight Pillars", his strength is not inferior to those of the "Eight Pillars".

The "creation-level peak" of the "Egyptian World" is not just the "Eight Pillars".

There are also some other gods who have also reached this level.

It's just that most of them are "neutral gods" and are not affiliated with "Ra", so they are not listed together.

"Sobek" also has a strong reputation in the "Egyptian world".

Although his character is uncertain, his powerful strength also makes no one dare to challenge his majesty.

At this moment, the merchant ship is about to reach its destination.

The sailors on the boat carried out a pile of offerings and began to worship the "crocodile **** Sobek".

This is also the rule on the Nile!

"Every time before sailing and after the voyage, sacrifice to the "master of the Nile"."

After all, it's on other people's territory.

The "Nile" is the largest river in the world in Egypt, and countless people rely on it to survive.


Therefore, "Crocodile God" does not lack believers at all, nor does it lack resources.

Coupled with the powerful strength, even the "Eight Pillars" will not easily provoke him...

The group of sailors threw the offerings into the water and kept making prayers from their mouths.

Of course, don't expect these "vulgar sailors" to be able to utter beautiful sentences.

What they recite is basically those words of "praise and thanks".

The sacrifices used are also very simple, that is, some "flesh, rice noodles" and the like.

These offerings are basically eaten by the "crocodiles, fish and shrimp" in the river.

These things are secondary, and the real meaning of sacrifice is actually the "power of belief" produced in the process.

"Satan" has already sensed that trace of "faith" and flew towards the inexplicable space at the bottom of the river.

The mental power broke through the space barrier, and then he could directly see that a huge "crocodile-headed human" **** appeared in front of his eyes.

That is "Crocodile God Sobek"!

At this moment, half of his body is submerged in the river, and the other half is lying on the bank.

His eyes were closed, and there was a slight snoring in his throat.

"Satan" probed back and forth several times in his "field of belief".

Finally, he could confirm some knowledge in the memory of "Rat God".

In fact, there is a corresponding "mirror world" in this world.

The name of this "mirror world" is called "Gensokyo of the Gods".

"As the name suggests," only the gods can enter there.

All "gods", when they are "conferred gods", can establish a "belief field" there.

As its "hidden life" home.


Finally, "Satan" withdrew from his consciousness and left a mark on this.

This can be regarded as a back-up, and maybe it may be used in the future.

In fact, if not to prevent disturbing "Rah and Amon".

"Satan" wants to directly control the "crocodile god" in front of him.

But the other party, after all, is the powerhouse of the "Peak of Creation-level".

Even if he does not belong to "Ra and Amon", he will not be too little in the eyes of the other party...

At this moment, "Crocodile God" did not realize that he was on the verge of life and death, swaying back and forth.

Even the arrival of "Satan" is completely unaware, after all, the strength gap is there!

After dealing with the "crocodile god", "Satan" finally set foot on the land of the "Cairo Empire".

This is worthy of the "Egyptian world", the most fertile place.

Just a city on the banks of a river.

Tall, ornate buildings can be seen everywhere.

On both sides of the street, vendors from many different countries sell here.

There are also guards patrolling back and forth from time to time to maintain order in the city.

From the clothes of the residents and the expressions on their faces, it can be seen that their lives are indeed relatively prosperous.

Of course, these are superficial phenomena.

As Sartre's "evil thoughts", his sense of "negative breath" is even stronger.

He has already sensed that in the sky above the city, countless negative emotions have gathered here.

However, due to the divine protection of "Osiris", these "negative breaths" could not erupt for the time being.

However, Sartre knew very well that they were like a ticking time bomb that could explode at any time.

This is a nice find!

"Satan" is already predictable.

These "negative breaths" will inevitably bring great help to their actions.

With a happy smile, "Satan" moved on.

His final "destination" is naturally the "capital" of the "Cairo Empire".

There is not only the residence of "Osiris".

It is also the residence of her wife, one of the eight pillar gods, "the patron saint of the dead, the **** of fertility - Isis"...