The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 18: Mr. Mo is taking care of his wife.

Chapter 18 Mr. Mo is taking care of his wife

The warmth of the season suddenly felt a kiss between the eyebrows.

"Don't think that I really sit still, you are still sick, sleep." His faint voice immediately fell between her eyebrows, seeing her still blinking, low: "Hurry up."

The warmth of the season is really not talking, closing your eyes, the breath is all the smell of good smell on his body.

This makes people feel at ease.


The next morning, the warmth of the season went to nine o'clock to wake up.

She raised her hand and pressed her head, even if she had already had a fever, but after all, the symptoms of a cold still exist.

Sit up, open the quilt, is about to get out of bed, but suddenly stopped, looking down at his body.

A soft silk nightdress, she was obviously bathed in a bath towel last night after bathing.

This is... Chen Hao helped her change it? still is……

The door was suddenly opened, and she raised her eyes with messy hair and saw the ink into the room.

The automatic curtains slowly opened and the pale golden sunlight fell on him.

The man's temperament is clear and handsome.

Mo Jingshen saw her sitting on the edge of the bed with a blank expression: "Is it better?"

"What time is it? You didn't go to the company?" The season warmed up and woke up, didn't answer the question, and took a look at the phone next to the bed.

nine thirty?

It’s already half past nine!

Although Mo Jingshen does not need to be in the company every day, in her memory, he rarely misses on weekdays, and he rarely takes vacations.

"There is nothing wrong with the company today. If you can't go, you can." Mo Jingshen walked closer to the bed, picked up the thermometer, and re-measured her body temperature during the warm season.

The warm season is blaming himself for affecting his original work plan, but he heard him say, "Thirty-seven degrees six, how do you feel now?"

"Much better, not as bad as last night." Season warmed his hand and touched his head: "This temperature should not be burned?"

"How much is a little fever, don't go out today, take a good rest at home." Mo Jingshen held her shoulder and pressed her back to the bed: "What to eat, Chen Yu sent it up, don't go around, Ok?"

"I am not as serious as I am, and this is not burning..."

After the warmth of the season has not finished, the footsteps suddenly came from outside, and the servant said outside the door: "Mr. Mo, there is a phone call to find you."

Ink Jing deep cast a glance at the warmth of the season, with her eyes indicating that she was staying in the room, and then went out to answer the phone.

Sitting on the bed in the warm season, took a drink from the water cup next to it, moistened the scorpion, and then picked up the phone and sent a text message to Xia Tian.

Yesterday, I promised Xia Tian, ​​and went to the hospital to accompany her today, but according to the current situation, Mo Jingshen will definitely not allow himself to go out to see the wind today.

And her body that is afraid of the cold should indeed be well nourished and nursed back to health. It can't be so serious when it's cold. It's too delicate.

Downstairs, Mo Jingshen walked down the marble steps and saw the landline that was placed on the coffee table.

He asked: "Who is the phone?"

The maid said with respect and respect: "It is Miss Mengran."

Mo Jingshen’s footsteps stopped, and he looked at the maid in a cold look.

The servant quickly explained: "Just dreamed that Miss suddenly called. I was also curious as to why she didn't call her wife's mobile phone. She even hit the landline at home. I was quick, told her that she was sick last night, and then dreamed. Miss Miss asked Mr. Mo, did you go to the company, I said that you stayed at home with your wife today, she said that I would ask you to answer the phone."

Ink darkness looks dull and cold, did not go over, and said coldly and coldly: "I will receive a call from Miss Jijiaji in the future, and I don't have to inform me."

The servant nodded quickly: "I know, Mr. Mo, that's the phone..."

"Tell her wife's illness is all right, do not need to inquire about her sister's physical condition from me, if she really has this heart, let her ask the season warm."

Ink dark turned and walked back.

Ji Mengran was waiting on the phone and waiting for it. He also made a draft and prepared to tell him what to do when he answered the phone.

Now she can't go to the Royal Garden again. Although she can't go, she must find an opportunity to talk to Mo Jingshen. The change of the season is really weird. I don't know what the attitude of Mo Jingshen is now.

On the warm day of the season, I said that I am not going to divorce. But those things that were done before the season are very good. Can you really endure it?

"Hey, Miss Mengran, I am really embarrassed. Mr. Mo is taking care of his wife. It will not take time to answer the phone." On the other side of the phone, the voice of the maid suddenly came in: "Mr. Mo said, dream Miss, if you want to care about your wife's physical condition, ask yourself about your wife."

After all, the maid did not dare to say so straightforwardly, and the tone has been said to be euphemistic.

Ji Mengran can hear the meaning of this sentence! This is simply not wanting to pick up her phone!

It was obvious that she had just heard the movement of Mo Jingshen on the phone. He clearly had already gone downstairs to prepare to answer the phone, but he did not come to pick it up!

In the past, Mo Jingshen did not put her in her eyes. She thought more about going to the Imperial Garden. She appeared in front of him and let him see her good. Anyway, she was more unreasonable than the temper of divorce all day. The warm season is much better. He will have different feelings for himself sooner or later.

But all this has not progressed, and I can't go to the Royal Garden anymore, and I don't even have the chance to get close to him.

Now that the phone is not connected, she does not know the difference between the ink depth and the warm season!

The face of the dream is distorted, and he angered: "How did you tell the story? Didn't you say that I was looking for a deep-seated brother? I have a very clear physical condition. Every time I have a cold, I need to go there. Ask more? You tell the deep brother, I just want to ask him..."

"Miss Mengran, what do you have to do with Mr. and Mrs.'s mobile phone, this machine usually only the Moh's elders will come in, you directly call their mobile phones to communicate, I am sorry, I will go to other It’s a thing.” The servant hurriedly said, and he hung up directly.

"Hey? You! You are not allowed to hang, you..."

The phone was hanged up in an instant, and Ji Mengran uglyly threw the phone on the bed.

Seasonal warmth from small to large like to do right with Dad, but still most valued by Dad, who is not married to Mo Jingshen!

With any season warmth, you can have all the things she wants most without any effort!

Was it too obvious that I had been performing some time ago? Why did the season warmly suddenly exclude her?

Even if the season is not clear, but the season is clearly distinct, she has a very big change in her attitude towards her own!

What can be changed again?

There will be no result between the anti-ink depth and the warm season!

One day, Mo Jingshen must be hers!

(End of this chapter)