The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 197: bar

Chapter 197 Bar

The bundled palms were always cold and sweaty, and the sound outside was determined to be far away. The season warmer carefully turned the folding knife in the palm of his hand for a long time.

It turned out that her signing the five million check was not completely useless. The skill of the person who tied her hand did indeed bind the rope on her hand, and it was indeed a moral one.

She turned her wrists hard, and gradually broke a little space between the two hands. She slowly opened the folding knife again. Remember the one that had been said before, and put the sharp blade on the rope between the index finger and the middle finger. Forced back and forth.

The hands are tied, the action is really inconvenient. She has spent a lot of time and great strength in these actions. At this time, there is a layer of sweat on the body, and the strength of cutting the rope can not be made. Use the blade to grind.

After about two minutes of grinding, the rope was broken, she still couldn’t relax. Carefully, by the very clever rope knot on the rope, the rope was completely untied, and both hands were free. Quickly tear the strip off the mouth.

It is estimated that the mouth has been torn red. She endured the pain, held her breath, bent down and used a knife to cut the rope on her foot.

The whole body finally got back to freedom. She just stood up a little, and her legs and feet were already numb. She walked to the door with a light foot and walked slowly, listening to the outside movement.

It seems that these people have decided that she can't escape at all, and there is no manpower to be guarded outside.

When she was brought in, she knew that there was a narrow, dark and dark corridor. There was a staircase at the end of the corridor. The stairs were a hidden dark door in the corner of the bar.

The warmth of the season tried to push the door and found that the door was locked. No wonder nobody was outside.

She was busy raising her hand and took a thin black hair clip on the top of the hair. Before and after, maybe she could only thank her for the embarrassing escape experience of the past life. Everything in her previous life made her learn a lot. At least, this simple door is not a door lock like a security door. She can take a moment to play.

During the warm season, I put the hairpin on the door handle and turned it into the keyhole inside. I poked the side of the thin metal needle under the hairpin. Because I didn’t dare to make too much noise, I could only be careful. I tried it back and forth in the keyhole.

This basement is simply a wooden door and the lock is a very simple single lock.

Time is passing by little by little, and the anxiety of the warmth of the season is getting heavier and heavier. Even when she hears the footsteps coming from outside, she will hold the hairpin and turn to hide behind the door to prepare. Gesture, so I don’t know how many times I went back and forth. Finally, the hairpin found the position in the keyhole. The sound of the door lock was very low. She spit out a sigh of relief, turned the hairpin back and opened the doorknob.

As soon as the door opened, the kind of roaring roar of the bar was a screaming moment.

The warm season will head out, observe the surroundings, then quietly close the door, stick to the wall root, lower his head, try not to be photographed by the surveillance in the corner, finally walked to the stairs, suddenly saw the figure of someone there. Approaching, she was shocked, and suddenly turned back to see the door next to another room did not seem to lock, busy directly into the door, back against the door, heartbeat and a little more heavy, side ears listening to the movement outside the door.

The room in front of me didn't turn on the light, but she just saw it in a hurry when she opened the door. This room is almost the same as the one she just had. It seems that every room in this underground corridor is This is the case.

She is thinking about how to escape. There are people around the bar. I don't know which ones are guests and which ones are in the bar. How can she avoid it?

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the door, getting closer and closer, listening to the sounds, and the warmth of the season was straight.

The footsteps seemed to go to the room where she was in the room. There was a sudden silence in the room. This silence made her feel a little panic.

Sure enough, with the strange silence coming over, then came a voice with anger and depression: "People should have not escaped too far, and immediately went looking for it. She actually took something that could cut the rope. Which grandson was tied in? Mom! Go find it!"

Then, the footsteps of the outside gradually increased, and some of them were in a hurry, and the surrounding room doors were opened one by one.

The season warmed and frowned, carefully hiding under a black display rack next to it, kneeling down, holding your breath.

"Every room is a look!" The footsteps approached, and suddenly someone knocked the door open. The lights in the room were turned on. If the same road came to check other rooms, they sneaked through the room. Turn off the lights, close the door, and check other rooms.

They may not have thought that the warm season will hide in such a close place. Several five big three men checked in a hurry and did not pay attention to the season warmth under the table.

The season warmed a light breath, drilled out from under the table, listening to the outside movement, and then ran to the door, and put the ear on the door.

Now I don’t know what time it was. She heard those people’s footsteps go far, as if they were already looking for it. They didn’t stay in the underground corridor. She waited in the door for a while before carefully opening the door. Then slowly walk to the stairs.

Most of the people in this bar are their people. How can she escape?

Going up the stairs, I saw the neon lights in the bar, the quarters warmed and bent, carefully pushed the door behind the bar sound, and looked out, the outside is a crowd of people.

She lowered her head, covered her loose hair, and walked along the corner to the side of the door. When the waiter with the bar approached, he hurried down and hid behind a sofa with a card holder.

Then I looked at the waiter over there, holding a tray and wine in my hand, and talking to the waiter next to it. Obviously, the lights flashed and the people couldn’t see what was really around. The waiter did not notice the warm season. Here.

The season warmed and turned, keeping a squatting posture, running behind the other sofa on the front side, the lights in the bar were constantly flashing and intertwined. When the lights on this side were dark, she smoothly smashed past, no Causes the attention of anyone.

Until she walked behind these sofas and walked a little to the place where there were fewer people, she looked out and planned to run out like this.

But here is the underground bar. There are no serious people here, and no one will help her. The season is warm and stunned. I still have some painful and hemp feet. When the lights are dark again, the pace is quicker and the eyes are seeing. Close to the door, she rushed out directly.

(End of this chapter)