The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 266: This man, Mo Jingshen, is really a good

Chapter 266, Mo Jingshen, this man, is really a lot of money!

After half an hour, the season warmed down the stairs.

Feng Ling is already waiting for her.

"Mrs. Me." Feng Ling stood before her: "Mr. Mo is going back today?"


"Okay, then I will continue to accompany you to T today."

"Is the injury on your arm all right?"

"It’s good soon, it’s okay, if I have any questions, I’m not sure that I will continue to follow you.”

After the two returned to T on the way, the warm season seemed to inadvertently said: "I found out that you have cut your hair again. Some time ago it was a little longer and it looked pretty good. Suddenly it was cut so short, I don't know. The person thought that I was not with a female bodyguard, but a small, handsome boy."

"This is not the meaning of the total ink? Let others think that there is a small handsome guy around you, no one dares to provoke you easily." Feng Ling chuckled.

" don't say it, okay, you said this, I realized that he arranged you to be with me, maybe it was this idea." The quarter's mouth was pumping.

"Otherwise, do you think that Mr. Mo may let me go to T city with you all the time?" Feng Ling raised his eyebrow slightly.


This man, Mo Jingshen, is really a good idea!


In the night, the warmth from T to the apartment, this is the first night of Mo Jing deep back to Haicheng, experienced this half a month of companionship, she suddenly did not adapt.

The kitchen was empty, and there was no such thing as the ink BOSS who came home on time to help her make dinner on time. The sofa was not used to holding her figure sitting there, and there was no figure in the bed.

Only the razors left by the men in the bathroom, the cabinets on the top of the pendulum, are waiting for their owners to return at any time.

I began to miss the ink on the first night, which is how it got.

However, in less than two days, the warm season was blocked by the car of Shengyihan to the gate of T.

When Feng Ling appeared in the car of Sheng Yi Han, he directly pulled the warmth of the season back a bit, and his eyes looked cold and looked at the man's face in the window.

"So seeing outside?" Sheng Yi Han was in the car, his eyes passed over the two of them, and finally fell on the plain face of the warmth of the season: "The bodyguard arranged by you is very loyal."

The warmth of the season looked at him with no expression: "You are so busy now? If you have nothing to do, you will come to the eyes of T City. Are you taking the dream away from you some time ago? Now she is missing, you even have this Compassion and care can't pretend, what are you doing here?"

I heard her obvious degeneration, Sheng Han directly direct and cold and light opening: "season warm."

The season warmed his voice and he raised his eyebrows: "Trouble me as Miss Ji or Mrs. Me, I am not familiar with you."

The man is cold and ice-cold: "If you can't let go of things many years ago, I won't force you to let go. I just ask you, the Shengshi Group's Hong Kong stocks are suddenly suppressed by Moh's, is your request, or Mo Jingshen's unilateral Check and balance?"

Listening to the season, watching her, the tone is normal and natural: "Do you still need me to tell you this answer? Do you see that Mo Jingjing has the time to deliberately focus on the company of this grade? Of course I see You are not happy."

Sheng Yi’s cold laughter: “Mo Jing’s suppression of Sheng’s is no longer a day or two. Do you think that he will wait for your inspiration to shoot me? It’s nothing more than a recent stock market. I think too, without you in the middle, he really does not bother to step by step to grasp the lifeblood of my Sheng."

The warmth of the season will gently push the figure in front of him, and quietly said: "Since you know, what else to ask? What he does is not indistinguishable from my will."

"The season is warm." These two words were read by him again. They are already with the edge: "Are you going to talk to me with such an attitude forever?"

"Otherwise, Mr. Sheng thought that he was a green onion, I need to be polite to you? A person who once played that role in my life, I also expect me to say a forgiveness like a Madonna? I should be from I have expressed my attitude at the beginning, and my position has always been clear."

Sheng Yi Han suddenly smiled in the car, smiled lightly, hidden in the cold and hidden in the corner of his mouth, and finally he was hidden.

The warmth of the season is also floating, although there is no smile at the bottom of the eye: "Make sure I understand the words more clearly? I was not very old at the time, but I know that you are not drunk so thoroughly."

Ignore the sight of the man suddenly seeing her in the car, the season warms and turns away.

Sheng Yi Han did not drive again, the silver-gray smooth body stopped outside the T University, and did not move for a long time.


The entire three-month learning process at T is nearing completion.

Three days before the T-year-old school celebration, the school network in the school suddenly had a problem. The entire school could not be used for almost all day, whether it was the communication company's network or the school's wired and wireless networks.

It was only after the warm season that the night was known. Someone anonymously sent out the photo of the season warm and the ink depth of the day that was stolen. Although it was only blocked in less than five minutes, it was blocked by the title, but in order not to promote the spread of these gossip messages, it was far away in the sea. The city's Mo Jingshen actually directly ordered the entire communication network of T to be sealed for one day.

Those photos are nothing, just some photos of the seasons in the car of Mo Jingshen, and two photos of the two people in the downstairs restaurant of the Mo's subsidiary, there is no invisible person.

However, the content written by the publisher under the photo is very unsightly. It is completely based on the speculation of the wind and the blackness of the intentional use of the scorpion, the seduce, the seduce, the shameless, the third party, the wind. See the words such as money and so on to describe the warm season.

After sealing the source of the photo, Feng Ling rushed into the bedroom with a photo. Ling Feifei just entered the door. If it was not hiding fast, he would almost be smashed by Feng Ling.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Seeing Ling Ling, who was directly on his own feet, Ling Feifei frightened and avoided.

"What? You will know soon!"

Feng Ling sneered a sneak peek at Ling Feifei's hair. When Ling Feifei screamed, she screamed hard, and then extended another hand to pull Ling Feifei's sheets down. Everything on the bed was smashed together. All fell to the ground.


The warm season just pushed the door open and walked in, and I heard the screams screaming, and I saw this scene.

Feng Ling’s cold face on the ground is something that belongs to Ling Feifei, and it’s big until the phone is small, until the memory card of a camera is found under the pillow of Ling Feifei, and the memory card is taken up, and then Ling Feifei, who called the lost voice, pushed to the corner.

(End of this chapter)