The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 653: In my lifetime, I saw that Mo Jingshen c

Chapter 653, I actually saw that Mo Jingshen came to their company.

After the season warmed back to the company, the phone rang a few times, but she was too busy to go to the meeting and did not answer.

Until dark, after work, after returning to the office, I have been discussing with the secretary and other staff members what I had not finished at the meeting. I have been busy until 6 or 7 o'clock in the evening. The mobile phone that I forgot to charge has no electricity. So I didn't notice who was calling in the afternoon.

Finally, I was busy, and the assistant office went to work overtime. The warm season stayed in the president's office to approve several pages of documents that were left behind yesterday.

After reading it, I sat alone in the quiet office, remembering the scene that happened during the family home this morning.

She never thought deeply about her own life, especially when she learned that she might have something to do with Xiao, if it wasn’t for Ji Hongwen, she specifically asked her to return to Kyrgyzstan and revealed that she would show her I mean, she really would rather not know anything, just a good daughter of the season.

But today, Mr. Xiao Lao suddenly killed her by surprise. Maybe if it wasn’t for the recent dreams, Xiao Zhenjun couldn’t stand it anymore. Maybe it’s still not moving, so I’m not so anxious to come and recognize it, but today’s Under the scene, I suddenly learned that my mother had entangled with the two men before, and the warmth was really unexpected.

On the other hand, what Xiao Bian didn’t expect was that in his lifetime, he saw Mo Jingshen coming to their company...

In the evening of the eighth night, I worked overtime in the assistant's office. I went out and wanted to pour water into the water. I suddenly saw that ink came.

When Haicheng was still only a studio, some of their colleagues had been discussing it in private. I don’t know if Mr. Mo will personally visit it once, which will definitely cause quite a big sensation, but this idea has not yet been realized. The season is warm and I am going to the UK.

After that, until now, the MN Group is a place that is warm in the season, and Mo Jingshen seems to have never really stepped in.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a day, the ink really came. The company recognized him at the front desk on duty at night. He also knew that he and the warm season were husband and wife in the news of the previous few days. Of course, he did not dare to stop, so when the ink came There is no need for notification at all, and when Xiao Ba sees the person coming, the person is already walking to the front of the president's office.

"Ink total?" Xiao Ba Duan holding a water glass, can not tell whether it is a face of excitement or a look of pressure: "You are this..."

“She is in the office?” Mo Jing asked.

Xiao Ba busy nodded: "Yes, the boss is in the office, but now she should have been busy at this time, but she has not returned home, it is estimated that it is too late, I want to rest in the office for one night."

Mo Jingshen did not speak any more and went directly to the office.

Xiao Ba did not dare to go to knock on the door or inform the season warm, anyway, ink will not eat her, even if it is really eaten, people are also reasonable and legal, she did not dare to marry, so she took the cup I went back to my assistant office quietly.


The season is not in the office, indeed, as Xiao Ba said, she is in the rest room.

She didn't come to the company on Monday's meeting, so the parliament moved to tomorrow morning, because it was too early, and I just planned to stay in the company.

There is a balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling window of the rest room. The warmth is standing in the window, the window is not closed, and the door connected to the office is not closed.

Ink into the office, she just saw her back in front of the rest room. The little woman's arms were wrapped around her chest, and her long hair floated because of the wind outside the window.

A wrapped shawl worn in the office was also blown by the wind.

Mo Jingshen stood for a while, didn't walk in, turned and went to her desk to pick up the phone, only to see that her mobile phone was out of power.

After about ten minutes, the man walked to the restroom, and the warmth of the season seemed to have not been heard. She still stood there, the lights of Haicheng outside the window were brilliant, and the world was full of countless prosperity.

But she stood there, like standing on such an endless bustling, but full of coldness.

Until the ink was deep, the season warmed and he turned around, and then he looked at him with a sigh of relief. He blurted out and said: "In the afternoon, my phone rang a few times. Is it your call?"

Said, she closed the window, after all, standing here blowing for a while, it is indeed cold.

Turning away, she did not intend to stay in the rest room, but at the moment she passed by the man, the man reached out and clasped her wrist.

Touching the coldness in her hand, the brows of the ink-stained face frowned. "The weather in Haicheng is getting colder. After work, it is not good to rest. What kind of cold wind is blowing in front of the window?"

The warm hands of the season are really cool, but after all, I just wore autumn clothes and shawls, not to catch cold, but the hands were held in his hands, and it was really warm.

She didn't look back at him and said only: "It's not cold, and the wind is at least very awake for a while."

The man did not let her go back to the office, pulled her directly back to the front, the other hand touched her face, it was also a cold, but fortunately this coolness is only on the surface of the skin, no big problem.

There is a wall clock on the wall in the rest room, and the season warms up the time: "So late, what are you doing to my company?"

He didn't look at the time, just looked down at her: "Back in the morning?"


“Zhou Mengran was taken away by the police? Mr. Xiao Lao also went to Jijia?”

Sure enough, nothing can be overwhelmed by him, whether he guessed it or everything was in his expectation, but it seems that there is nothing to hide.

The season warmed down: "I don't want to say anything about Xiao's family. Ji Mengran's things are now broken. After working for a day, I am very tired. If you are fine, then..."

"I will go back to Los Angeles tomorrow, and have a good meal with me tonight, huh?"

Suddenly, the man gave the warmth of the season a meal, and for a moment he forgot to be pulled out by the warm hand he was in his palm.

Seeing the warmth of the season, this did not come from a look of stunned. Mo Jingshen looked down and looked at the hands that the two men held together. It was still not loosened. Instead, she held her tighter: "Go to your company downstairs, just find a Restaurant, you should have no food at night, go eat together?"

The warm season has only come back, and I am about to pull my hand out of his hand, but I can't twitch for a long time: "Oh, then go eat, but can you let go?"

Mo Jingshen did not let go, just looked at her, chuckled: "It is rare to have the opportunity to pick up Mrs. Moto to go to work together, how can I let you go?"


The season warmed him and turned his eyes: "Is not going to eat? I am going to take the bag."

"I will help you."


The season warmed and looked at the hand that he was holding, and licked his lips.

Los Angeles said that it is not far away, saying that it is not close. In fact, it will take a long time to fly past it. It’s just that once the scene is gone, it will be riddled with many things in the United States and it will not be able to return to Haicheng for a while. Far away.

(End of this chapter)