The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 756: You are my little love song (Qin Ge 31)

Chapter 756 You are my little love song (Qin Ge 31)

When I saw my mother, I wanted to know, and I said, "I like it very much, but he shouldn’t have to pay a girlfriend, and his personality is not so particularly approachable. I just think Sitting next to him and having a class is very motivating."

Ms. Yang Zhenzhen raised her eyebrows directly: "Oh, secret love, you have to experience all of this experience in adolescence, and one does not fall."

When I read the corner of my mouth, I can’t say that it’s love...

Ms. Yang Zhenqi smiled at her: "Oh, I am still saying that, whether it is feelings or interpersonal relationships, you have a sense of concentration in your own heart. Mom and Dad will not interfere with your freedom, protect yourself, and should not be more Don't be, the other things we won't intervene."

When I read the new notebook, I put it in my bag and then squinted at her. "That is about whether I want to apply for the finance department or the medical department. Don't interfere, can you?"

Her mother looked at her for a while and sighed: "I have discussed this matter with your dad before coming back. You have never been with us since childhood, we can give you too little, and your children are healthy. We have grown up, and we really shouldn’t force you to decide what you want.”

When I read the song, I nodded. When I heard this, the only big stone in my heart would have fallen.

On the last day of the holiday, it was really a long time than the previous 20 days.

She was bored to go to the company of the time group with her parents. The top floor of Shida Group is basically not free to enter. She can enter. There are office areas on the top, but there are some on the rooftop. Recreational places, bowling and swimming.

She stayed inside for a whole day, looking at the time bored, and I can't wait for the time to jump to tomorrow morning.

I will start school tomorrow.



You can see Qin Siting!


The beginning of the school season, I finally found the day of school, when I read the song one hour earlier than usual, although I still have to wear a school uniform, but I went to find the cigarette to get the ironing machine out. A person in the room puts the clean school uniform on the ironing and then put it on.

It’s hard to get out of time. She went downstairs and took two pieces of bread and left. My parents saw her irritable look, but she didn’t ask anything, and went directly with her.

After sitting in the uncle's car, she also deliberately looked at the time. Uncle Tai looked at her like this and smiled directly. When she started the engine, she said, "Now the little girl, when I am in love, my eyes are like stars. Like."

Where is she in love?

Is she just a single arrow of love and inexplicable worship? Probably the kind of worship of Xuexue on Xueba.

Is this all obvious?

No matter, it is obviously not obvious and it is not important. What is important is that Qin Shiting can be seen today.

Probably because of the reason that I was looking forward to it, she was worried that Qin Situ would go to school on time today. Will he have something to do or how to do it, although there is no important thing, basically no leave. Even many competitions are now basically delayed. After all, the college entrance examination is more important.

I was worried about this all the way. When I got to the school gate, she looked left and right when she got off the bus. She also looked at the direction that had met Qin Shiting before, and did not see anyone.

She entered the school gate with all kinds of worried feelings and entered the class.

When she first entered the class, she was still looking down at her school uniform. Suddenly she saw a white figure on the face, almost slammed it up, and suddenly looked up. When I saw the person in front of me, the time seemed to return to the last semester. The scene on the playground at the beginning of school.

The clean and savvy teenager stood in front of her in a white shirt, because she walked down her head and almost slammed into him and looked at her with a brow.

At the moment of the sight of Shang Qin, the expression of the song was from the beginning to the joy, and then the heart that had been floating up seemed to fall to the ground in an instant.

He actually came earlier than her.

Seeing the clothes on his body again, she turned to look at the other people around her: "Why didn't you wear a school uniform?"

On the first day of school today, you should wear a school uniform.

Qin Siting still passed her face as calmly as before, and the sound of Qingyin seemed to have cold and cold springs sliding over her ear: "Catch the early flight and fly over from Japan. I went straight to the school half an hour ago and didn't go back and take it. Uniforms."


Did he go to Japan?

He is not in the country these days?

On the day of her birthday, is he information her back in Japan?

"What about your school uniform?" She slowed down and found a topic that was more normal to chat and calm her mind.

"Someone will send it, it's coming, I am going to get it." Qin Siting said after looking at her eyes, and then looked at her: "You came very early."

I have been worried about whether he will come today or not. The worried palms are sweating. On the surface, they are just a good-looking and calm expression: "Yes, the first day of school, even if it is a school scum, I have to take the attitude of a high school student and be more active. Besides, the early bird has meat."

Qin Siting's cold eyebrows micro-picking: "What meat?"

What meat? Of course it is your fat!

When I read the song and laughed without saying it, I smiled at him and went to my seat to sit down. I saw Qin Shiting’s bag next to it, and the big stone in my heart finally landed.

One thing she was worried about before is that the teacher may change the seats for the new semester. She is also worried that Qin Siting will take this opportunity to sit in other places, or apply for a seat change with her teacher.

But look at the attitude he just talked about and the backpack, he should have no plan.

When Zhao Xiaoqing also entered the class, it was almost seven o'clock. Everyone had not seen it for a long time. When they sat together, there was a topic that couldn't be finished. For which boy to change the hairstyle, which girl can cut the sea for a long time. .

When I read the song, I didn’t participate in any topic. I only sat in my own position. I put the books neatly on the table, and then I looked at Qin Siting’s bag and thought about it. I didn’t go too rashly. Turning his bag, he only sorted out a few books and scrolls that had been scattered on his desk. He looked at all the writings on his side, and only thought that the good-looking boys would definitely look good. This sentence is the truth.

When Qin Siting came back with his school uniform, he saw the neat books and papers on the table, and then glanced at the books on the table that were exactly the same.

"Qin Shen, happy to start school!" When he read the song, he turned his head and smiled at him.

(End of this chapter)