The Warm Breeze is not as Warm as You

Chapter 764: You are my little love song (Qin Ge 39)

Chapter 764 You are my little love song (Qin Song 39)

Not to mention the dumplings or quick-frozen dumplings, even if Qin Qin personally helped her to burn a glass of water, she could drink like a fairy water.

After seeing the ingredients in the refrigerator, Qin Siting said: "It is best to eat and digest during the fever, and the dumplings are not easy to digest."

"Oh, that's all right, porridge is OK, noodles are OK! Or else just face it! There may be some noodles in the cupboard!" The singer pointed to the direction of the cabinet.

In fact, she will also do some eating by herself. After all, she has been used to it since she was a child. She only used to do less, but she has all the ingredients at home. She usually noticed when she went into the kitchen to pour water.

In this case, although she should drink some nutritious things to replenish her body, it is estimated that some broth that is too greasy will also be spit out. The doctor has confessed that it is best not to eat eggs within a few hours after taking antipyretics. And beef and seafood, Qin Siting found the noodles and put them into the water to cook.

He didn't say, she didn't ask, she thought she could definitely eat whatever he did.

When I read the song, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had no fever after I had a fever. I still had no strength in my legs. She turned and walked back to the sofa and waited. She sat on the sofa for a while, and soon I heard it for a while. The scent, until Qin Siting took two bowls of noodles, she looked at the bowl and looked at the bowl, and saw two bowls of golden color attractive sesame noodles.

"Come and eat." Qin Siting put the noodles on the dining table next to the kitchen.

"I am going to take chopsticks." When he was standing up, he had to take the initiative to prepare tableware.

"No, I saw the chopsticks on it, I took it, you sat down." Qin Siting did not look at her, and the man had entered the kitchen again.

When I was happy, I couldn’t hide my smile. I quickly went to the table and sat down. Qin Siting came over and saw her chopsticks.

She took it, and I was too embarrassed to keep staring at him. I directly focused on the scallions in front of myself. After taking a sip, the smile on my lips was even bigger.

"I still have to eat?" Qin Siting saw her look, and the tone was very calm.

"It's delicious, of course you can get used to it."

It’s so delicious that she is so moved.

Qin Siting’s bones are actually a gentle and careful warm man. I know that she can’t eat a lot of colds and fever, otherwise it will affect the medicinal properties of antipyretics, so she only made the simplest onions without any mess. Oil noodles, I know that she doesn't have any taste in her mouth now. I can't eat the soup soup water that is too light. It is easy to vomit. I just made this kind of appetizing scallion noodles, but he didn't put much oil. It looks like a faint golden color. It is also very fragrant at the entrance. It is not too oily or too salty at all. In short, it is delicious.

She will never vomit again on this bowl!

Seeing that she likes to eat, Qin Siting also picked up the chopsticks and guessed it without asking. It is estimated that he did not eat anything in the morning, so he just made two bowls.

When I ate half of it, I thought that I was the master of this family after all. Qin Siting was a guest, but he still had to help him to eat. She was a little cramped and put down the chopsticks and said, "I knew that this morning would be so serious. I will rest directly at home. If I don't go to school, I don't think you will see it. I won't delay the time for class to send me to the hospital. There are more than three months to go to the college entrance exam. Very... very sorry."

"Well, it's okay."

When I read the song, my heart is full and I really don’t know what to say. I hope that the main course in the school today can be less. Don’t delay him, but he seems to occasionally read the book in advance, maybe today. What he has to learn, he has already seen it already and has already met. The few days he went out of the competition, the courses of a few days add up a lot, but later he will do the same questions in the exam, so Just one day, there should be no problem.

In this way, she felt a little more in her heart.

She looked at the opposite person again.

Qin Siting not only sent her to the hospital, accompanied her in the hospital, not only came to her house, but now she is still sitting here with her at her house, and this scallions are still made by him.

It’s hard to imagine what kind of life is like Qin Shiting’s usual life. If he is in the Qin family, he will still be so delicious. Is he usually used to take care of himself? He rarely helps the servants and aunts. What?

It’s really too much.

What to do, I really like it.

I like it, she feels that she wants to make a mark on the bowl he is using now. She will definitely use the bowl when she eats later.

No matter how many times it was washed in the dishwasher, it was the bowl that Qin Siting touched, and she felt that she could stare at the bed and stare at it every day.

Looking at Qin Siting's quiet meal, the heartbeat of the song is still accelerating little by little.

The way he eats... It’s really beautiful.

After dinner, when I still remembered the song, I couldn’t hold back. I asked Qin Siting: "When I was in the car in the morning, I saw you under the tree. You just passed by at that time, or... Waiting for me?"

Qin Siting looked at her and slowly began to speak when he thought that he would not answer his own question: "Wait for you."

When I read the song, I opened my mouth in an instant, and looked at Qin Siting. I felt that my breathing was a little bit uncomfortable. The brain seemed to be stuffed with something at this moment, blocked, and it was a little bit fascinating.

He is waiting for her?

He waited for her under the tree where she used to wait for him recently?

When I read the song, the whole heart turned up: "Why, why wait for me..."

This question, Qin Siting did not answer her, because this time the two aunts of the family arrived, and directly pressed the doorbell outside.

When I started to read the song, I went to open the door, but I looked back to Qin Siting. I wanted to hear what he would say, but he seemed to have said nothing before, looking down at the time on the phone.

When the door opened, Liu Wei and Xu Wei walked in with all kinds of bottles and cans in their hands. At the same time, they looked at her nervously and nervously: "Missing, swearing little ancestors, how can I not tell my family earlier?" Ah, we can come over earlier. When I was in a hurry, I didn’t have time to do anything to eat. Now come over and get some food for you. Wait a minute!"

"Don't use Liu Wei, I have eaten it." When I read the song, I laughed.

"Eat after? Do you do it yourself?"

"No, it's me... my classmate, I went to the hospital with me at school today, and then came back with me to take care of me for a while. He simply got some food, I have already eaten very much." When the song was mentioned, Qin Siting felt that his ears were hot. When he spoke, he also looked at the direction of the clean teenager standing behind him.

(End of this chapter)